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LMAO @ people thinking Bulls are a "one-man" team. Get some cable people, watch some Bulls games :lol
OMG look at the dumb look on the Heat's faces...priceless!

Aboutthe bulls series... 12 of 14 espn panelists are picking the heat. 10 of them say heat in 6. This too is my opinion. Drose will get his but wade/bron combo is unstoppable. Boozer will be exposed as weak link. Bosh will surprise people. Heat defense will make poor bulls scoring even worse.


All 3 TNT guys picked the Bulls. I've been saying all along Rose does way too much, and I think that's gonna be the killer for them.

phenomenal game by the Bulls! Outplayed the heat in all aspects! their D was sick! If they play like that and we dont change the Bulls got this in 4.
Damn, I wanted a Thunder vs Bulls final, but now that Dirk is in the equation, I think im going to change it up to a Mavs vs Bulls finals. Gotta back my boy dirk
Wheres all the Bulls haters? Oh yeah sucking on that 21 point loss. Long way to go but a great way to start. Heat were celebrating too much after win against Boston!
LMAO @ Wake logged on but not saying nothing!! STFU and GTFO!! That boy can dish it but cannot take it!!
