Upcoming 1/4 Star Wars figures

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Re: Re

if they plan on making a qui gonn i hope they plan on making an episode I obi wan to go along with him and darth maul.
Re: Re

And where's Chewie on that planned list Sideshow?
It's been stated that they haven't figured a satisfactory way to do the hair on Chewie. I hope they do, as I agree that he's an important character. But I'd have to pass on a sculpted one.
Re: Re

Boba should be in the next release...has shown
he is very popular...then the droids
Re: Re

I'm with Cherno. The 4 most pieces I want are:

Darth Vader (on pre-order)
General Grievous (on pre-order)

Darth Maul
Boba Fett

A few other's I may consider:

Jedi Luke
Count Dookue
R2-D2 and C-3PO
Slave Leia
and maybe
Quigon Jinn and the Emperor

But as long as they do Darth Maul and Boba Fett I will have the 4 most pieces I want.

As a revision to my last post on this issue, I WOULD buy the following:

Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Battle droid
Clonetrooper (Ep2&3)
The droids
Royal Guard
ESB Vader
Jawa :D
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You people are nuts, you're gonna collect 25 figures at minimum $250 a piece :lol

I'm giving Luke and Han a try, but expect Vader will be the only one I'm keeping. Grievous deserves a fair chance as well oc. But I couldn't get dragged into really collecting pieces at these prices, alas...man I wish I had your kind of money... :help

Oh, I forgot to add that I would be taking out a loan to buy them. I don't have that kind of disposable income lying under my mattress. :lol Just kiddin'.
Yeah right now of those announced the only one I can see myself buying for sure is Han, because he's my fave character, and maybe Guiness era Obi Wan if they really nail him likeness wise, and of course Chewie if he ever gets done, and done well, same for Lando, but those, even if done, would be way down the line I'm guessing. Just too expensive for me, so I have to be pretty much completely blown away and really love the characters to boot to even consider getting any of these pieces.
