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have had this problem with all my 4 preds. on the last, wolf, used a blow dryer.
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You are joking, right? Vaseline??? And he didnt mean "elbow grease" as in literally grease from your elbow either(!)

I think I had this problem too but in the end I just used brute force to get the arm in. I think I used my hands as normal but also probably used my forehead to "butt" it in for extra push-power. :banghead

At this point, I'd try anything just to get this darn arm to connect. :banghead
have had this problem with all my 4 preds. on the last, wolf, user a blow dryer.

Where did you point the blow dryer to? The elbow/arm or the shoulder/arm connecting to the body? And how many minutes should I heat the part?
to the elbow arm if i understand ur destription right. into the hole of the elbow arm.
trying out is the best way to learn.
Thanks fawk3s, I'll try your suggestion and hope it works. I've been blow drying this under 30 secs, maybe I'll try to do it for over a minute and see.
When you insert the forearm, have it bent fully at 90 degrees. You need to probablt heat at least the socket in boiled water till it goes as soft as it can.
blowdry-heating takes less time, like 15-30 seconds and its as soft as warm butter.
When you insert the forearm, have it bent fully at 90 degrees. You need to probablt heat at least the socket in boiled water till it goes as soft as it can.

this is exactly what I did, but used a hair dryer instead. If you have already tried that, and pushed in with some brute force, it could be that your elbow joint is defective - but that is unlikely.
Finally assembled my BD P2. Thanks to all those that gave tips! :)
What I did was submerge the "female" part (shoulder/arm) into hot water for 1 minute then inserted the "male" part (elbow/arm) bent in a 90 degree angle then voila!
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Battle damaged Pred 2 question...

Quite simple, really; does the HT battle damaged Pred 2 have the blood painted on his face and body or is that photoshop on the website? In the gallery they're showing bloody and non-bloody pics, which is confusing me!
Re: Battle damaged Pred 2 question...

it does have blood on the body and head

Next time just search before creating another pointless and stupid thread.:thwak

Elder! Don't be so grumpy!
Re: Battle damaged Pred 2 question...

I mean, for the love of god man, their are several threads with this information on it. Also, if you read the description it tells all of the answers and he said does it have blood painted because some pics have blood on the predator and some don't. I am looking at the gallery here:
and all of the pics have blood.

Sorry if I sound like an ass though...:monkey3

Here's a link to help you with any other questions you have:
yeah i know love this figure, just everything about him but mostly the amount of equipment he comes with is just savage to be honest. Hes the best ht pred next to the original pred ht released. Still running at decent enough prices on ebay too considering how much the elder now costs...