Top 5 Things why PT worked for me!

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1. Qui-Gon, Obi Wan vs Maul Lightsaber duel
2. Pod Race
3. The Emperor in TPM
4. Darth Maul
5. The final scene on Tatooine in EP III

Thats about it. I am one of the few that likes TPM the best of the prequals. They had not completely screwed up Darth Vaders character yet. There were real sets instead of all CG. It still had a Star Wars feel. I think the other two films really lost what Star Wars was all about.
Hahaha...It's funny..I read the reasons why it worked for most people in here and they are my reasons why it didnt.. lol I guess we are at the same end of the spectrum..but to each his own..its all in good fun.
1) It gave me a reason to buy more Star Wars stuff
2) It made me appreciate the OT more
3) It made Hayden into the megastar he is today
4) W/o the PT we would never have stupid debates about which is better
5) Did I mention I now get to buy a lot more Star Wars stuff?

True, gave us a few kewl things to buy. About on par with the OT.

EVILFACE, you should change your avatar or signature pic to:


I like it but some have problems reading.

1. Who gives a sheeeet
2. Who give a crap
3. No one cares
4. waste of time
5. Who gives a sheeeeeeeeeet

Nope. But that is how people here view your posts.
I liked the PQ's altough Natalie Portmans acting was horrible. Replace Portman and Jar Jar and the PQ's would have ruled.
I liked the PQ's altough Natalie Portmans acting was horrible. Replace Portman and Jar Jar and the PQ's would have ruled.

Portman was ok. Replace Jake Lloyd and Hayden and 95% of the dialog and then the PQ's would have been better.
I only bought a basic Maul figure during the midnight madness :lol Did buy a few more TPM figures over the course of the year, but sold them off pretty quickly. I think the only non-vintage 3 3/4" SW figure I still have is the first "buff" Luke release from the POTF2 series.

I keep it simply because of how awful it is :lol

I bought EVERYTHING at Midnight Madness.

Even Ric Ollie.


I didn't know who ANY of the characters were, the pod racers, the pilots, ANY of them, and I still bought them. That's how bad it was.

When I looked at the Queen Amidala figure and the Padme Naberrie figure, I was just like "WTF is going on, they're the same people?!?!"
I started to list reasons, but then I realized that other than Order 66, lightsaber duels, and Space Battle in Ep III, the PT was really all about the cool characters for matter how short their "lifespan" was in the movies
To this day I still enjoy the portrayal of the Jedi. Not so much what you see onscreen necessarily but the potential story there.
To this day I still enjoy the portrayal of the Jedi. Not so much what you see onscreen necessarily but the potential story there.

That is one of the things Lucas missed with the Jedi and also with the Clones, who should have been introduced from TPM instead of gungans
1) Natalie Portman.
2) Darth Maul.
3) Fight scenes, total bad @$$ Yoda.
4) Anakin BBQ on Mustafar.
5) Darh Sideous face melting scene.
That is one of the things Lucas missed with the Jedi and also with the Clones, who should have been introduced from TPM instead of gungans


Very True I actually like the PT more than most people on this board but I must say those gungans were a waste of time. Lucas really should have built the relationship between the Jedi and Clones a lot more than he did the short time we see in episode 3. The order "66" scene and the Jedi betrayal would have been much more dramatic

Very True I actually like the PT more than most people on this board but I must say those gungans were a waste of time. Lucas really should have built the relationship between the Jedi and Clones a lot more than he did the short time we see in episode 3. The order "66" scene and the Jedi betrayal would have been much more dramatic

And just imagine how more dramatic would have been if the TPM action happened on Alderaan instead of Naboo, and thus we could see that beautiful planet destroyed in ANH...
1. Darth Maul
2. General Grievous
3. Anakin's Tusken Raider slaughter in Episode II (this was actually the ONLY time I thought Hayden did a good job)
4. The Jedi battle from the end of Episode II
5. Seeing Grand Moff Tarkin at the end of Episode III
1. Ep. III
2. More interesting story (not necessarily told in a better way)
3. Ewan as Obi
4. Excellent light-saber duels
5. Qui Gon
Thats about it. I am one of the few that likes TPM the best of the prequals. They had not completely screwed up Darth Vaders character yet. There were real sets instead of all CG. It still had a Star Wars feel. I think the other two films really lost what Star Wars was all about.

1) Darth Maul
2) Provided the foundation for both animated Clone Wars series
3) "Duel of the Fates"
4) Droidekas
5) Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon

And, like Jaws, TPM remains the most bearable of the prequels for me.
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