Underrated Horror Films?

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Just got The Intruder on Bluray. Never seen it before and was surprised at how well made it was for a low budget slasher flick.
I had to get a fix for my horror film addiction, and watched Hostel 3. What a let down. Nam, can you give me some more classics titles to check out please. I enjoyed your taste of films you recommended. Oldies but Goodies will work. Anyone else that could chime in would be greatly appreciated! I have watched all the films everyone recommended so far. Man I wish someone would make a original concept movie. I think I'm just getting old lol.. Is Horror really that limited? I think not.... come on Hollywood...
I had to get a fix for my horror film addiction, and watched Hostel 3. What a let down. Nam, can you give me some more classics titles to check out please. I enjoyed your taste of films you recommended. Oldies but Goodies will work. Anyone else that could chime in would be greatly appreciated! I have watched all the films everyone recommended so far. Man I wish someone would make a original concept movie. I think I'm just getting old lol.. Is Horror really that limited? I think not.... come on Hollywood...

The Sentinal is a creepy 70's ghost story that always creeped me out. Demons was good (just the first one though). I don't remember if I suggested Martin last time so if I didn't, it's definitely worth a spin. The first Night of the Demons (classic 80's and perfect soundtrack). Little more modern, I'd suggest Nightbreed if you haven't already checked it out. One of my top 10. If you haven't already, you might also wanna pick up some of the 80's license documentaries. They're great! His Name Was Jason is awesome and covers all the films from the first through FvJ, Never Sleep again does the same for Freddy and is worth the purchase alone to hear about the gay aspect of NoES 2. I'm currently stumbling through More Brains! which does the same for the Return of the Living Dead series. Halloween kinda started it all with the 25th Anny DVD and there's a decent one covering Romero's Dead flicks on the remastered NotLD DVD (with Romero's name at the top - AVOID THE 30TH ANNY ABOMINATION AT ALL COSTS!!!).
The Sentinal is a creepy 70's ghost story that always creeped me out.

I LOVE the Sentinal! Well Love is a strong word but I do return to that one every two years or so. What a cast! Always thought it was a great creepy movie and always enjoyed much more then "The Beyond" Which was the same basic plot in many ways but always got more love for some reason.
I LOVE the Sentinal! Well Love is a strong word but I do return to that one every two years or so. What a cast! Always thought it was a great creepy movie and always enjoyed much more then "The Beyond" Which was the same basic plot in many ways but always got more love for some reason.

I own Beyond but was never that enthusiastic about it. It's great for the gore and a must for those who need some of the Italian films in their collection, but the story seems a bit too all over the place (which might also be the dubbing).
A few more recent flix that I thought were pretty good but seem to go get no credit or have never been seen.

The New Daughter - Yeah Kevin (dances with Wolves) Costner is in this one but don't let that stop you. Not a perfect film but it had some good creepy moments. I have suggested to about five different horror fan friends of mine to watch it and they all enjoyed it. As a father I thought Costner played this role perfectly.

The Children - When of the Sam Rami Ghost House DVD releases. As "scary children" movies go this one did a pretty good job. Sort of like "the Crazies" but with kids.

Ok many might not agree with me here but I thought Case 39 with Rene Zelwiger was a pretty good film. Now I do believe that part of my enjoyment came from the fact that Rene's job was in the same field as I use to work. But I thought overall this was a very good horror film. It gets based a lot on the review sites but I guess that's what makes this the definition of underrated horror films.

Ha Whats funny about these three flix is that they center around kids. i tend not to like the "scary kid" flix (kids are not scary IMO) but these three did a good job with it.

House of the Devil - A slow burn tribute to 80's Horror. A bit slow but still good.

The Entity - Barbara Hershey was great in this film and really pulled off her role as a woman being attacked (and rapped) by a ghost.

The Reef - If you liked Open Water then you should like this (better then Open Water IMO). This film is very much based on a true story and not one of those BS - Based on a true story/true events films either. This was something that really happend. Of course there are a few changes but it is mostly how it went down.

The Car - Before Christine was The Car. In all honesty I can't remember is this film was any good. I use to love it as a kid. I did watch it once when I was older and I remember being underwhelmed. But the Car itself looked cool.

I also agree with Nam on Martin - Just don't go in expecting a balls to the wall horror/vampire film. One of Romero's best. Of course after Night, Dawn, and Creepshow that's not saying much.

Man there are lots of great Asian and Euro horror out there. I use to have over a thousand horror DVDs. I can't even remember what I use to own. All are gone to make room for Blu ray and I am being much more picky. I will have to try and remember some older little known classics.
I own Beyond but was never that enthusiastic about it. It's great for the gore and a must for those who need some of the Italian films in their collection, but the story seems a bit too all over the place (which might also be the dubbing).

Never had much love for The Beyond either. I use to get attacked at some of the Horror sites I use to post at for not giving this film the "credit" many thought it deserved. I use to complain about it's structure and over the top laughable gore but was told that I "just don't get it" Well I guess I just dont get Showgirls also casue that film was crap also IMO. :)

Now when I did give the film a second try I did find that I enjoyed it more but would never ever put this film in the classic status that others have.
Never had much love for The Beyond either. I use to get attacked at some of the Horror sites I use to post at for not giving this film the "credit" many thought it deserved. I use to complain about it's structure and over the top laughable gore but was told that I "just don't get it" Well I guess I just dont get Showgirls also casue that film was crap also IMO. :)

Now when I did give the film a second try I did find that I enjoyed it more but would never ever put this film in the classic status that others have.

I often find the lowbrow excuse for fanboyism regarding garbage films is "Well, you just didn't get it." Which I take to mean, I must really be over thinking a film that was marketed exclusively to those of our population with an IQ of 78. I remember sharing your experience over The Beyond with The Lost Highway, which to this day I think holds a key in the title of how to "get" the film (the first half of the last word). :lol
Just got The Intruder on Bluray. Never seen it before and was surprised at how well made it was for a low budget slasher flick.

Theres some fantastic death scenes in that movie. The trash compactor and the meat saw...great stuff.

The Intruder is one of my faves. Great death scenes and pretty brutal.
I had to get a fix for my horror film addiction, and watched Hostel 3. What a let down. Nam, can you give me some more classics titles to check out please. I enjoyed your taste of films you recommended. Oldies but Goodies will work. Anyone else that could chime in would be greatly appreciated! I have watched all the films everyone recommended so far. Man I wish someone would make a original concept movie. I think I'm just getting old lol.. Is Horror really that limited? I think not.... come on Hollywood...

they did a 3rd? :slap
I often find the lowbrow excuse for fanboyism regarding garbage films is "Well, you just didn't get it." Which I take to mean, I must really be over thinking a film that was marketed exclusively to those of our population with an IQ of 78. I remember sharing your experience over The Beyond with The Lost Highway, which to this day I think holds a key in the title of how to "get" the film (the first half of the last word). :lol

Have The Cottage and Frontier been mentioned yet? Both really great movies if you get a chance to check them out.
Thanks Nam, and everyone else that add in! Off to hunt for movies. Martin was indeed a great flick. I'm really interested in the Freddy and Jason documentaries.
Has anyone mentioned "Nightmare"? I thought it was creepy, especially at the end when he is wearing the mask. It's pretty obscure but good imo.
Reminded me of Maniac. I was on a "The Burning" kick a while back as well.
"The Brood" has been mentioned and is very scary and intelligent.
Anyone seen The house by the cemetery? I've heard about it a couple of times but didn't know if it's worth a purchase?