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I read that there's been a bit of fan uproar in that the series is going down the "Game of Thrones" route in regards to promoting a "sexualized version" of Middle Earth.

Personally, I don't think it should, as Tolkien's classic works never included this and I don't think it is required to bring in additional viewers.

Here is a good article about what is going on:

If this is indeed the path that they are traveling on then it smacks of desperation and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the source material on their part.
I was already concerned about the series now I am convinced that they should just forget the whole thing.
I love Game of Thrones...I love The Lord of the Rings...they do not need to be merged into the same thing. Yikes!
They better not put nudity in it. Doesn?t need it if the writing is good. Doesn?t fit Tolkien?s world, so best to leave it out.

Sadly I think it is too late. Amazon wants another Game if Thrones. When this series was announced I was really excited. My love for LOTR goes all the way back to when I was 5 years old and my wife and two oldest kids have read the books and seen the movies and love them as well. Heck my son is named after a Tolkien character. We thought this would be something we could all enjoy together like we have loved seeing the Mandalorian series but it looks like Amazon is going for something different. It’s really sad if they do because JRR would have never approved and neither would have Christopher. Also the movies were PG-13 and a huge success so why can’t a PG-13 Middle Earth series be a big success? Sorry, I am still very, very mad about this.
All depends on what your collecting priorities are. If you are a fan of groundbreaking and timeless cinematic works of art being represented in 1/6 scale by one of the best figure manufacturers working today...go with Gandalf.
If your priority is displaying cute novelty merchandise and social media meme worthiness is important in your collecting choices definitely skip the figure that looks like it will raise the overall bar in 1/6 scale figures and go with the Yoda.

I had a good laugh at this, and to you sir I say why not both? :rotfl:rotfl

It's true, I almost always lean towards the former. I don't have too many collectibles these days but the few I do have I try to keep as the best of the best. Most of the time I roll my eyes at the cute novelty stuff but Disney got me with BY haha. I ended up preordering Gandalf yesterday and might still try to pick up The Child further down the line!
They better not put nudity in it. Doesn?t need it if the writing is good. Doesn?t fit Tolkien?s world, so best to leave it out.

Sadly I think it is too late. Amazon wants another Game if Thrones. When this series was announced I was really excited. My love for LOTR goes all the way back to when I was 5 years old and my wife and two oldest kids have read the books and seen the movies and love them as well. Heck my son is named after a Tolkien character. We thought this would be something we could all enjoy together like we have loved seeing the Mandalorian series but it looks like Amazon is going for something different. It?s really sad if they do because JRR would have never approved and neither would have Christopher. Also the movies were PG-13 and a huge success so why can?t a PG-13 Middle Earth series be a big success? Sorry, I am still very, very mad about this.

:exactly: :goodpost: I completely agree, it's totally unnecessary and doesn't fit the source material at all. Was really looking forward to this series as well.
There’s absolutely no confirmation that the new Amazon series will be sexualising anything. It’s all a big overreaction to a casting call for actors who are comfortable being naked and most people who didn’t immediately leap of being outraged at the certainty that this means mass orgies have assumed it will be for a scene depicting the downfall of Numenor or something using nudity in a completely non-sexual context. It just makes no sense to go throwing in GoT style gratuitous sex in to Middle Earth when it’s never had any place in the stories.
I had a good laugh at this, and to you sir I say why not both? :rotfl:rotfl

It's true, I almost always lean towards the former. I don't have too many collectibles these days but the few I do have I try to keep as the best of the best. Most of the time I roll my eyes at the cute novelty stuff but Disney got me with BY haha. I ended up preordering Gandalf yesterday and might still try to pick up The Child further down the line!

Ha ha I was just trying to help you to choose :)
I'm 100% going into this new show with an open mind. Not making any assumptions, positive or negative. Gonna let the filmmakers do their thing and if I like it, I like it. And if I don't, so be it. Just don't have the energy to get pre-mad about rumors. (2020 has taken a lot of the starch out of me! :lol)

(Also, Tolkien may not have written any overt sex scenes, but that doesn't mean it never comes up. There's a whole incest storyline at the core of The Children of Hurin, after all.)
There’s absolutely no confirmation that the new Amazon series will be sexualising anything. It’s all a big overreaction to a casting call for actors who are comfortable being naked and most people who didn’t immediately leap of being outraged at the certainty that this means mass orgies have assumed it will be for a scene depicting the downfall of Numenor or something using nudity in a completely non-sexual context. It just makes no sense to go throwing in GoT style gratuitous sex in to Middle Earth when it’s never had any place in the stories.

Part of the leap is that Amazon had said they want their own Game of Thrones type show when they got the Lord of the Rings rights (so I had some concerns since day 1) and you have Game of Thrones people working on creating LOTR which pushes that concern further. It does not mean they go that route and I hope they don’t but it just seems like a lot of things are pointing in that direction. In the end we will know once the show airs. I am not pre-boycotting or anything like that. It would not be the first time people over reacted. I am just saying I don’t want LOTR sexualized like Game of Thrones. I also know I don’t represent everyone and there probably are plenty of people out there that won’t have a probably with it if it is.
If this is indeed the path that they are traveling on then it smacks of desperation and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the source material on their part.
I was already concerned about the series now I am convinced that they should just forget the whole thing.
I love Game of Thrones...I love The Lord of the Rings...they do not need to be merged into the same thing. Yikes!

Seems I unknowingly opened a can of worms there.

