Leia's Lashes

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Alright guys! Lets keep it on task now....eye lash talk no more critical over member input.... Sorry not to be hard on anyone, but I do not want this to become more flamed then it already is....
Going by the photo, it doesn't look like length is an issue, but the thickness and density of the eyelashes themselves. The actual lash fibers appear too thick and they are spaced too few and far apart. This may have been the best they could do at this scale though. What is the diameter of a 1/4 scale eyeball anyway? :)
I have looked at mine in a few different types of lighting and with the naked eye they look just fine, I mean you have to hold it pretty close to your face to really see them , and will no one at my house is going to be doing that so its not an issue. If I zoomed way in with a camera I might say different but why would I do that.
Darklord Dave said:
I stared long and hard at Leia when I first got her and it took some looking to actually SEE the lashes. I really don't think mine are bad and they do add some warmth and realism to the eyes. And of course when you blow up photos that large, imperfections are bound to be noticed that aren't really noticeable in person.

I totally agree, I was actually quite worried about the lashes; especially after seeing the wonky prototype pics that were released. Once in-hand, however, it is quite clear that SS stepped up their production, mine look nothing like that now.
Leia's got LASHES? i had no idea. well i better take a closer look when i get home tonight. i guess i was just in awe at the overall beauty of the piece.
rockit13 said:
Leia's got LASHES? i had no idea. well i better take a closer look when i get home tonight. i guess i was just in awe at the overall beauty of the piece.

Bravo! Well said! :clap :clap :clap
I cancelled my Ex Leia order ages ago to finance other purchases.

Having seen a lot of pics posted on this board I realise I MUST get this as it is an awsome piece. :cool:
Some board members are quick to judge by pics they take on other forums...How can you be so critical of a piece you dont even own.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I have this Leia in storage till xmas,I have seen it once to check for damage and I must say its perfect!

The lashes are really not that bad,I like them.

Im glad sideshow added them.
I got home late last night but unpacked Leia. Didn't have that much time to give her a good look over, though I can tell you she has no extra butt crack. She is right up there with Ben as far as likeness and I can't wait to watch the original SW again.
KitFisto said:

CF does this kind of stuff to get a rise out of people. Yes, we all know he complains about pretty much every figure SS releases. There is always a flaw or mistake that he is going to point out. Then, once you respond he can begin his name calling and eye rolling emoticons.

He's a board troll. It's best to just ignore him. If ignored long enough he would eventually get tired of it and give up or leave. As long as you continue to feed him it will never stop.

We all know he is going to complain and complain a lot. Every message board has at least one poster like him. Just ignore him.

True.... And to do just that.... I will NEVER comment on him ever again. I said my bit.... exhausted the options (trying to help the guy)... So I'm done with it. I promise. :monkey3

Anyways..... about Leia. It looks fine to me from what I've seen of it, but not owning the actual statue I cannot really critique it. But what I did see of it looked fantastic. And the eyelashes add a little bit of realism, at least IMO.

I might actually pick it up one day if I ever get out of debt. :lol
I personally love the lashes. It just adds so much to the figure. 100x better than if they were painted on.
Darth Loki said:
I got home late last night but unpacked Leia. Didn't have that much time to give her a good look over, though I can tell you she has no extra butt crack. She is right up there with Ben as far as likeness and I can't wait to watch the original SW again.

That is a let down. I would hate to be caught needing an extra butt crack and not having one.

Anyway... regardless of how the statue looks in person, the up close pics I have seen of the face are interesting to say the least.
Collector Freak said:
I don't know. Same way you are being "critical" of Medicom's Superman...

By the way,I think of all the Supermans we got, the Medicom's the one with the most accurate face...way better than the Hot toys one.Its just the body that is disgusting.
She looks fine. And by fine, I mean "homina, homina, howaaaa!"


But then, the 70's were my teen years.
the eyelashes are probably accurate.
Nobody trimmed anything in the 70's :D