How to build 1/6 hive.For you alien lovers.

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Super Freak
Nov 12, 2010
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Hello everybody,
Heres a how to build a hive from scratch if interested.
First and for most would be space.I worked on this thing indoors and had to move it outdoors for months to sand and paint this bad boy and i dont recommend that order.At first it was nice to sit indoors watch "HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER" or some random movie to help with glue/plaster drying to pass time.But outsides listening to music would be a better idea or a garge to work in.In short have fun if possible in between drying time because if you mess with wet plaster or drying glue it will be cause more work for you.In short,have fun it will take time to finsh or have any progress.
1st. You need a good hardware store<if your not in the US than bear with me.I got most of my stuff from LOWES.I started with a wood box for a roof look but if your going to go small i would leave it open for less of a sandbox look.

This is an open look but just an small project for fun with extra stuff lying around

Heres an sandbox look

Its a piece of furniture.But worth the space hands down.
Oh and thanks for any comments in between steps.
Heres an old pictures to show the levels i built.I bought thin wood and cut it with a dremel tool but i bought a 30$ jig saw and wow what a difference.
Levels is a good idea it gave more viewing volume but tricky to make it work.Heres the pic


Thats wood levels with paint a good start or a plain building look but once you have chosen a look stick with it.Get use to using gorilla glue its imporant for later and use alittle because it expanses alot.I would chose a theme as well because after workin on this thing for months you cant go back on structure choices after there glued in.



I will keep posting no worries..
That's cool, man. I like the idea of laying down lines of gorilla glue and letting it expand and get all funky looking.
What did you use to make the organic ooze I guess you can call it that the aliens lay down...... gorilla glue/hot glue?
What did you use to make the organic ooze I guess you can call it that the aliens lay down...... gorilla glue/hot glue?

Theres some gorilla glue and DAT expandsion foam.Expandsion foam is for window seals.Use gloves if you use, but give me some time to slowly explain the look step by step.This stuff doesnt look right unless you play with it like silly pudy.Gorilla glue is important because its light and it will blow up in water to look like bubbles.

Oh to those that dont know this thing is make ,not in production.I still need to fine tune it and paint better but its made already
This stuff is freaking amazing, dude! Awesome job!!! I've always wanted to do this to a book case but never got around to it. :hi5:

You could give this look to anything and its very solid too.
Im glad theres alot of interest.If anyone starts something up i will have no problem helping and its not that hard to do honestly, its just the material is the key.
Heres a wall mount i did case would work too
Im going to go through the next step after work.I figured i would go in waves of info.Thanks for all the comments!!!!!
Oh if theres anything you guys would like to to this to, post a pic and i will have an idea how to help.Its really a learning experience to mod a structure.
You're crafty Z. Great use of every day items to make, IMO, a movie accurate/caliber set-up. I'm thoroughly impressed.
Thanks reinhardt and sprig0701, it took some playing around with clay and plaster to get the formula to make it work.
Heres the next step and a tricky one
2nd step is clay
Weta or cheap clay will crack, period.I couldnt figure out why at first and after using different brands it was the cheap stuff that was making my life difficult.
Heres a pre production of the smallier dio
This cracked very badly and i had to glue it together.Easy to fix but if you buy DAT air drying clay this wouldnt have happen.It sells at micheals for 2lb for 7$.Awesome stuff and drys in one day.

I would try to make the inside of the deralic space ship with the GIGER look if i made another.It would look nice.If anyone buys this stuff pm me and i will help you begin the idea.It works great on wood and will dry solid.


Heres the bigger dios clay work on the big dio.Learned this late in the build of it.

I will post the next step tomorrow but it would take days to get the structure built to start.Thanks for the comments guy plus this is fun for me too
I almost made it through the day without being impressed by something! Strong work on the hive! And it's also nice to see some HT Aliens with feet that actually stay attached.
dan, thanks so much for posting this brother! can you list all the tools and items that are needed to start?

- wood panels
- clay (what brand to use?)
- gorilla glue
- foam it

what else? it would be nice to put a shopping list together before i start. this is going to be awesome!
Ken it depends how big of a project.If you post the size i will add your project as i go.I would get a jigsaw.There awesome to cut to good or prefect measure.Wood and gorilla glue would be a good first start.You will probably make may trips do to you running out of glue ect....If you get that then we can start yours.If you want some clay,get DAT air drying clay, it should be white or tan.I like the white it will blend good when you plaster your structure.

Heres a pic of why i mention plaster, all that fine detail is me rubbing a thin layer of plaster and of course paint.


The flash makes this look bright but its dark and evil in the room

If anyone is wandering why you would make one heres one good reason
This thing just keeps getting better and I have to be honest, I'm somewhat envious of your xenomorph collection.