Enaud's 1/6 Custom SW Headsculpts, Outfit parts, Etc.

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Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

I am sure Diane with sort you out with some hands my friend.
As for the milomthingynoutfit... Yeah creativity is needed for me :) his actaul outfit is very different and I looked at the hasbro 3 3/4 more. I do have a few pics which I will post later
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Bahh nurse so excited about the gloves!! Gonna finish off Nabrum a treat!

So Liam has painted up the hands and I have painted up the head. Mixed a black and brown to base coat the head "DONKEY"

then used citadel paints.. snakebite leather for the gasmask...

Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Then it was a dry brush of Iyanden Darksun brown. Then bolt gun metal for the silver.... and finally some black on the goggles! Last will be a gloss coat on the lenses.

Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

All thats left to do... is dance..no no is to glue the head on and sew the collar up at the back.... and he is lookin fine... Donkey ya cant give a baby booze!!!

Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

booze, baby need booze!!

bab's you a genius and i wi love yew long time, it's a woik of art!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Nah sir I am no genius... I have just dined on weetabix sir...

Yours is the one on the left with the come to bed eyes!

Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

I need everything! Ugh!

I'm still trying to get the "suits"... they're hard to come by, especially 2 sets. I may have to go another route than Greedo.

But I'm gonna get that sculpt and hands hopefully today if enaud will let me.

Then I gotta get the white boots -- might have an old 12" Ackbar here somewhere to dig out.

But I do have the paint! :lol

But it will happen -- thanks to enaud's amazing sculpt and your customizing skills, this is just too good a figure not to have in my collection!
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Hmm, yeah, that's something I wuz wundering, 2 - how the heck to come by TWO SS Greedo suits?? Dorgie, are ya buying entire Greedo figs just fer the suits? Or do you have a secret source that has a fetish for nekkid Greedos? :lol Mars Needs Moms and I Need Cantina Aliens, so I simply gotta find a way to come by these suits!!! :panic: Oh, and thanks for the break-down on the paints you used for your super-amazing figures...I decided to be brave and make Nabrun my first attempt EVER at painting a figure's head; a good choice, I think, since I don't have to worry about getting the eyes right!:wink1:
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Greedo suits parted out via Toy Anxiety & collectible kitbash I recall
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Those gloved hands look great Duane, now I dont have to worry about how to do them anymore. :)

Yeah, the Greedo suits are perfect. I was lucky enough to get a couple off of TA before they sold out. Im not sure where one would find them now, prpbably have to wait for TA to part out a few more Greedos.