Custom Shelf for Prime 1 Shockwave

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Super Freak
May 25, 2016
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I am building him his own shelf because he’s just too large to be with his brothers on actually my next shelf build.

I contacted Prime 1 because he’s listed as 36” wide roughly but the base is not that wide since he sticks out. They sent me back a diagram with measurements on it so his base is a perfect circle measuring 26”.

I went over to Lowe’s and scooped up the cheaper unsanded 3’ round table tops and I’m putting 8 round feet on the bottom then felt them.

The plan is to build it about 3’ tall so he’s not looking down at me. I plan to attaché the 2 with 4x4s likely 5 around and one in the center. I’m not 100% on where because I’m using color changing leds inside set to purple of course and I can’t have the wood ruining how it reflects. The wood will be painted white for reflectivity.

In fact I could wrap the 4x4s with white board like I used on my huge shelves then wrap the frosted plexi in front of that. Just thought of the idea now.

So in the end you will see a round table where the bottom has a purple glow and a large decepticon black and chrome logo. I will drill and channel the wood so the wiring will come out F0B9DC7F-A2C2-40B0-BECA-B2ACE0B95855.jpg596A8214-E44E-4F4E-8398-19D637B987ED.jpgof the back all near as well. No cheaping it out lol I may have the table tops routed at a shop for the plexiglass to sit in. Not sure just yet. The plexiglass will be the most costly part but luckily it can be as thin as possible as loss as it doesn’t crack.

So far I sanded the tops. I plan to use chalk paint. I may do black, purple or white. I’ve not decided just yet. It hide a lot of imperfections in the wood and is very durable and I could actually spray paint a white base and sand down the chalk paint or scrape circuit boards into it.

We will see. Thanks for checking in and sorry there’s not a lot of photos yet.
The expensive chalk paint doesn’t come in the right purple so I’ll check Lowe’s, I think they mix in any color.
So it’s been a few weeks since I got my pieces for the shelf and I finally had a few hours to work on it so I’ll just explain it in order and then post the pix.

Before I do I need to explain my plans have changed and the middle will now be a square with a lot front and not the full round plexiglass. Cost and construction erased that idea but mainly construction but that made it too expensive to try.

It will now be a four side square lit inside. I will place reflective white board facing inward then cover the 2 sides and back with it outside as well. The front will be frosted object glued into place and then trimmed in the white pvc trim I’ve used on my other shelves to match.

The last part will be decided later and that is how to display the decepticon logo or cut one from wood and place it inside so it’s dark with a purple glow around it. Testing will not be fun.
Here is what I’ve done so far.

1 - Cut the circle with pencil lines into 8 parts. A lot harder than one might think if you need it even.
2 - Cut 2x4s the appropriate lengths so the front trim does not overhang the circle.
3 - Build 2 identical rectangle structures.
4 - Line up, mark and predrill round table tops.
5 - Use 2” screws to attach rectangular pieces.
6 - Flip over and used a makeshift ruler to align and drill into other round tabletop.
7 - Using same pizza method make lines then measure each line for foot mount placement.
8 - Drill holes to accept the extra length bolt on wooden feet that screw into mounts. They are too long so I had to drill the bottom of the bottom tabletop so I could tighten them all the way. Idiot design of the company.
9 - Attack feet and flip over.

I picked up chalk paint and had it tinted black. There was no purple and the chalk paint is non-Stick and looks great and won’t ruin the statues bottom of the stand plus I’ll wax it. Got felt for the bottom of the feet as well.

What’s left is to paint, then go get the plexiglass and white board. I can test it before nailing it together.

Overall it held my 50lb kid so Shockwave is way overly supported so no side braces needed. I sat on it at 24lbs.

Enjoy pix!!
Well I actually did so much continuous work I wil just post the photos but it’s not done yet. The black chalk paint looks great.

I am testing the lights and they are not the right purple although they are not bad. I haven’t put the reflective white board inside yet and you should not when done see the light source.

Either way this is it so far. If I could change anything I’d make the side have s cutout of the decepticon logo that glows the purple but to do it properly would require a redesign.
I have some better lighting! Looks deeper and smoother. I had to repaint the black.

The 4 round lights in the back will get attached to the underneath in the back under the tabletop for some extra glow.
I made a decepticon logo as big as I could on an 11x17 and cut it out. I then placed it on board and basically did a dot pattern and using a ruler connected the dots then cut it out and painted it black. Back in the day when I had more patience I’d enlarge it manually which I was very good at. Just was natural to do it fast. I used to draw nearly every day for over 16 years.

So this will go inside the stand and the purple will shine around and through it. If I cannot devise a stand to hold it in place against the plexiglass I can always get a vinyl sticker. I prefer this because I can back it off just a tad and it looks creepy but cool.

OK here’s the logo all mounted on its custom stand. It allows for the logo to be placed up against the plexiglass and stay hidden. I used clear plexiglass tubing cut and glued to let the logo pieces appear to float.

Tomorrow I will secure the mount in place with liquid nails.

So I kind of skipped ahead. I figure there isn’t much interest in how everything I did was done.

Right now all that’s left is the put white electrical tape over that wire inside of the stand. Normally I’d cut and use a wire harness to shorten the LED strand but I thought I would use the extra colors for more purple but I should of put it up top inside.

No matter though the tape will workout great. I added 4 disc lights, 2 on each side of the top. Along with the extra strand in back it lets the whole stand glow as well.

So here it is in the dark.

I also painted the textured trim black and wiped it so only he inner texture is colored. Photos are terrible in comparison to in person but I’m gonna use a Mr. Clean pad to make it even white.

Thanks a lot

If I could come up with a way to recreate the drilling pieces I would add some coming off the trim and going back in but that is unlikely. Possibly when it comes I can better come up with something even if it’s similar.

Don’t care if people make fun of that not being perfect but I’d expect it. It’s not easy with just using stuff I can find locally.