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oh before I forget, I was refunded by paypal on one item and the other is pending, but that should also workout.
It's getting harder and harder to trust anyone now, I had not purchased on line in more than two years, cause I was ripped off by a seller names roscoe, now the second time I take a chance it happens again!
When I worked for the bank, one of their trainings said to watch out for people that are being TOO nice.
amazing!!...he also told me about all the money he lost !! He had the nerve to say that it is a shame people do this! Also told me not to worry, he has been selling for a long time and no one has ever had a problem with him!
God, what i would not give to get my hands on this guy!

Well it is obviously I great story as it sucked both of us in. Will go to the bank tomorrow and see if anything can be done but I guessing not but can only try. In one of his emails he did give me a phone number but I doubt that it goes anywhere bar the local video shop or something. Also have pictures of his office with some statues lying around it but they could be from anyone. He also offered to sell me horror dvd's as he seems to be a bit of a fan!
jesus, yes, he sent me a picture of his statues, and now when I look at it again, it is from someone else's collection, I'm mad at myself cause I just should have known better, but though I would be one of those lucky guys that could actually get a warrior at a good price, I too have about 45 emails from him, telling me not to worry things will be great, grrr what a jackoff!
It is getting very hard to trust anyone on line these days. If you purchase something. make sure the person is backed by more than on person. In the end, be careful! Hope it turns out for you my friend.
Is this scam mainly on forums like these since the transaction is based on good faith or does this work also on ebay? I would assume ebay is safe since you deal with paypal.
Is this scam mainly on forums like these since the transaction is based on good faith or does this work also on ebay? I would assume ebay is safe since you deal with paypal.

I don't believe they are a part of this forum but who knows if they are just silently watching and not engaging.
Just came back from my bank and they said file a fraud form out with the police to form a case that they can investigate and they might be able to recover some of the money.
It now feels like I can do something about it instead of it eating away at me. Fingers crossed.
Is this scam mainly on forums like these since the transaction is based on good faith or does this work also on ebay? I would assume ebay is safe since you deal with paypal.

It can happen on ebay as well, just that they don't last very long, since the bad feedback soon adds up and it's all over.

I got taken on a Bilbo statue last year. I had a couple of warning bells going off, but it was a great price at the time, so I went ahead. First warning was that payment wasn't via Paypal (I know now that's because they have been banned by Paypal), instead I had to use Google Checkout (their banned from them as well now).
However I did use a Credit Card (that became very important in the end). Because I was an overseas order, I had the extra issue of postage lag, which made it all stretch out over time. What they did, was send the package (no idea what was in it) but made sure to stuff something up, so it was never delivered to me and over time was return to them. The item inside was then broken (I bet it was broken from the very start) and they claim on postage insurance. During the whole time, they are emailing me, saying they will refund me via Google, etc, etc.
That was there biggest mistake, it gave me a total email trail which proved I never got what I paid for. I also had email from Google saying they no longer had an account, even while they kept saying they had refunded the money via Google (so not possible).
My bet, was they were hoping to string it out long enough for a Credit Card claim to no longer be possible. I suspect working on a 90 day limit. Thing was, I have 120 day limit to file a claim, and I was watching that limit. At the same time, other ebay people who purchased after me, were now leaving bad feedback with the exact same run of events as me. So I took all my printouts (their email trail, Google email, ebay feedback) and filed my claim.
Yes, I got my money back and then got a Bilbo statue for only $10 more and far far less pain.

So yes, always, always, always use a Credit Card, if Paypal select your bank account or Paypal balance as default payment method, change it to a Credit Card and know you claim limit, be it 90 or 120 days or whatever.
Man that sucks. I hate reading stuff like this. It totally pisses me off but you live and learn and sadly I am learning through the expenses of others. I've yet to have any problems with any seller here and only had a small dispute on ebay so far. I've always used credit also (and I hate how every time you do it, paypal tries to discourage you from doing so) and so far I've haven't had to get on anyone's tail yet.

Good luck to you both Kentox and Masterkeying. I hope you guys recover as much of your hard earned money as you can. Wish we could form a posse and find these bastards and teach them some street justice. Collectors unite! :D
On this subject, I saw on 'Forensic Files' a few days ago the story of a young man who was scamming people online in a similar way, selling CB radios and making trades but never actually delivering or meeting his end. It ended with one of his customers killing him - he sent him a mail bomb. This was basically over an $800 CB radio.

There's an interesting article about the whole case on Wired, if anyone's interested:
On this subject, I saw on 'Forensic Files' a few days ago the story of a young man who was scamming people online in a similar way, selling CB radios and making trades but never actually delivering or meeting his end. It ended with one of his customers killing him - he sent him a mail bomb. This was basically over an $800 CB radio.

There's an interesting article about the whole case on Wired, if anyone's interested:

Don't give people here any ideas! lol

Hate reading threads like this, and thankfully I've never been scammed too severely and why I only buy from established people here. On ebay I always try to buy from stores and not from individuals, It sucks cause I miss out on great deals but those are the rules of the game nowadays.
Can't we set up a page where everyone can log onto and check a seller, meaning that when we run into one of these cheats he goes on that page, forever listed as a bad seller, and each time someone gets ripped off they add to the list!
This way when you want to purchase from someone you can check that page?
It might not be. I recently bought from eBay the Hot Toys 'Alien' Dallas for a $100 BiN from a seller whose last feedback was from 2004. He just suddenly appeared and had a whole bunch of Hot Toys figures for sale with BiNs, including multiples. I was a little wary - and waited until others bought and left feedback - but in the end it worked out perfectly. I received the figure and it was all good. It was a little strange, that six year gap in feedback, but no troubles at all.

As to that particular statue, I don't know. I don't know the history of it, but a gap in feedback I don't think should be taken as a certain sign of trouble.