Indiana Jones The Complete Collection Blu Ray review.

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Super Freak
Jul 16, 2010
Reaction score
Hey all.

I picked up the blu rays yesterday and finally had a chance to look over them today.

I consider Raiders to be a "perfect" movie, so as you can imagine I was pretty excited about the blu ray release and especially the extensive remastering that has been done on Raiders.

I put Raiders into my high-end THX Integra player, switched on the calibrated Pioneer plasma, and within 10 seconds of it starting, thought I had a problem with my system; the color was washed out with an ugly yellow/orange wash through the whole thing and the contrast level was pumped so high I had extensively blown-out whites.

Quickly, and before my head exploded, I placed the Avatar blu ray into the player and low and behold, it was perfect...

Back in went Raiders, followed by the other three, in sheer hope and desperation that it may have only been Raiders that had this problem. Unfortunately, it's on all four films.

My first thought was that it must be a faulty disc, but before charging off to my retailer, I decided to do some investigation on the net. To my surprise, that is how all the currently available (Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand) versions look - and man is it bad.

So in conclusion, I would warn anyone living in those areas to run a mile and hold hope that the US mastering has nailed it. My copy is the Australian version and, further to my previous comments, the skin tones are so repugnantly orange I had to flick my calibrated plasma over to the crappy "Cinema" preset so that it was watchable.

Now the wait begins to see if the reviews of the US version sing a similar tune; God, I hope not, for it will be a grim day for any Indy fan if this has been a conscious decision by Spielberg.

Fingers crossed people.
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Ah no that sucks :(

Hopefully the US version isn't bad but I'm not being too hopeful.
I was in my local Costco store today in Atlanta and lo and behold there was the Indiana Jones Blu-ray collection. I immediately snatched it up and went to the checkout. When I tried to purchase it at the self checkout the machine said "It cannot be purchased at this time". I located an associate to assist me. After a few minutes are a couple other associates later I was informed they could not sell me the item and it should not have been put on the sales floor. I had to reluctantly leave without my Indy blu-ray collection. However I will be back next Tuesday for it. FYI the price at Costco is $61.99.
This isn't even out in the UK till early october. Despite the poor review above why does the UK always get shafted on release dates & bonus features?
This isn't even out in the UK till early october. Despite the poor review above why does the UK always get shafted on release dates & bonus features?

This time it looks like we're getting something extra with the [ame=]Collector's Set[/ame].

Hey all.

I picked up the blu rays yesterday and finally had a chance to look over them today.

I consider Raiders to be a "perfect" movie, so as you can imagine I was pretty excited about the blu ray release and especially the extensive remastering that has been done on Raiders.

I put Raiders into my high-end THX Integra player, switched on the calibrated Pioneer plasma, and within 10 seconds of it starting, thought I had a problem with my system; the color was washed out with an ugly yellow/orange wash through the whole thing and the contrast level was pumped so high I had extensively blown-out whites.

Quickly, and before my head exploded, I placed the Avatar blu ray into the player and low and behold, it was perfect...

Back in went Raiders, followed by the other three, in sheer hope and desperation that it may have only been Raiders that had this problem. Unfortunately, it's on all four films.

My first thought was that it must be a faulty disc, but before charging off to my retailer, I decided to do some investigation on the net. To my surprise, that is how all the currently available (Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand) versions look - and man is it bad.

So in conclusion, I would warn anyone living in those areas to run a mile and hold hope that the US mastering has nailed it. My copy is the Australian version and, further to my previous comments, the skin tones are so repugnantly orange I had to flick my calibrated plasma over to the crappy "Cinema" preset so that it was watchable.

Now the wait begins to see if the reviews of the US version sing a similar tune; God, I hope not, for it will be a grim day for any Indy fan if this has been a conscious decision by Spielberg.

Fingers crossed people.

I saw that people mentioned grain in the darker scenes, but how is the detail level in the brighter scenes? This is a little shocking to say the least. Nobody at Paramount or Lucasfilm popped it in to watch? I saw this on the shelf a few days ago and didn't grab it (got to buy a new BR player) - maybe hold off for while longer!

There aren't many reviews online yet - interested to read when they show up.
I saw that people mentioned grain in the darker scenes, but how is the detail level in the brighter scenes? This is a little shocking to say the least. Nobody at Paramount or Lucasfilm popped it in to watch? I saw this on the shelf a few days ago and didn't grab it (got to buy a new BR player) - maybe hold off for while longer!

There aren't many reviews online yet - interested to read when they show up.

Ditto. I'm so annoyed. The whole opening title sequence of Raiders is horrendously bad. I've never noticed the guy that gets scared away by the stone face (with the bats flying out) is wearing a hideous looking beanie cap, but the colors are so overt on this version it sticks out like a sore thumb.

As far as detail goes, it looks good in some spots and bad in others. They've cranked the contrast so much it looks like the film was over exposed in a lot of shots.

I am personally dumbfounded at this (color) grade.
I couldn't go through the whole movie, but I just popped mine in to check this issue, and . . . . .well

Top is BluRay, Bottom is existing HDTV capture


Sonofa*****. Considering the importance of the license, I wonder if the negative response will prompt them to revisit Gladiator.
Isn't this the same version of the movie I saw in the "Imax" theater last Sunday? It looked fine in the context of the theater.

I think the two shots above look horrible when compared -- meaning the blu ray fails. I'm really disappointed. JAWS is a dream apparently, so why the fail here?

Yet another reason to "revisit" later down the road for another $60+...