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Guess this guy didn't like the strategy guide...:lol

[ame=""]YouTube - Kaworu's MK9 Prima Guide Review[/ame]
That was a priceless review, i can feel his pain especially when it comes to fighting games and your sick of being pwned lol You just want a good book to help you along, It was great cause you could feel his frustration :slap
This is how I feel about not being able to play MK online, my recent PS3 destruction, and videogames in general:

That is hilarious!
Guess this guy didn't like the strategy guide...:lol

YouTube - Kaworu's MK9 Prima Guide Review

By coincidence I was at Target today and looked through the soft cover version intending to buy it. I thought the EXACT same thing as I was flipping through it. Just list the commands and be done with it!!
They could have had dedicated a single page to the characters specials, finishing moves, and relavant combo's for quick and easy reference.
Sometimes less is more.
Just got a sweet 9 hit combo with cyber sub zero...

Jump towards, in air triangle, square square, ice ball, square square square, back forward circle+R2.

Oooh i just got a different 9 hit too, very vool.
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The thing that makes Shao Kahn and the boss fights so cheap are when your attacks bounce off them. I realize in past games, the Kahn was ridiculously cheap but c'mon, this is 2011. That is my only real complaint about this game.
Flawless victory on Shao Kahn in story mode.

Video or it never happened! :lol

I just completed challenge 251. That thing was tough! Stupid Shang Tsung and his useless moves against Kahn. Had to fireball him to death. Too bad you can't shape shift into Kahn and give him a piece of his own medicine. It was hard enough beating him solo on 250, but throwing in Baraka and Sindel before him and only one life bar with like a 1/3 refresher, and I doubt anyone could conistantly beat it if you had to win two in a row. I'm just so thankful you only need to win one match in the Challenge tower to beat the level. I can't imagine trying to win 2 in a row on some of these, especially if Kahn is envolved.

I have to admit 150 is my favorite level so far where you get to play as Goro. It was so easy taking out 5 guys! :lol

About 40ish left more me now on the tower. I really hope this will be something they include with future MK games. I've really enjoyed the different challenges. Some are very frustrating and others are kinda fun. Plus we get weird characters every now and then throw in like the Johnny Cage Director and Cyber Reptile :lol
For someone who loved and still loves MK1 and 2, but wasn't really a fan of what followed, is this worth getting?

I'm right on the edge of purchasing (especially since I want the bookends), but if it's ALL combos, I don't know...
I really hope Kahn eventually becomes a downloadable playable character.

I'm only on tower 117 so far but it been fun. I agree and really hope they include Challenge Tower in future games. I also hope they include the "Choose Your Destiny" for Ladder matches like in MK3. It would be interesting to fight every character like the older games. I also hope they bring back the Kreate-a-Fighter like in Armageddon.
For someone who loved and still loves MK1 and 2, but wasn't really a fan of what followed, is this worth getting?

I'm right on the edge of purchasing (especially since I want the bookends), but if it's ALL combos, I don't know...

I'll be the first to admit I suck at pulling off combos so I don't use them as often as other people but you don't need to pull off a bunch of combos to enjoy this game.
Finally got my KE preorder today. There wasn't a Sub Zero code included though :mad: Hopefully Best Buy can send me one. I mean, I preordered and still had to wait an extra week, the least they can do is give me the thing I preordered it for in the first place :lol
I'll be the first to admit I suck at pulling off combos so I don't use them as often as other people but you don't need to pull off a bunch of combos to enjoy this game.


I agree with Darth_fasto. You definitely don't have to do the huge combo strings to like the game (I still play it like MK 2 and 3). However, it does get infinitely annoying like in 3 where people can abuse the longer combos, and I'm still not a fan of the tag-team feature. But the game feels very much like classic MK - much more than the horrible newer games that turned me off to the series for a while.
For someone who loved and still loves MK1 and 2, but wasn't really a fan of what followed, is this worth getting?

I'm right on the edge of purchasing (especially since I want the bookends), but if it's ALL combos, I don't know...

You gotta use some combos it only makes sense. If you have a chance to land multiple punches you arnt just gonna throw one. That being said I only use a few combos for each character and I use the more basic ones. I manage to get by without having to learn the really long combos.
This may have already been answered, but how the hell do you unlock the last two fatalities for each player?
I've opend everything in the krypt and none of them have the other fatallities.
I've beat the game like 30 times, I have everyones story endings and still not a hint on how to unlock them.

Anyone know the going rate for a Classic Reptile code for 360? I got my Amazon order in today and I don't know whether to use it or sell it.
Anyone know the going rate for a Classic Reptile code for 360? I got my Amazon order in today and I don't know whether to use it or sell it.

Last Friday I sold my 360 Reptile code for $45. Now it looks like some sell for close to $100. It varies pretty wildly.

On a related note...are people insane? I'm going to laugh my ass off when they release a pack that has all of the classic costumes.