Merry & Pippin 1/6?

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Darklord Dave

Super Freak
Sep 3, 2005
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So now that hobbits are representin' in the 1/6 line, do we REALLY need Merry and Pippin? Sure Gandalf and Gimli are must haves, but don't you think that there are non-Fellowship characters that are more interesting and need to be made before the other 2 hobbits? Sure, if the line takes off, having them would be great down the line. But if there were only 4 characters left, would these 2 characters be the ones you'd like to see before any others? I'd rather have an orc or Saruman or Galadriel or Elrond or a Fountain guard before the other hobbits.

What do you think?
I'm biased so I would of course want a Merry and Pippin (given my favorite characters of Middle-Earth are hobbits). But if a Merry and Pippin were out of the question I would like to see at least one female character.
I could definitely do without Merry and pippen for a long time. Rather they make some bad guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, I'd like to see a Lurtz.

The line needs good quality, especially if Sideshow choose to space out the fellowship. No, not saying that the quality isn't there already. Sideshow is about sculpts. The less human, the easier it will be to get a contented vibe going. When it comes to humans/humanlike sculpts, people find it easier to find things wrong, say it sucks, something isn't right, the usual negativity. I get the feeling that, as members, it brings people down and aids in bringing interest to an end.

I'd like to see Grima. Human yet subtley alien. Enough for Sideshow to bring this one in for a home run.
I get what you're saying Dave. Right now as far as the Fellowship goes Merry and Pip are at the bottom of my list. Yeah at some point I want them to finish out the Fellowship, but I would rather have Gandalf, Gimli, a Nazgul or an Uruk Hai before we hit the other two Hobbits.

Besides, I think the Fellowship should be drawn out just a bit to keep the excitement going. As much as I want it completed, it is the major backbone of the line.
I could do without Merry & Pip for a LONG time.

We need villians.

Ring Wraiths
Mouth Of Sauron
I would much prefer to get the fellowship out and done with first. If this line is to crawl on as it has it might not last long. I would hate to have a half complete fellowship on display...
I'm with Amir, let's get the fellowship done so that if S/S decide to do a Buffy/Angel, POTA or a Highlander and halt the line before key characters appear, then at least we have the full fellowship. Anyway, now they've developed hobbit bodies with all the tooling costs etc I'm sure we'll be seeing a full range of little people!
with most of the key fellowship done, the only characters that will bring interest raging back into this line is gandalf or some freakin villians (ringwraith, orcs, lurtz, saruman), or armored characters which are highly doubtful.

focusing on merry and pippen will just continue the snooze fest.

Though I really don't see how sideshow will bring us orcs and monsters in this line, seeing as they are not very keen on creating totally new body parts specific to a certain character. there's no way an orc or lurtz would look good using the standard buck body.
Yeah, Merry and Pippin rank up there with a Faramir announcement: nice to have but nothing to get excited about. I'll definiteley buy them, but I'd rather get some bad guys in the line... I mean we're going to easily be into year two w/o any villains?!?
I want Merry and Pippin to be done as quickly as possible along with Gimli and Gandalf the Grey. I want to have a complete fellowship.

Then I would like to get characters like Theoden, Eowyn, Galadriel, Saruman, Elrond, and a second go at Aragorn and Gandalf

And then I want to see the bad guys.
Dave, do you know something that we don't? Your sudden LOTR threads have me scared!!:google

Anyways, I would like to have a complete fellowship, but that doesn't mean that I don't want other side characters as well. If they'll only produce 4 more characters then a complete fellowship is a must. However, if they produce more characters then I'd like a Saruman, Arwen, Eowyn, Denethor, Grima, Eomer, and Treebeard. Of course, some Uru-Kai and Orcs wouldn't be bad either!:D
I would order Merry and Pippin in a heartbeat, but given the ever-increasing prices of these figures, I would have to think REALLY hard before ordering any villains. I wan the complete Fellowship, and not much more at this point.
Somehow, the picture would not be complete without Pippin & Merry. But If there where only 4 to 6 figures to go, I'd rather have a Nazgul, Haldir, Orc & Worm tongue, and a female character would be nice too: Arwen, Eowyn, ...
After being burned by Weta, SS would be smart to alleviate fears and complete the Fellowship as soon as possible, certainly before any background player or no name orc or elf. GTG and Gimli first, then Merry and Pippin, then the rest.

Considering they've now engineered a new body, which can't be that cheap, I'm sure SS will want to get their money back which means we'll see Merry, Pippin, Gimli and Bilbo sooner than later. Also more people might jump on this line if they knew the entire Fellowship were available - we don't want a repeat of the SSW fellowship debacle.
Orcses ... lots and lots of different orcses. Then maybe years from now we can deal with the other hobbits.