Except by the end it made Ocelot look like a pawn for the Patriots that got hijacked by Liquid and nothing more. MGS4 followed that up by showing that he pretty much conned everyone (as always), and something even Big Boss couldn't anticipate.
I kinda already stated he didn't have control at the end, but he was running the show FOR the Patriots regardless of being a pawn.
Going back to what was discussed before: to this day, I can never understand the purpose for Vamp in MGS 2, because his abilities seemed so out-of-place with the other members of Dead Cell. And Kojima threw in some odd backstory in a laughable attempt to give him relevance; in that, he wanted revenge because his gayboi lover (Scott Dolph) died? . It's not like their relationship was even elaborated upon (not that I'd ever want to hear homoerotic tales of any sort). At least Fortune had a purpose to the story because Dolph was her father and her mother committed suicide shortly after he was killed.
That was a weird way to segway his relevance to previous events. I was expecting a way better pay off on why he had those abilities. Pierced by a crucifix was a lazy explanation, and Nanomachines only heightened his abilities that were already there for healing.
Fortune was pretty cool.
I remember the feel I had when I saw the bullets get ricocheted away from her for the 1st time.
I was like WTF? How am I gonna beat this lady?
I felt the same way too. Another fact never answered was how the Patriots gave her that ability in the first place. Did she have surgery to implant that device in her without her knowledge... and they turned it on/off whenever they wanted? I personally believe she never had powers at all and her stopping RAY's attack was another Patriot orchestrated event.