Wanted: Weapons of Fate

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The Mike

In the Pixels
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
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Looks awesome. Anyone know more? Its supposed to be released 12/31/2008 for PS3 and 360.
its up now in the UK store.
~~~played through it a few times. its gonna be a pretty fun game. not game of the year material, but awesome regardless. the "bullet" curving is pretty cool, but takes getting used to. can't wait for this one to arrive.
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This was a very fun game to play,i might pick it up as i have nothing else coming for a long time.
I might get this... saw one of the gameply videos from IGN. Looks like my kind of mine. Looking foward to playing the demo
Just played it and I thought I was in for some weak sauce. Had some hot damn hot sauce instead. I will be buying this fo sho!
They took a lot of the cool stuff in the book out of the movie, and turned Wesley into a chump...but I'm gonna try this out only because you get to use The Killer's outfit.
xbox360 achievements

I am in control (5 points)
Complete the 1st Tutorial

I have it in my blood (5 points)
Complete the 2nd Tutorial

No more anxiety attacks (5 points)
Complete the 3rd Tutorial

Completed Act 1 - Easy (10 points)
Complete Act 1 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 2 - Easy (10 points)
Complete Act 2 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 3 - Easy (10 points)
Complete Act 3 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 4 - Easy (10 points)
Complete Act 4 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 5 - Easy (10 points)
Complete Act 5 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 6 - Easy (10 points)
Complete Act 6 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 7 - Easy (10 points)
Complete Act 7 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 8 - Easy (10 points)
Complete Act 8 - Easiest Difficulty

Ready to play with the big boys (15 points)
Complete Act 9 - Easiest Difficulty

Completed Act 1 - Assassin (20 points)
Complete Act 1 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 2 - Assassin (20 points)
Complete Act 2 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 3 - Assassin (20 points)
Complete Act 3 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 4 - Assassin (20 points)
Complete Act 4 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 5 - Assassin (20 points)
Complete Act 5 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 6 - Assassin (20 points)
Complete Act 6 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 7 - Assassin (20 points)
Complete Act 7 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 8 - Assassin (20 points)
Complete Act 8 - Assassin Difficulty

Fully trained assassin (30 points)
Complete Act 9 - Assassin Difficulty

Completed Act 1 - The Killer (30 points)
Complete Act 1 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 2 - The Killer (30 points)
Complete Act 2 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 3 - The Killer (30 points)
Complete Act 3 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 4 - The Killer (30 points)
Complete Act 4 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 5 - The Killer (30 points)
Complete Act 5 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 6 - The Killer (30 points)
Complete Act 6 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 7 - The Killer (30 points)
Complete Act 7 - The Killer Difficulty

Completed Act 8 - The Killer (30 points)
Complete Act 8 - The Killer Difficulty

The Killer (50 points)
Complete Act 9 - The Killer Difficulty

Collector Nerd (10 points)
Find 10 reward items

Compulsive Hoarder (30 points)
Find all reward items

Half the man Barry is (5 points)
Kill Kathy, ex-girlfriend

Kill One, Save a Thousand Donuts (5 points)
Kill Janice, ex-boss

Boom! (5 points)
Kill one explosive rat

Pest Exterminator (20 points)
Kill all explosive rats

Bullet Curving Trainee (5 points)
Kill 10 enemies using Curved Bullets

Bullet Curving Expert (25 points)
Kill 100 enemies using Curved Bullets

Shrapnel Storm Trainee (5 points)
Kill 10 enemies using Bullet Explosions

Shrapnel Storm Expert (25 points)
Kill 80 enemies using Bullet Explosions

Two is always better than one (10 points)
Kill 2 enemies at once with a single Curved Bullet

Glad I wasn't there (10 points)
Kill 3 enemies at once with a single Explosive Bullet

All in the reflexes (10 points)
Kill 3 enemies at once in a single eQM

Up close and personal (20 points)
Kill 15 enemies in close combat

Heart Breaker (25 points)
Kill Araña with Wesley without mask on The Killer Difficulty

Between Old Friends (25 points)
Kill The Immortal with Cross on The Killer Difficulty

Punishing Subordinates (25 points)
Kill The Russian with The Immortal in close combat and The Killer Difficulty

Butcher would be proud (50 points)
Complete the game in "Close Combat Mode", any difficulty

Dr. Lobotomy (50 points)
Complete the game in "Headshot Mode", any difficulty

Catch me if you can (50 points)
1st position in "Time Attack" Ranking
I thought it was lame. It's put out by Wb so you know. The graphics weren't very good, and it was just kinda cheesy. Can you even run? Or do you hafta stay behind cover all the time.
alright soo... i bought today and already played through the medium difficulty in just under 5 hours. the gamepaly is really great, controls are good once you get used to them, and the graphics aren't that bad either. there's no MP so the replay isn't gonna make this game a keeper. overall this is a great weekend rental for you achievement/trophy whores. just playing through the one difficulty setting i've unlocked 43% of the trophies...all i need to do is play the "killer" setting and get some more of the special trophies for accruing specific killtypes.