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Re: KOTCS Indy.... in hand !!!!!

He got a paycheck, I hardly think the action figure needs to stand as an homage to the actor. There is far too much importance put on an action figures looking like the actor that filled in for the character. Harrison Ford did not create Indiana Jones. He just wore the costume and took direction to flesh him out. He did a great job, but he is a long way from being a God for his part in the matter.

The only thing that demanding a likeness be perfect to the actor does is jack up the price of the figure.

Harrison (and Sean Connery for that matter) added to their characters (watch the "Last Crusade" bonus materials, it is in there). And remember, as we all know, all three parties (Ford, Spielberg & Lucas) had to agree on each script before they would proceed with any of the sequels, so I have to respectfully disagree, he did participate in the creation of that character.

But you are correct, Harrison is not a God. But, as a man who has actually rescued a lost kid in the wilderness, does nature conservation (with his own money), participates in various charities, and created wonderful characters and has brought joy to millions of people, I don't think that honoring/respecting him with items that actual look like him is not such a bad idea. Harrison has done many good things with his life, I think that respecting him is the right thing to do, even if that means taking the extra time to make sure that his likeness is accurate on these collectables.
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Me too. Had to switch my Indy EX to FLEX since I have the Count Dooku PF coming from an e-tailer in a few weeks and that's going to eat up nearly $300!

Can't wait to see everyone's fun pics with the fridge. SS and I will catch up with you all in May. :D

Yea Yea!

Congrats on the Dooku PF. I will have to get him later.
Got mine today. Got toosay that in hand it looks really good! Solid head sculpt and paint job and very nice acessories .
It's killing me to not be getting this figure right now, but at the same time I know I can have him at a better price down the line.... That's where SS really gets us... "get it first" is such a powerful lure. :rolleyes:
Got mine yesterday! Here is a quick picture that I snapped. This is straight out of the box with no alterations (other than the removal of the web belt).

It's killing me to not be getting this figure right now, but at the same time I know I can have him at a better price down the line.... That's where SS really gets us... "get it first" is such a powerful lure. :rolleyes:

It's killing you! Even if mine arrived on my doorstep tomorrow, I won't see him for another six months...that's six months for my wife to find a really good hiding place too :monkey2
It's killing you! Even if mine arrived on my doorstep tomorrow, I won't see him for another six months...that's six months for my wife to find a really good hiding place too :monkey2

?? What did I miss, Billy Ray? Are you away from home for 6 months?

My KOTCS Indy on a True Type.

Looks awesome, Dino! :rock How would you compare the jacket, shirt and pants to the ROTLA version? Better this time around?
I willing to bet that Sideshow displays the prototype figures, especially KOTCS Indy and German Disguse Indy, on different bodies. They looked perfectly fine on display at SDCC.