Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint *body update*

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Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Here's my weekend project. I finally decided to resculpt and repaint my Emperor (thanks to eczamurai for the inspiration :duff). I've had him boxed up for quite a while now because he wasn't up to par with the rest of my collection. Since my Maul mod went over so well, I thought I should give Palpy a try as well before he rots away in his box. I'm quite happy with the way he came out.

As you see in the comparison shot (of course I forgot to take a before shot as always, so I included one from rebelscum.com), I first stripped the paint, then sculpted the new brows. I also closed the mouth a bit more, and added some more texture here and there. Then painted the whole thing, including the neck. I also painted the hands whiter, but didn't take a picture yet.
I ordered a new body for him that I will customize a bit until he has the right height and posture. The old Prometheus is floppy as hell, and I never liked the poseability anyway. So for now I only took some quick shots to get an idea what he will look like with the hood up. Ideally I would still prefer a different expression, maybe an evil grin with his teeth showing, but this will do for now.

I included the collage below (including eczamurai's custom) that I put together as reference for the brows and colour. As you can see, the colour varies quite a bit, depending on the scene and lighting, so I made it up a bit as I went along.

Enjoy. :)







I will post more pictures when the new body arrives and I can finish the whole figure. :)
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Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

Ow NURSE!! love the tiny alteration but it makes a MASSIVE difference and looks most impressive Agonistes86 (I wonder if you could make my downstair trouser parts look impressive, the wife has never been impressed you know)

You have made him look way more nasty, I always thought that cult made him look way to friendly..

Great paint job too.
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Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

Killer Palpatine! very nice mod and paint! I can't wait to see him all put together.
Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

Killer Palpatine! very nice mod and paint! I can't wait to see him all put together.

Thanks. I will try my best to get the proportions right to attain the silhouette like in the shot below:


I especially want to espose as much neck as possible, something that was really difficult on the Prometheus body.
Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

Just 2 points of contructive criticism to make it perfect!

The right between his eyes should be connected like in this picture to get a perfect frown, it's what I did. Also, his eyes should be a lot more yellow!

Rock on! Makes me want to repaint mine better! :rock

Here's the picture with the change in sculpt that I suggest you do like I did.


Oh and last suggestion paint wise: paint the sides of his mouth darker as well, look at my sig and compare the mouth's, Emperor has a bit of a wide mouth, you can see this in your compilation picture as well!
Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

Nice job! And on the plus side you don't have to do extensive blending to get it to look natural since his face is already a mess :)
Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

Thank a lot guys, I'm glad you all like it. :wave

Just 2 points of contructive criticism to make it perfect!

The right between his eyes should be connected like in this picture to get a perfect frown, it's what I did. Also, his eyes should be a lot more yellow!

Rock on! Makes me want to repaint mine better! :rock

Here's the picture with the change in sculpt that I suggest you do like I did.

View attachment 140747

Oh and last suggestion paint wise: paint the sides of his mouth darker as well, look at my sig and compare the mouth's, Emperor has a bit of a wide mouth, you can see this in your compilation picture as well!

Thanks, man.

About the frown, yeah I noticed that while I was resculpting it. I decided not to add that though, as the picture you posted is the only one I could find that connection on, and it looks unnatural IMO (as weird as that sounds considering this is the emperor we're taking about :p). It looks more like a fluke in the makeup, so I left it out.

The eyes, you're completely right. I didn't notice it with the bare eye, but since taking the pictures and seeing it blown up a multitude of its original size, the yellow isn't prominent enough. The whole iris should be bigger and lighter with more yellow, to create a greater contrast with the huge black pupils, to give him that creepy look. I will await until I put him together and have him displayed with the hood to see if I want to change that. Perhaps it will be less noticeable anyway on display with his eyes more in shadow.

Finally the mouth, yeah I agree as well. I resculpted the mouth mainly because of the shape, I wanted more of a slope. I think I'll give it a try to darken the creases some more with a bit of a dark wash.

Thanks for the feedback. :)
Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

Thank a lot guys, I'm glad you all like it. :wave

Thanks, man.

About the frown, yeah I noticed that while I was resculpting it. I decided not to add that though, as the picture you posted is the only one I could find that connection on, and it looks unnatural IMO (as weird as that sounds considering this is the emperor we're taking about :p). It looks more like a fluke in the makeup, so I left it out.

The eyes, you're completely right. I didn't notice it with the bare eye, but since taking the pictures and seeing it blown up a multitude of its original size, the yellow isn't prominent enough. The whole iris should be bigger and lighter with more yellow, to create a greater contrast with the huge black pupils, to give him that creepy look. I will await until I put him together and have him displayed with the hood to see if I want to change that. Perhaps it will be less noticeable anyway on display with his eyes more in shadow.

Finally the mouth, yeah I agree as well. I resculpted the mouth mainly because of the shape, I wanted more of a slope. I think I'll give it a try to darken the creases some more with a bit of a dark wash.

Thanks for the feedback. :)

Thanks for considering the feedback! About the eyebrows, I think it's the frown that makes the makeup bulge. So to my eye it looks accurate if unnatural. :) Basically to me everytime he looks angry it looks like that, logically because of the huge makeup moving along with his brow.
Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

You killed it on the eyes, they look great. Much respect on the sculpting skills.
Re: Emperor Palpatine resculpt and repaint

Thanks, Lopie! :)

Thanks for considering the feedback! About the eyebrows, I think it's the frown that makes the makeup bulge. So to my eye it looks accurate if unnatural. :) Basically to me everytime he looks angry it looks like that, logically because of the huge makeup moving along with his brow.

Yeah, in the end it's just a matter of preference. For the frown that bulge is more accurate, but I wasn't really feeling it, so I went more with what I preferred instead. For anybody not analyzing every shot like we are doing, the difference is negligible anyway. :lol