Hello - New Collector From The UK

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Just a little freaky
May 27, 2014
Reaction score
West Midlands, UK
Hi everyone!

My name's Simon and i'm from the West Midlands in the UK.

Just thought i'd drop a post to introduce myself. I have been a HUGE fan of Sideshow and Hot Toys for many years and have admired them from a distance, always hoping that one day i'd have some of my own and jealous of the collections I saw on youtube.

Anyway, i've finally decided to take the plunge and start my own collection going. I'm only 23 and my income isn't amazing but thankfully I don't have that many expenses going out, so hopefully i'll be able to SLOWLY start building a collection.

I have certain figures that are my priorities to get - Star Wars, Batman Dark Knight series and Marvel superheroes for example so those are what i'll be starting with. I'm guessing that i'll have to find quite a few second hand ones (which I really don't mind as long as they are in excellent condition).

So, hi again guys! Wish me luck and I look forward to hopefully getting to know some of you all on here :)

Hi Simon

Welcome, in the same boat really... started collecting hot toys end of last year but still trying to play catch up on a lot of figures i really want. Got relatively lucky so far...

Good luck to you!
Hiya! Thanks! Where abouts are you looking for figures? I'm browsing ebay but seem to just be finding crazy prices for things in not the best condition :/
Well... i say lucky... i mean lucky considering.

Managed to get Avengers Iron Man for £200 from Forbidden Planet (this was over a year after it was originally released, and after being sold out on there for ages) I guess they must've found one in their stock room or something, and i went on their site at the right time!

For items that are past the preorder, i have resided myself to the fact that i will need to be kicked in the wallet to get what i want...

Only got 2 (amazing spiderman and man of steel superman) that were under 200 so far and they were both pre-orders. All my others have been low to mid 200 range.

Only got 1 from Ebay so far, others have been from forbidden planet, or Amazon from Japan.

Only advice i can give you, is keep looking, after a while you'll get an idea of what a good price is for an item... and if you see one thats around that price, you just have to cover your eyes and hit "buy"
Haha yeah - I think that's the way forward!

I've gotta admit - Amazing Spiderman, Man of Steel and Avengers Iron Man are 3 of my most wanted ha! Very jealous. From pics i've seen all 3 of those look amazing. I love the likeness to Andrew Garfield on the Spiderman one. Very cool.
Yeah they're all great. But Avengers Iron Man is hands down favourite, comes with so much more than any other i've bought so far and just looks incredbile
UK here too (NW, Liverpool area) Your lucky, the Mark 7 from the Avengers is my dream armour but missed it when it first camr out and putting it off now for a Silver Centurion!

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I wouldn't quite say Merseysider as im originally from the other side of the water (Chester) but the other half hails from Kirkby and ive been living here on and off since 2005.

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