The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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It was Iron Man dat broke da bat :thud:


Speaking of which, we should be seeing specs for the set sometime either this month or next, if it follows the precedent set by other UCEs (two to three months ahead of the release).
Never before seen making-of Batpod chase scene, cool stuff. Can't wait for the ultimate trilogy set.

That was a cool little feature. Thanks for posting. Surprised by the comments of people tho saying they never knew it was cgi. I always thought it looked like it was blatantly cgi. Not that it looked bad, it was brilliant cgi, but ever since I saw the shot in the trailer it was obvious it was some sort of cgi effect. That said, still an awesome scene.

Here's a fun tidbit for your next trivia night: What happened to Two-Face's coin?
Actors will occasionally be gifted with, or purchase, props and costumes from the movies they are in once production is complete. Sam Jackson notoriously lobbied for the lightsaber he used in the Star Wars prequels. Aaron Eckhart apparently didn't feel quite as sentimental about Two-Face's coin from Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight. The actor played Harvey Dent for the majority of the film, but became the villain Two-Face in the third act. When we spoke with him on the Keepin' It Reel podcast recently, he told us the story of how he discovered what had become of his coin.

This isn't the real coin...
"I did a movie called The Rum Diary in Puerto Rico and Johnny Depp and I were somewhere on the set one day and Johnny said to me, 'Aaron, what happened to the coin [from The Dark Knight], the coin that Two-Face flipped?' And I said, 'Oh, I gave it back and Warner Bros. has it.' And he goes, 'Oh, yeah, no, they don't. I bought it.' He said, 'My Kid saw The Dark Knight and loved Two-Face so much that I bought him the coin.' It never occurred to me grab the coin, but I'm glad it's in good hands."

We recently had actor Aaron Eckhart, who played Harvey Dent/Two-Face in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight, on the Keepin' It Reel podcast to talk about his new film Erased. During the course of the discussion we touched on his work with Nolan and where he feels that Warner Brothers should take Batman in the post-Nolan era.

Here is what he had to say in reflecting back on his experience with the director and thinking about where the franchise could go next:
"I mean, look, Iron Man is so successful and the tone of Iron Man is completely different than the Nolan Batman series. They're both very successful, right? And both entertaining. You could take Batman that way. You know Chris (Nolan) has done such hard work and created this tone, and Christian (Bale) has, and Heath (Ledger) and everyone who's been in these movies. I'd hate to see it be trivialized. Batman's kind of special because it's one of the last comic books, or only comic books, that's truly tackling, in my opinion, issues. And relevant issues. I mean when I read The Dark Knight I go, 'this is a comic book movie? This is insane.' I mean you're talking about a city that's being taken over by corrupt forces and nobody will stand up for good, for decency and humanity and nobody can walk to the streets at night. Who wants to live in that city? And do the people really have to be vigilantes to set things right? I mean serious issues and it wasn't tongue in cheek. And that's where Heath was just so amazing. You know I said to Gary (Oldman), 'You know Gary how do you act in one of these things, what's the tone of it?' And that's a conversation I had with Chris. And to see Heath just take this thing deadly serious was exciting, and I feel privileged to have been a part of that, and I would hate to lose that because everybody who comes up to me on the street all over the world, the thing that they inevitably say about The Dark Knight is that it's about something, it's serious, it resonates with them. Look, I don't know because I'm just an actor, but I don't know that Chris would ever give up total control of this franchise. I can't see Chris ever letting go of this movie."
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