Star Wars OT anamorphic possibility

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RoboDad said:
I think you missed my post above. Nobody is getting anamorphic transfers of the movies, not even France.


George's getting upset!


Urge to kill, RISING!
RoboDad said:
I think you missed my post above. Nobody is getting anamorphic transfers of the movies, not even France.

I sure missed it, thanks. I REFUSE to own this set without proper anamorphic widescreen. Lucasfilm should be ashamed of itself.:emperor
I won't be buying these unless it's anamorphic widescreeen. I've never been one to complain about Lucas and the changes to the films. Even though I prefer the Original Editions, I love the Special Editions and think they match up better with the prequels. I always felt eventually he'd release Original Editions and was pleased when they announced it. I however cannot believe they're going to do this so half-*****!

Lucas has always expressed his frustration with Theater Owner's not upgrading their equipment so films can be showed and viewed in the way the directors intended and the audience deserves. He has always pushed film and sound technology forward despite the rest of the industry dragging their feet. I can't understand why he would release the films in such a poor state. It feels like a technological step back and is insulting that he feels he is giving us what we want. Offering a newly remastered, anamorphic transfer isn't that big of a financial investment. There are plenty of prints available Lucasfilm could of used for the remasting process. There is no excuse for this except he wants to present them in such a pathetic state that no one will buy them and he can claim there is no demand for the original cuts and people prefer the special editions.

The only other possibility I can think of is that this was thrown together so they could have a product to sell this Xmas and they're waiting for HD-DVD/Bluray (probably Bluray since that's the format 20th Century Fox is behind, or so I'm told) before they invest the time and money to remaster it. Perhaps in a massive "Star Wars Saga Archive Edition High Definition Box Set".

I have no hate for the Special Editions or the Prequels, I just want the Original Editions as well. Lucas is basically throwing away free money. Anyone who cares enough to know the difference between the Special Editions and Original Editions and has been hoping for this release, probably also cares enough to of looked this set up online when it was announced and probably now knows this set will not be anamorphic widescreen and will be a sub-par Laserdisc transfer. Many of these people probably already have the Laserdisc set or a DVD bootleg of that set that will look no worse than this new/old release of the films. They have no reason to buy this set. So Lucasfilm is essentially sabotaging their own product. This set will only satisfy a small minority who is either uninformed or who could care less about the quality of the transfer.

Oh well, hopefully one day we will get a High Definition set that will be worth purchasing, until then I'll have to watch my crappy Pan & Scan VHS Set from 1995 when I feel the desire to see the Original Editions. :rolleyes:
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Sal Paradise said:
... hopefully one day we will get a High Definition set that will be worth purchasing, until then I'll have to watch my crappy Pan & Scan VHS Set from 1995 when I feel the desire to see the Original Editions. :rolleyes:

Suit yourself. I agree it sucks but I think these "new" versions will be more watchable than a pan & scan vhs. :monkey3
I think part of the reason for this, aside from the "we don;t want to spend money to upgrade these lod versions" is that Luicas wants to show the general public, in no uncertain terms, how much "better" the SE's are. It's a side by side comparison of the best technology had to offer back then, and where we are now.

I'll be getting these. The nostalgia factor makes this cool. Do I wish it was cleaned up? Yeah, a bit. But dirty is how I remember them. Dirty they must be for full "nostalgiability." But when I want to watch STAR WARS, it'll be the SE's. THat's just me.
pixletwin said:
Suit yourself. I agree it sucks but I think these "new" versions will be more watchable than a pan & scan vhs. :monkey3

Maybe so but I'm not going to support a release I feel is insulting. I'm voting with my dollar. And I'm sure eventually he will release it the "right" way. There is too much demand not to.
Sal Paradise said:
Maybe so but I'm not going to support a release I feel is insulting. I'm voting with my dollar. And I'm sure eventually he will release it the "right" way. There is too much demand not to.
I dont doubt that that has been his plan all along.... in the meantim, I will enjoy yelling YUB NUB while I dance around my TV and my kids laugh at Fat Anakin at the end.
pixletwin said:
I dont doubt that that has been his plan all along.... in the meantim, I will enjoy yelling YUB NUB while I dance around my TV and my kids laugh at Fat Anakin at the end.


I look forward to having kids of my own and watching the films with them for the first time.
Sal Paradise said:

I look forward to having kids of my own and watching the films with them for the first time.

Ditto. But I'll be showing them in order: Prequels then SE's. If they ever become curious about film, I'll show them the OT DVDs.