1/6 PROBABLE Hot Toys Star Wars: The Force Awakens figures - SPOILERS - Promo Art posted

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  • All in, give me all of them

    Votes: 22 25.9%
  • Nope, I'm sticking to the established stuff

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • I'm going to pick and choose

    Votes: 56 65.9%

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For me personally, right now the only one Im interested in is Kylo. He looks super cool to me. I never buy any Jedi though, just because I think they look dull visually. Boring brown clothes, plain faces, nothing that makes me feel like "I need to look at this everyday". I definitely get that with the villains though. Theyre always far cooler looking than the Jedi so Ill pass on those.

Yeah, every Jedi has the same outfit (which makes old Ben's "hiding-out in Ep 4" clothing choice make no sense) but why does every Sith-related villain have to go to the same clothing store as the Emperor? It would have been nice to have seen a slightly different look for the key villain.

I think that's the one issue I have with the trailer - not a whole lot of truly new visuals; character designs like Jabba or Yoda, visually different planets we haven't seen, some radical visual like the Death Star. I love the crashed Star Destroyer and color-swapped TIE's, but something really new would have been cool.

Based on the trailer, I'd consider Darth Revan, and I kinda like old Poe, seems like a cool character. I'll reserve judgement on Luke, Han and Leia until I see them in action.

Kylo Ren looks like EU Darth Revan but I don't think it's the same guy.
Chrome trooper is a must, in Hot Toys we trust, and my god Old man Indiana Han is going to look bad ass on a shelf.
He looks like some kind of Padawan Sith to me. Sith in training. The bad balance to Good Rey.

So they fall in love over the films. Balance of the Force.
I think Kylo Ren will visually be awesome on the shelf and thanks to that lightsaber has kind of become the face of this new film. If they can get Daisy Ridley's sculpt to look like the actress I'll buy that for the swooning moments :lol
SPOILERTOWN with a grain o f salt

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As for Luke's old saber, it was recovered in the Novels/old EU as well. not too hard to believe that it wound up somewhere in the trash piles of Tibinapolis
Yeah, every Jedi has the same outfit (which makes old Ben's "hiding-out in Ep 4" clothing choice make no sense) but why does every Sith-related villain have to go to the same clothing store as the Emperor? It would have been nice to have seen a slightly different look for the key villain.

I think that's the one issue I have with the trailer - not a whole lot of truly new visuals; character designs like Jabba or Yoda, visually different planets we haven't seen, some radical visual like the Death Star. I love the crashed Star Destroyer and color-swapped TIE's, but something really new would have been cool.

Kylo Ren looks like EU Darth Revan but I don't think it's the same guy.

Wouldn't that be something? :lol

On Kylo Ren/ Revan Connection

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Or Kylo Ren is the guy's actual name and once he becomes a sith, his name becomes Darth Revan. I believe this to be the case. The reason i say this is because back when Disney first put the hold on EU stuff, Lego released the minifig of Darth Revan and everyone wondered how come that slipped under the radar. If Revan turns out to be cannon then the answer is obvious.
Of course. Just like JJ Abrams said it wasn't Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness.
dosn't work though. And in this instance, it's not a time-shifted story either. Revan lived and died some 3000 years BEFORE the prequel trilogy. Not gonna be him. And having him share that name would be just as lame as having him re-christen himself " Darth Vader". it'd invoke too much ire from the fandom i think.
Wish all you like, but my gut tells me you''ll end up being disappointed.
Definitely interested in the characters of Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma (aka chrometrooper), and BB-8.
The fact that BB-8 is a practical effect blew me away, and I actually like the character design. Bring on the figures!
Revan's backstory is irrelevant at this point. EU is not canon. If they use him in the way i'm talking about it will make him canon again. They've already changed EU canon by making Chewie alive. In a question and answer with Hidalgo, the guy in charge of continuity for Star Wars, he said that EU characters may be re-introduced into the Star Wars universe. He did not say which ones. But if and when they do, they would be in the new context of the new canon.
There are going to be exclusive galore with these. Check out this guy with the vest and pouches on the chest and no armor, that screams exclusive:


Also, it appears we've got some pauldrons:


These ones are going to hit hard with variations.