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Enterbay are in NO RUSH, so pics will be out soon!

:lol Thats a good strategy considering Hot Toys' will be out in a few weeks. :D Kinda like Medicom releasing their TDK Batman like 10 months after Hot Toys sold a billion of them first. :D

Bad economic times = make your cash when you can cuz most collectors are impatient and can't afford to buy both.

Just saying.
:lol Thats a good strategy considering Hot Toys' will be out in a few weeks. :D Kinda like Medicom releasing their TDK Batman like 10 months after Hot Toys sold a billion of them first. :D

Bad economic times = make your cash when you can cuz most collectors are impatient and can't afford to buy both.

Just saying.

kinda makes me glad there are companies like enterbay out there who take the time to get things right, and do things on their own terms, rather than cash in coz of the economy, and dupe consumers into spending. also glad there are companies who haven't changed their economic model much - it's a sign of strength and confidence.
kinda makes me glad there are companies like enterbay out there who take the time to get things right, and do things on their own terms, rather than cash in coz of the economy, and dupe consumers into spending. also glad there are companies who haven't changed their economic model much - it's a sign of strength and confidence.

:confused: How so? What has Hot Toys released in the past year that resulted as runner up other than TDK Batman? Please explain? Having their product released 1st is a sign of professionalism and having organizational skills.

Sorry bro but you make is sound like EB isn't in it to make money. :confused:

Also who said HT's Godfather doesn't look better than EB's? Have you seen the poll results? HT's has already tweaked the entire figure once while EB claims to be "making great changes"

Its a business to make money, nothing else.
:confused: How so? What has Hot Toys released in the past year that resulted as runner up other than TDK Batman? Please explain? Having their product released 1st is a sign of professionalism and having organizational skills.

Sorry bro but you make is sound like EB isn't in it to make money. :confused:

Also who said HT's Godfather doesn't look better than EB's? Have you seen the poll results? HT's has already tweaked the entire figure once while EB claims to be "making great changes"

Its a business to make money, nothing else.

sorry bud - i didn't mean HT specifically - i mean generally. right now in the UK, i'm really tired of seeing adverts on TV which are basically playing on people's insecurities about the economy, and their guilt for not looking for bargains.

that said, i'm also kinda annoyed at HT for the way they've treated certain lines. abandoning some, going after others coz they were new (even if they were crap - spirit anyone? having said that EB did the same with dragonball), and milking the crap out of certain others. i'm allowed to feel this way - i was into HT from the beginning. i bought the rambo 2 fig and trautman when they came out, and have more HT than anything else. recently i'm just feeling less love for them. this is just my personal opinion so don't take it personally. but as a brand, i feel like their brand image has lost some of that love of toys and cool licenses. when they did aliens and rambo back in the day i had such great respect for their choices.

of course EB is in it to make money - all of these guys are. but as a brand, i like their style. more like they want to make quality toys and they're taking their time with each release. they seem to not be jumping at licenses. i like that style, but it's not for everyone granted. it's what kind of brand personality you prefer i guess.

as for godfather, i never even mentioned that figure. i wasn't referring to the battle between them over this guy. i don't look at the polls coz i don't like them. and actually, i've put a deposit down for the HT one, not the EB one. but if the EB one is that good, i may get it as well.

and those "great changes" could be something revolutionary. don't count them out yet. PERS didn't come from nothing - enterbay did it first. people liked it. HT copied it and improved it. maybe we'll see something else extraordinary and new for the don. i like that they're not rushing to the market to compete with HT's directly. for me it speaks of confidence. if they were truly and utterly business minded, they would release it early. this to me says that enterbay isn't all about the money. i find in enterbay something i used to like in HT but now i feel HT has lost.

just my opinion of a couple of companies dude. not a personal attack in any way.
G.I. Joes in 1976 had movable eyes, EB didn't invent anything. I never took anything you said as a personal attack. I could care less about HT's and feel EXACTLY the same way that you do about them today.


Yes they've changed and i've also lost alot of my respect for them. I was just voicing an opinion too but please don't think I was belittling your opinion. I don't do that.
G.I. Joes in 1976 had movable eyes, EB didn't invent anything. I never took anything you said as a personal attack. I could care less about HT's and feel EXACTLY the same way that you do about them today.


Yes they've changed and i've also lost alot of my respect for them. I was just voicing an opinion too but please don't think I was belittling your opinion. I don't do that.

:duff we always cool, dude. i forgot for a second you actually weren't one of the cheerleaders. and i even learnt something - never knew GI Joe did that as far back as 1976!!! that's amazing! was never into GI Joe which is why i missed out on this stuff. or mask actually, which i also hear is quite good. i was more into he-man, wwf and thundercats toys when i was a kid. all the ones a shrink could potentially see latent gayness in :lol
:duff we always cool, dude. i forgot for a second you actually weren't one of the cheerleaders. and i even learnt something - never knew GI Joe did that as far back as 1976!!! that's amazing! was never into GI Joe which is why i missed out on this stuff. or mask actually, which i also hear is quite good. i was more into he-man, wwf and thundercats toys when i was a kid. all the ones a shrink could potentially see latent gayness in :lol

:lol I wasn't much into G.I.'s either but one dude here mentioned this about a month ago. I think it would be safe to assume the entire child world was into He-Man! :lol

:lol I wasn't much into G.I.'s either but one dude here mentioned this about a month ago. I think it would be safe to assume the entire child world was into He-Man! :lol


:D phew! i feel much better and much more secure.

i thought i would have to defend myself by protesting that i watched godfather when i was 4 yrs old and then every sunday until now. COZ THAT'S WHAT REAL MEN DO! GRRRR!
while you play with Hasselhoff balls?


pretty good. prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyy prettyyyyyyyyyy pretty good. pretty good.

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EB's is pretty good . HT's is awesome. long live LD
Having had a few EB stuff and looked at a few more (bean, 24) I could see that sculpt wise, EB and HT will both nail the don's sculpt. However, outfit wise, I must say that HT has an edge over EB. their choice of material and the tailoring is a bit better than EB's.

Also I kinda like the fact that EB's has the 360 eye system, which means more style and pose option. Guess the perfect 'don' would mean, the EB headsculpt and body, with the HT outfit and chair. And lastly, EB's cat.

Taking a wait-and-see approach on this one, and decide later. :D