But I'm with you. I like both, but they don't need to be merged.

Also highlights that Amazon is no different to Hollywood and the studios. It's all about money and getting people to watch & subscribe to Pime, which is why they add in the sexualisation.
I'm 100% going into this new show with an open mind. Not making any assumptions, positive or negative. Gonna let the filmmakers do their thing and if I like it, I like it. And if I don't, so be it. Just don't have the energy to get pre-mad about rumors. (2020 has taken a lot of the starch out of me! :lol)

(Also, Tolkien may not have written any overt sex scenes, but that doesn't mean it never comes up. There's a whole incest storyline at the core of The Children of Hurin, after all.)

You've already lost, you think these people are filmmakers or creatives, they're neither. These people are repurposers. Bad reboot is heavily involved in this show, just like they've heavily involved in almost everything these days and it's all garbage. They destroyed star wars and star trek and a plethora of other projects along the way. Lotr has no chance, just accept it now or completely ignore this show and pretend it doesn't exist at all.
You've already lost, you think these people are filmmakers or creatives, they're neither. These people are repurposers. Bad reboot is heavily involved in this show, just like they've heavily involved in almost everything these days and it's all garbage. They destroyed star wars and star trek and a plethora of other projects along the way. Lotr has no chance, just accept it now or completely ignore this show and pretend it doesn't exist at all.

Wow that?s really recent that Bad Robot joined production. However they are merely producing in cooperation. They are not taking over or having JJ direct so your comparison between franchises is misleading:

“The series is set in the Second Age of Middle-earth, before the events of the Lord of the Rings novel and films. Amazon Studios is producing in cooperation with the Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins, and New Line Cinema. You can add Bad Robot to the list now, as I have learned that J.J. Abrams’ production company will now be working on the forthcoming show.”

LOTR has a chance because the Tolkien estate has veto power over decisions. Also regardless of JJ?s films neither SW nor ST are destroyed, they still are fully functioning and producing new material.

Nothing will stop me from enjoying seeing Eregion and Khazad-dum in their prime, the rule of Celebrimbor and the forging of the rings of power.
Wow that?s really recent that Bad Robot joined production. However they are merely producing in cooperation. They are not taking over or having JJ direct so your comparison between franchises is misleading:

?The series is set in the Second Age of Middle-earth, before the events of the Lord of the Rings novel and films. Amazon Studios is producing in cooperation with the Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins, and New Line Cinema. You can add Bad Robot to the list now, as I have learned that J.J. Abrams? production company will now be working on the forthcoming show.?

LOTR has a chance because the Tolkien estate has veto power over decisions. Also regardless of JJ?s films neither SW nor ST are destroyed, they still are fully functioning and producing new material.

Nothing will stop me from enjoying seeing Eregion and Khazad-dum in their prime, the rule of Celebrimbor and the forging of the rings of power.

And imo there's no way the writers can pass up an opportunity to invent the story of the Blue Wizards. I'm eager to see what the writers do with them: They just have to write a story that is consistent with Tolkien's later writings about them.
Do they have the rights for anything outside of LOTRs and the Hobbit? I know they have access to the appendices and I believe I saw somewhere that they could not do anything that would change what Tolkien had written but they had freedom within those limits to pretty much do whatever they want. My understanding could be wrong though.
Do they have the rights for anything outside of LOTRs and the Hobbit? I know they have access to the appendices and I believe I saw somewhere that they could not do anything that would change what Tolkien had written but they had freedom within those limits to pretty much do whatever they want. My understanding could be wrong though.

They do in fact! They have access to any mentions of the Second Age throughout the legendarium such as Unfinished Tales Of Galadriel and Celeborn and sections of the Silmarillion like the Akallabeth.
Wow that?s really recent that Bad Robot joined production. However they are merely producing in cooperation. They are not taking over or having JJ direct so your comparison between franchises is misleading:

?The series is set in the Second Age of Middle-earth, before the events of the Lord of the Rings novel and films. Amazon Studios is producing in cooperation with the Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins, and New Line Cinema. You can add Bad Robot to the list now, as I have learned that J.J. Abrams? production company will now be working on the forthcoming show.?

LOTR has a chance because the Tolkien estate has veto power over decisions. Also regardless of JJ?s films neither SW nor ST are destroyed, they still are fully functioning and producing new material.

Nothing will stop me from enjoying seeing Eregion and Khazad-dum in their prime, the rule of Celebrimbor and the forging of the rings of power.

I'm sorry but you are woefully ignorant to this situation and how many franchises are on life support due to woke politics and garbage repurposed writing from companies like bad reboot. I bet you didn't know that the entire premise for STD was ripped off from a guy who made a point and click adventure game on steam did you, no you didn't. The problem with people like you is you're uninformed, you do a whole lot of assuming but next to no research. Some of us have been fighting this battle since the farce engorges came out. Yeah I had to listen to years of uniformed normies try and convince themselves and others that the star wars sequels were good and didn't demolish the franchise. The fact that the biggest franchise in the world is holding on by a show that was a reporposed boba Fett movie that has zero plot and is a dad show, is embarrassing. I also had to stare at thousands of comments from people trying to convince themselves that season 8 of game of thrones was good until that entire community abandoned that dumpster fire of a franchise. Do yourself a favor and just do the slightest bit of research, it will go along way especially saving me from having to argue with someone whos not even on even footing. The chances of this show being any kind of decent are slim.

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