hasbro jabba set......the re-do.

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Dealer of Death
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
finally scored a jabba set today.......:woo

ripped him right out of the box & went to re-painting.

i normally just work with the 1/6th figures but every now & then i like to go back and paint some of the 3 3/4" stuff....:)

just got finished with the throne portion:
painted all the "stone" with a wash of tan & a bit of green. added some darker run off stains.....:monkey4
repainted all the pillows with with a wash & added pastels.
repainted his arm rest with a copper spray paint that i sprayed into a small cup & painted with a q-tip.
and gave the gargoyle heads a more patina finish....(solid black is..:cuckoo:)
dul-coated it all except the armrest.






jabba, oola, & crumb are next.
well i touched up jabba a bit (because its not a bad paintjob at all really), used a green pastel to highlight the green parts, yellow orange brown mix for the underbelly, and a bit of pink for the suckers........:horror.
added some future floor polish around the mouth & eyes and a white/lightblue mix for the drool.
just hit a lil more detail on crumb by adding close to the same color of him as is but added a bit of pink to the feet & ears. and a little more future at the eyes.



left oola as is.
this is an awesome piece & recommend picking it up. for 38 bucks you cant go wrong......:lecture
As I said in the Hasbro appreciation thread, it looks great, i just think adding a black wash to the heads will make them stand out from the Dias a little more. Great job, though! It really looks great. Makes me sad that I had to immediately put mine into storage. :(
thanks UH. yea i could darken those up a bit, i will give it a go & try to match my sideshow one a bit closer. thanks for the suggestion.
Looks great Barryo . Sometimes I'm tempted to pick up stuff in other scales , but I've made serious headway in the last couple of years to focus my attention on 1/6 . But I think I'd definately have a crack at Jabba if the opportunity arose . ( Hang on , that didn't come out right .....):slap
thanks TG.............i hear ya' about the avoidance issue. i accumulated a bunch of crap i cant give away from hasbro, but............this i couldn't pass up on......:gah:

and thanks to unsung............i redid the gargoyle heads with a darker wash & i think they pop a little more than before.....:whip


thanks TG.............i hear ya' about the avoidance issue. i accumulated a bunch of crap i cant give away from hasbro, but............this i couldn't pass up on......:gah:

and thanks to unsung............i redid the gargoyle heads with a darker wash & i think they pop a little more than before.....:whip



Oh yeah, that really did it! Excellent work, it's fantastic!
i prefer the crumb that came with the amanaman back in 97 . thats the one i ll be displaying w/mine.but yes awesome job!!