Help weathering 1/6 Indy jacket!

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The Rogster

Super Freak
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I'm fairly new to customizing 1/6 scale figures, so I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to weather the ROTLA Indy jacket.:dunno
Start by wetting it and scrunching it up in a ball. I wet mine and shoved it in a shot glass overnight. It gave it some nice wrinkles and character. You can dry brush the jacket with tan acrylic paint if you like or use pastels. One other option is to use Fullers Earth which is available at costume shops or on This is powder used by film companies to "dirty up" clothing and hats. Hope this helps.
Start by wetting it and scrunching it up in a ball. I wet mine and shoved it in a shot glass overnight. It gave it some nice wrinkles and character.

This works. I did this and left it outside in the summer where the sun could get at it for a couple of days.
I weathered my jacket using a mix of nutmeg brown and white latex paint, applied with a cotton swab. I found a reference photo to look at for guidance. Generally, the seems and edges of the jacket will have a greater degree of wear and should be painted as such. Sorry the photo I took is not the best. Only had a cellphone camera at the time. Good luck!