Favorite Bond Film Polls #5: Best Bond EVER!

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Which of the following is the best Bond film ever?

  • Goldfinger - Sean Connery

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • On Her Majesty's Secret Service - George Lazenby

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • The Spy Who Loved Me - Roger Moore

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • License to Kill - Timothy Dalton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GoldenEye - Pierce Brosnan

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Casino Royale - Daniel Craig

    Votes: 10 27.0%

  • Total voters
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
OK after 5 days or so of voting it has come the time for the Best Bond film ever poll. The choices are as follows from the results of the previous 4 polls:

Goldfinger - Sean Connery
On Her Majesty's Secret Service - George Lazenby
The Spy Who Loved Me - Roger Moore
License to Kill - Timothy Dalton
GoldenEye - Pierce Brosnan
Casion Royale - Daniel Craig

Moore's was the closest fo the polls, but TSWLM never gave up the lead. Vote away!
the last bond movie i seen in a theater starred roger moore until last night.and hands down this is the best bond movie.this is the way bond movies should always be made in the future.this is the first movie in most likely a decade that i am actually anxious to see again.do not punish yourself by waiting for the DVD.this movie needs to be seen the theater
hydrobud said:
the last bond movie i seen in a theater starred roger moore until last night.and hands this movie is the best.this is the way bond should always be made in the future.this is the first movie in most likely a decade that i am actually anxious to see again.do not punish yourself by waiting for the DVD.this movie needs to be seen the theater

I agree. I've seen it twice already!
i missed the pre-credits intro last night.i stopped to see it today prior to seeing flushed away with my 8 yr old.man i wanted to just stay there and watch it again.
I voted for TSWLM, but I expect this will be a 3 horse race between Goldfinger, Goldeneye and Casino Royale. The Casino Royale buzz is still pretty fresh so I think it's got a good chance to win.
Tough call between Goldfinger and TSWLM, but decided to go with Goldfinger. Casino Royale is good, but I refuse to vote for it to be best until I've seen it multiple (at least a dozen) times and its been out for a couple years. It's gotta stand the test of time. Plus...I like improbably gadgets and one liners. :eek:
Had to go for Casino Royale... I've seen it twice already and it is just as good the second go round. From Russia with Love and TSWLM are close runners up, but this movie had everything I could ever want from a Bond film. Compelling villian, vulnerable but strong Bond, Crazy stunts, believable women and a good plot. Craig made me believe in Bond again and that is no easy feat. Connery would have been top dog forever if his scripts were nailed down a little better and if he had today's stunt coordinators... OHMSS would have been the best if Lazenby would have been a better Bond...

Casino is an amazing film, I even liked the opening theme music that most people have been upset about. It's all good to me... :D
Captain Aldeggon said:
For me, Connery is Bond. All the others are just good imitations of him or good predecesors to him. But he IS Bond.

True... Connery was and forever shall be Bond. He made that character HIS and never let us forget it either... Craig would be my second favorite to don the tux...
I just saw Casino and I wanted to slit both of my wrists. It was just as bad as I feared. My friend paid for my ticket to soften the blow because he said I couldn't complain about Craig until I gave him a chance. I wish to God I had watched The Fountain again instead.

Best Bond film ever? I think the general consensus is Goldfinger but personally, my favorite is On Her Majesty's. Connery will ALWAYS be Bond. Craig is just a two-bit poser thug in speedos.
Wow, CR and GF are tied...I honestly wouldn't have expected that...the producers weren't kidding when they said CR was going to shake things up a bit...
Saw Goldfinger when I was a little kid, it glued me to the set (for various reasons). The newer ones are the weakest bonds, haven't seen casino royale, but it's in a tight race with goldfinger, so I imagine it is departure from the last few bond movies, which I didn't think was that great.
In this poll at any rate. Not my fave film, and I do like the new one a lot, but...
You can't beat Goldfinger for all out class. I voted based on if I was leaving Earth, and could only take one Bond film with me of the ones listed...
That made it easy.
The results here aren't really that surprising. I mean, it's Goldfinger... you know, the film that cemented the template for the filmic 007. Spawned a craze, that whole thing.

Casino Royale is bound to get votes because it's new. Personally, I LOVED LOVED LOVED it, but I need some decompression time for me to truly compare it to anything. I'm entirely too excited about it right now.

On that note, I voted for OHMSS, since this is a film poll, not a favorite Bond poll. To me, it's a tie between OHMSS and FRWL for best film.

... though, my favorite Bond is Dalton. Unfortunately, you used LTK in the poll. The Living Daylights is by far the superior film (and one of, if not tops, my personal favorites).
007 said:
The results here aren't really that surprising. I mean, it's Goldfinger... you know, the film that cemented the template for the filmic 007. Spawned a craze, that whole thing.

Casino Royale is bound to get votes because it's new. Personally, I LOVED LOVED LOVED it, but I need some decompression time for me to truly compare it to anything. I'm entirely too excited about it right now.

On that note, I voted for OHMSS, since this is a film poll, not a favorite Bond poll. To me, it's a tie between OHMSS and FRWL for best film.

... though, my favorite Bond is Dalton. Unfortunately, you used LTK in the poll. The Living Daylights is by far the superior film (and one of, if not tops, my personal favorites).

These are the winners of the other 4 polls I posted.