Black Widow (July 9, 2021)

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Yeah, that scene in Pulp Fiction is amazing. It's all on hand held camera, and no music. The way it's shot makes it feel more like documentary footage than a movie.

Of course, Tarantino can be cartoony as well, like in Django where a single bullet can blow someone across the room and entire water balloons of blood fly out. But the violence in that movie is supposed to be exagerrated and over the top, so we can feel the emotional catharsis Django feels when he finally gets revenge for the lifetime of horror he's been through. And I certainly hope kids as young as 8 never see that movie!

Anyone remember the movie "Grand Canyon," from like....1991? I thought that was another very well done shooting scene. Steve Martin's character gets shot in the leg or something and he immediately falls to the pavement and pisses himself. I thought that was incredibly realistic to show something like that; someone truly reacting to the intense terror you'd feel when you're actually shot.
Of course, Tarantino can be cartoony as well,

True, but as you point out, there's stylized and there's sanitized.

Anyone remember the movie "Grand Canyon," from like....1991? I thought that was another very well done shooting scene. Steve Martin's character gets shot in the leg or something and he immediately falls to the pavement and pisses himself. I thought that was incredibly realistic to show something like that; someone truly reacting to the intense terror you'd feel when you're actually shot.

Haven't seen it, but it makes sense. The body can do all kinds of weird things when traumatized.

I remember a hard sparring session years ago, I went down from something or other and must have hit a nerve in my arm. It was the strangest thing because not only did it incapacitate me for a few minutes but it actually made me nauseous, which was the last thing I expected. It went away but was a good lesson that nerves are funny things.
What was with ..the unrealistic special effects in the action sequences ..Tash took so many dives off the building and see hit every conceivable object before she hit the ground and no marks on her ..just her expression of Owww :rolleyes:
So what exactly happened in the ending?

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This movie really sounds more and more like a mess and a pointless train wreck.

That only the diehard can do no wrong MCU Fanboys will drool over... :drool And maybe the woke SJW/LGBTQ only fans will praise. Surprised we haven't seen articles that Widow and the other chick are actually in love. Like we had to deal with Cap Mavel and her friend, and Bucky & Sam. LGBTQ fans longing for something that isn't actually there.

The "twist" ending sounds so dumb. Not only does it ruin an established character, but it somewhat even takes away from the intended "girl power" message (girls strong and smart, boys weak willed and dumb). And worse of all, It's even not remotely new & cool anymore when it's already been done. Especially when used in a movie owned by the same studio that failed miserably.

The more I read the less I think I ever want to watch this. Even when free on D+. :dunno
Jack Sparrow let me embark on the journey to BW. Man, knew I would hate this movie. Nothing I want more in a Marvel movie than to hear about periods, fallopian tubes, etc. Little too on the nose for a Marvel movie? Action was good, but the freefall part lacked any logic. I just skipped the heavy exposition, but unfortunately ran into a ton of dumb, trying to hard comedy. All the characters were pretty forgettable to me. No lesbian action at all, the letter clan should be outright protesting this movie.
While I'll only give it a 6.5/10 or (B-), still glad it was made. ScarJo/Black Widow deserved her own movie, it's just too bad it wasn't better.

There were some good ideas that could have made for a much, much better international political thriller-style superhero movie, but the story lacked any real intrigue, a muddled scheme, and ended up being clunky and predictable. I do give them credit for giving Nat an interesting backstory (the opening sequence was quite strong) but it ended up looking more like a mid-budget action movie instead of a Marvel level Blockbuster. I'm so friggin' tired of echo chamber trolls whining about "SJW agendas" every second sentence. The problem with this movie was a half cooked script and a director that was clearly in over her head.

Other random musings (I'll just spoiler tag the lot)
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Scarjo is in such a hardcore mission to bring down the powerful old white male corporate executives that my jaw was on the ground when…

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It was shown up close with NO cut away!


It was more hardcore than most R rated movies!
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This movie really sounds more and more like a mess and a pointless train wreck.

That only the diehard can do no wrong MCU Fanboys will drool over... :drool And maybe the woke SJW/LGBTQ only fans will praise. Surprised we haven't seen articles that Widow and the other chick are actually in love. Like we had to deal with Cap Mavel and her friend, and Bucky & Sam. LGBTQ fans longing for something that isn't actually there.

The "twist" ending sounds so dumb. Not only does it ruin an established character, but it somewhat even takes away from the intended "girl power" message (girls strong and smart, boys weak willed and dumb). And worse of all, It's even not remotely new & cool anymore when it's already been done. Especially when used in a movie owned by the same studio that failed miserably.

The more I read the less I think I ever want to watch this. Even when free on D+. :dunno
The family dynamics was actually pretty well done as was the twist.


The absurd action with non enhanced rubber black widow was absolutely over the top ridiculous it killed any and all tension.
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Film's all over the place - fair to say it's not a classic (well, I guess it might be to some folks). Florence Pugh was the highlight for me - really looking forward to seeing more of her character in the MCU. Weisz & Harbour were also very engaging. But what were they thinking casting Ray Winstone? Awful, awful, awful.

And what they did with Taskmaster - absolute dog ****.
The last two flicks I watched were this and Tomorrow War. I don't know which one was the worst between the two, really. That was genuinely dumb. This was just embarassing. I liked the tone of the first scene and figured that I'd be in for a fun Spy-Fi flick. But nope. Plot holes, bad dialog, an agenda over logic, wasted actors and characters, all the while the entire thing felt like an extended TF&TWS episode. I generally like the Spy-Fi genre, but this was too boring to keep my attention. I played it at 2.5x and still felt drained. Harbour continues to bring charisma and get wasted. I won't even talk about Task"master".

You know what, I'm going back to my pretentious arthouse. At least those have moody aesthetics instead of dumb CGI. And to think people harped on Bayformers...
Even a generic "Premier".
They did use photos of recognizable political figures.
Yeah like Bill Clinton. Couldn't believe they used a real life Liberal politician meeting with a fictional villain. Guess Dirty Old Man Bill Clinton is off the no touch liberal list. If I was him I would sue just cause they took that liberty (although we all could see that in real life lol).
@darthkostis How do you watch a film at x2.5 speed and know there's plot holes and bad dialog?
...I keep up with it? Most movies have a very slow pace. I was shocked at how drawn out The Clone Wars episodes and dialogue felt at normal speed. Seriously, try it and you'll see that you can save time this way. I've fast-forwarded a lot of films like this that are good enough to kill time, but not really great. Besides, it doesn't take much attention to notice such glaring problems as a wreck of a helicopter entering Russian airspace, near a heavily guarded prison to boot, and nobody noticing it. What, they hacked it all? You can't have your prison both be nearing a collapse, and be super-techy and also heavily guarded. Did they seriously not have a single watchman there? Come on. Or how about the abhorent cut from Ross surrounding them to... Widow being free. Or the fact that she alludes that she's going to go break them out of prison/the Raft, when we literally saw Cap do it in CW. Sure, I probably missed Taskmistress great lines or more jokes about "superhero landing" (come on, you need at least 5, I noticed 3 but I'm sure there were more...) or Red Guardian being an oaf, but, well... It doesn't deserve more of my time.
I really liked the film, I liked all the links to other films, before and after when it's set. The humour generally landed and I'm looking forward to seeing statues from it. There was only so much peril you could put her in as well as we know it'll all be fine - until she dies of course lol

Some of the CGI could have been better and at the end of the day it was just another marvel film, but it fits in perfectly and was a fun watch. My personal fave was the opening credits, really set the scene with cool music