Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

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Just played the demo and it's much better than Castlevania. Anybody know which system this game runs better on?
Just played the demo and it's much better than Castlevania. Anybody know which system this game runs better on?

On the 360 it has less framerate issues. I actually picked it up today but I'm watching Nightmare on Elm Street and haven't opened it yet. :lol
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After playing this demo I hope all would see that not only does this look better than Castlevania, which was rather uninspiring...the rain parts hurt my eyes they were so bad, but it's more fun and that much more refreshing.
Really enjoying this. Just played another couple of hours. I actually think the reviews are a little low. This is a solid 8.7 out of 10 to me.
Anyone know how long of a game this is? ..i heard castalvania is very long, i like a decent lenght game and from what i have palyed of the demo i really like it:).
honestly....this game is amazing...got it yesterday along with Castlevania and i put this game in first......lets just say Castlevania has yet to be unwrapped!