Evilbay ruined everything

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Super Freak
Apr 18, 2013
Reaction score
Last time when ebay was just an online marketplace offering small time sellers with affordable fees & commissions, things were pretty great.

You can find people willing to let go of stuffs at below market or retail price.

But every year passby, ebay grows bigger & bigger, now the cost of listing an item up to the point you finally sold the item could sometimes cost more than the items themselves, and 10-20% of the price you sold goes to ebay.

This makes things difficult for part time sellers & people who just want to get rid of their stuffs. As result less seller sell stuff online and those that do will raise the price just to cover the high cost of selling on ebay. This encourage scalpers to list their scalped stuffs even at higher price and they don't care if the item can't sell for 2 years because they are expecting like 500% profit.

This is a really unhealthy situation and things will just get even worse as companies start to realize the popularity of selling limited items to boost profit & publicity.

Even though ebay was one of the first to introduce mass people to online market, it's pretty much sucking both the sellers & buyers now. If only other online marketplace is more international friendly.
so do you find yourself paying more and more for your purchase?

nowadays i only buy stuffs that's not so popular, even then the price are similar to the retail back when it was released.

nowadays sellers are less likely to list low price auctions due to the high cost ebay charging.

i don't understand how some sellers can list their stuffs for years and not think about giving it discount so they can actually make more money instead of paying monthly insertion fees.

Little competition = monopoly = more profit.

I haven't sold on eBay in over 3-4 years but I buy a lot.
I only buy hockey cards on eBay. I always buy my figures when they first come out so I (for the most part) avoid aftermarket prices.

As for prices, they're fine. In fact only some of the items I buy are pricey but it's primarily from other buyers bidding up the price. Imo the buyer hasn't been too affected by ebays price hikes.

You're always gonna have high prices on eBay but most of them are buy it now auctions.
One of the down sides for me - as someone who likes to fossick around in old opportunity shops and antique stores - is that now every man and his dog knows the top dollar value of every single piece of their stock. Very few cool scores to be had nowadays, even in the smaller country towns.
Agreed eBay used to be great as it was a garage sale like site, now its a big corporate pretending to be a discount store, though occasionally you can find some new old stock at good prices...but it is still good for finding things that aren't available locally
I basically just buy stuff there now. I've used it a lot lately to get some Sideshow/Weta items that sold or never had. Outside of 1-2 items I've gotten pretty fair deals and dealt with a couple really good sellers.
I say patato you say potato........patato, potato , patato, potato..........lets call the whole thing off...........:)
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They ruined my life, that's for sure. They suck all joy out of existence. And for what? Just for the hell of it, that's what for. Thanks for nothing, E"vil"Bay (get it?).
Well when some guy decide to put up his figure for sales for $500, the rest of the guys just follow suit and at the end of the day you see 10 items listed at $490-500 and nobody buys them for whole year.

I guess most of these sellers have sufficient money and just fishing.

I remember i used to wake up wee hours just to bid.

I don't see how it's not affecting buyers since ebay fee is so high most part time sellers couldn't bother listing and rather sell them on public forums which is much harder to search. Also the ebay price usually 2 times or more than retail.
Yup, the fees are getting out of hand, plus they are starting to get a cut from the shipping as well. :duh

At least is not as bad as AMAZON,

Amazon feeds are higher,
and the worst thing about Amazon (that I didn't know about) is that if a buyer requests a refund for a purchase, Amazon doesn't require the buyer to even return the item if it is under 300 bucks.

So a person could ask for a refund and pretty much keep the item you sold them according to Amazon.
Isn't their revenue down? Probably why they raised the fees, to cut down on the losses?