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Still making a generalized statement. I also didn't say there was anything wrong with it as I myself was having some fun with one of your previous posts.

His disdain for the Lakers just oozes through his pours, and shows with every comments that he post always finding ways to tie in something about the Lakers and its fan base.
tonight should be very interesting, even if the Thunder win I'm still not worried because The Spurs are just a better team, but I'd prefer them to win and beat the Thunder fast as possible so they can wait and rest till the Heat/Celtics finish up.
Are you worried if okc wins the next two? Very feasible ..

Sure would be, not like everyone else on this board that says all is fine when my team loses (which basically seems to be theme here) So far every time the home team has one in the series, spurs have home court, if the Thunder beat the spurs at home I'll be very worried, guess we'll see what happens.
I only watched yesterday's game so far, but I thought this Spurs team was supposed to play a different style of game? Seemed to be the same style as the past 15 years, jump shots and lay ups and a whopping 3 points on fast breaks..
yesterday was not what they have been doing, been an off couple of games for them.

My friend showed me this article and I couldn't agree with it more.

That's what concerns me about this team is how they have regressed into last year's team. My hats off to OKC because they are dictating how they want the Spurs to play instead of the other way around. Also OKC's role guys have stepped up big time.

Regardless of how close game 4 was or how not close game 3 was, OKC has absolutely dominated us these last 2 games.

I truly believe SA will win game 5, I would be totally shocked if they didn't. I also think SA will more than likely lose game 6. Game 7 is up in the air. I could totally see OKC stealing one from us there...
So what you are saying then is the Spurs are not that good cause a Thunder team that beat them is going to get destroyed by the Lebron Team of Epic Proportions.

If the Thunder wins may as well just say Lebron won his first ring because the Heat will destroy the Thunder. Rooting for the Thunder =rooting for the Heat

Sorry, have to disagree. Many of you may not realize this but I am not a fan of the Heat. Having made that clarification, OKC is GOOD. I have a lot of respect for that team now. They are deep, play very well as a team and have no fear. They are the anti-Heat in every possible way.

I'll be rooting for OKC to run a train on the Heat. Last year didn't matter to me either way, I would have taken great pride in either team losing, the Mavs or the Heat. This year, I'll be rooting for OKC with a clear conscience...
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