So did anybody actually get a GG Lucius Malfoy?

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Super Freak
Sep 9, 2005
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I heard they sold out on Friday. I preordered on two websites. Once looks like it is not going to happen. The other one is still silent. Not looking good. :monkey2

Just wondering for those that attended or have better connections, were these actually attainable and did you get one? :violin

Oh, I did find a Heiland flash for $5 at an antique show yeaterday. Might have to build me a light saber.:lightsabe
They were allocating them for every day of the con, so there were about 60 available each day. I got in line both Wed. night and Thursday morning and I swear the line did not move and after 10 mins. they came around and said they were sold out of Malfoy.

Luckily I was hooked up by a excellent board member who had a preorder. THANKS BOB!
This is mine:



It's too bad that it was so limited and hard to get your hands on--there are going to be a lot of collectors missing out on this one. However, Malfoy is selling for less money on eBay with an edition of 500 than the Shock Trooper is with an edition of 3500. There still aren't that many HP bust collectors out there. Many of the other busts are widely available at below retail.

I had a lot of fun getting to the convention center early each day and waiting in line to be among the first to run through the doors and straight to the Acme booth for a shot at one of the 450 Darth Sidious character keys. I came up empty-handed every time. But it was comforting to see families walking away with mom, dad, and their three toddlers each holding a key for dad to sell on eBay. It's good to see limited exclusives getting into the hands of real collectors.

You win some, you lose some.

Darklord Dave said:
They were allocating them for every day of the con, so there were about 60 available each day. I got in line both Wed. night and Thursday morning and I swear the line did not move and after 10 mins. they came around and said they were sold out of Malfoy.

Congratulations all! (all two, I guess). So if they sold about 60 a day, then it looks like there were 300 sold in all, with 200 left for the shafted by the Blackhole surfer stormtrooper or whatever. I imagine prices will drop for this bust when those come out on ebay. Good for us collectors of this line.
I got the 60 number by subtracting the 200 pre-orders. There may be less due to the shafted b-hole trooperettes. Although I haven't heard of anyone getting Malfoy as compensation for the b-hole fiasco.
abstractharmony said:
I GOT ONE - WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!


:chew :chew :chew

YES HE IS!!!!!!!

congratz!!!! and Proto is the man :)chew)
Congratulations abstractharmony, and thank the heavens for Proto.

Pssst Proto, you have saved abs from declining from frantic deliria into abject misery to depression to suicidal contemplations. And us from having to hear about it. :lol I don't feel sorry for him, afterall he got his Big Ass Vader Bag didn't he? Yes he did. :rotfl
I don't think that holds true. I didn't notice any whinging, just a man desperate and not willing to submit to the odds being against him. That Proto was in the right place and the right time, and noticed your plight, through your determined and highly visible demonstrative application of you efforts, was indeed, quite flukey.

Had you not been able to aquire the Malfoy, then I think the whinging would have been forthcoming. :lol (not really, you don't strike me as that sort of person)

Poor Polystoner, I know what it's like to pin your hopes on one slim chance. It isn't enjoyable. I hope you are able to get yours. Ebay isn't looking promising, overall, but keep checking, maybe you can get one not too far above retail.
Got mine, the detail is amazing especially with the snake on the hat, I wish a more metallic gold paint would have been used on the mask, but overall I am pleased with my first HP Bust


I had mine preordered and picked it up there. Haven't even opened it yet, but that's probably because that box hasn't made it to my house as of yet.
Nope, slow mail. I shipped three boxes on Friday, but only one showed up so far. I had my nephew ship two more on Monday for a total of five - and I checked one on the plane with me. I brought home a fair amount of goodies :)