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Who cares who shot first. Really, everyone goes on about that one stupid thing and really, how much did it alter the film?

I love reading comments like this. The Han Shoots First shot sets the tone of the character, he is almost a bad guy at that point because he simply shoots when he is cornered and non shalantly walks out of the cantina as if it were no big deal. The character continues to soften from that point forward and is never as malicious in the entire film then that scene.

Now that its changed what you have is Han being lucky and you have visual evidence that Greedo was quicker on the trigger than Han ^^^^ing Solo. Greedo shoots, is a horrible shot so Han wins. It was taken down from a bad ass move by a space pirate to show just how disconnected and selfish he really is to a smugger who gets a stroke of dumbluck and then gets out of there before anything can happen. While it doesn't change the film itself at all it alters the character of Han Solo completely.
I love reading comments like this. The Han Shoots First shot sets the tone of the character, he is almost a bad guy at that point because he simply shoots when he is cornered and non shalantly walks out of the cantina as if it were no big deal. The character continues to soften from that point forward and is never as malicious in the entire film then that scene.

Now that its changed what you have is Han being lucky and you have visual evidence that Greedo was quicker on the trigger than Han ^^^^ing Solo. Greedo shoots, is a horrible shot so Han wins. It was taken down from a bad ass move by a space pirate to show just how disconnected and selfish he really is to a smugger who gets a stroke of dumbluck and then gets out of there before anything can happen. While it doesn't change the film itself at all it alters the character of Han Solo completely.

Exactly! That whole scene of Han sneaking out his blaster and non-chalantly putting down Greedo sets him up as a shady character who might just as soon sell out Luke and Ben. It's obvious that was Lucas' intention at the time. Why he decided Han needed to be softened later on I'm not sure. I guess for the same reason he thought we needed Jar Jar.
Because he hangs out with the guy that replaced the guns carried by the military to radios when they confront a potentially dangerous alien life form.


Throughout all of human history kids have grown up knowing reality, but in the last forty years we need to shelter them.
Something to the effect of "Bring my shuttle." It was very strongly spoken, like get my ^^^^ing ship now ^^^^^ instead of the new dialogue which like ok, just let get my ship and let the star destroyer know I'm coming.

I agree. I loved the way Vader said the original line. It's just one short line, but the tone of absolute command was great. Vader was on the hunt, he wanted his shuttle NOW, and I could always just imagine his underlings tripping over themselves to bring it to him before he choked the lot of them. :D
Something to the effect of "Bring my shuttle." It was very strongly spoken, like get my ^^^^ing ship now ^^^^^ instead of the new dialogue which like ok, just let get my ship and let the star destroyer know I'm coming.

While I wasn't a fan of the new dialogue, I did appreciate them showing the shuttle and also showing him arrive on the Executor. Besides the fact that I love Lambda-class shuttles, it made the scene flow better by not having Vader just appear on the Super Star Destroyer.
I love reading comments like this. The Han Shoots First shot sets the tone of the character, he is almost a bad guy at that point because he simply shoots when he is cornered and non shalantly walks out of the cantina as if it were no big deal. The character continues to soften from that point forward and is never as malicious in the entire film then that scene.

Now that its changed what you have is Han being lucky and you have visual evidence that Greedo was quicker on the trigger than Han ^^^^ing Solo. Greedo shoots, is a horrible shot so Han wins. It was taken down from a bad ass move by a space pirate to show just how disconnected and selfish he really is to a smugger who gets a stroke of dumbluck and then gets out of there before anything can happen. While it doesn't change the film itself at all it alters the character of Han Solo completely.

Well said, Mike.
While I wasn't a fan of the new dialogue, I did appreciate them showing the shuttle and also showing him arrive on the Executor. Besides the fact that I love Lambda-class shuttles, it made the scene flow better by not having Vader just appear on the Super Star Destroyer.

I have nothing against the footage, just the dialogue change. Plus the fact, if it is JEJ doing the dialogue, it doesn't sound natural or like him very well.
Somebody just got my exclusive.. I have to make room for Blackbeard.

And to get back off track... I loved Luke's "Good thing you don't taste very good" line... sucks they changed that too.
Somebody just got my exclusive.. I have to make room for Blackbeard.

And to get back off track... I loved Luke's "Good thing you don't taste very good" line... sucks they changed that too.

May have been me :D I just got a conversion notice. I was suprised it was so quick...I forgot to preorder this guy until 7PM or so!
While I wasn't a fan of the new dialogue, I did appreciate them showing the shuttle and also showing him arrive on the Executor. Besides the fact that I love Lambda-class shuttles, it made the scene flow better by not having Vader just appear on the Super Star Destroyer.

Since we're all too dumb to figure out that after he says "get my shuttle" he got his shuttle and flew off to his ship.
"You're lucky you got out of there". Its not that big a change but the old one was one of my favorite lines as a kid.

They also switched one of Han's lines. a simple one though, on Hoth, it went from 'get the shelter built' to 'get the shleter up'... Or the other way around.
I don't know why they had to fiddle with the writing. They certainly didn't improve any of it.
I don't know why they had to fiddle with the writing. They certainly didn't improve any of it.

I think they just did it for the hell of it. They even changed the little monster noise Ben makes to scare off the Sandpeople. All absolutely pointless changes.
What would have been cool would be when Anakin appears, have him raise his hands slightly in amazement, showing us that they're no longer bionic, showing us the extent of his transformation.

Or him just being a floating quadriplegic...:p There's really no excuse for altering that scene. When he died as Vader, he'd returned from the "dark side." He even admits it himself, "Tell your sister, you were right." Shaw should've been left alone and not had Haden's poo-face pasted over his.

Now that its changed what you have is Han being lucky and you have visual evidence that Greedo was quicker on the trigger than Han ^^^^ing Solo. Greedo shoots, is a horrible shot so Han wins. It was taken down from a bad ass move by a space pirate to show just how disconnected and selfish he really is to a smugger who gets a stroke of dumbluck and then gets out of there before anything can happen. While it doesn't change the film itself at all it alters the character of Han Solo completely.

While I did like Han shooting first in SW, he kinda ran with the "dumb luck" theme for the rest of the trilogy though. Things like finding Luke on Hoth, getting out of the space slug, surviving carbon freezing, Boba Fett at the Sarlacc, his stint on Endor, etc., all seemed more like dumb luck than skill. I wonder if the whole reason why is because George had him as a badass initially, and in the latter films, just lucky so wanted to make that part more consistent.
Except that it's not why he did it. He did it because he thought it was an unheroic act to shoot first. In the original take, it wasn't luck that saved him, and it was only partly skill. What saved him was the fact that he was unwilling to go quietly. He knew Greedo would take the shot and that the only way to walk away from the situation was to hit him first. So he did. Why? Because he was a badass who doesn't get shot.

Escaping the slug was because he was a badass. He took calculated risks, and got away with them employing calculated recklessness. Surviving the carbonite too. Strong will. Strong constitution. Badass.
I think they just did it for the hell of it. They even changed the little monster noise Ben makes to scare off the Sandpeople. All absolutely pointless changes.

I think they simply used alternate sound takes. Maybe the original dialogue on the masters was effed up and the only good takes had the actors saying the lines differently. I assure you, they do that all the time.