Cinemaquette Indy

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im thinking about getting this... is sideshow gonna make a PF or what??? i'd prefer a sideshow, but if this is my only option i need to sell some blood now.
I d love to see what they d do with Sean Connery as Bond.
My Sister is nt easily pleased.I just showed her Johnny Depp and she was in agreement that it s the greatest piece of it s type she s ever seen.
Thus it must be so.
Damn, just when I was about to start a very expensive drug habit, this must have figure shows up!
I'm strongly considering Indy as well. Unless sideshow can beat CM to the punch, this will probably be my 1st CM.
CM seem to be another company that aren't great with human likenesses. Arnie and Indy are both mediocre and Aragorn is awful,though Jack Sparrow looks amazing. I still like their Alien and the Terminator endoskeletons best.
Well I do think the Indy is fairly cool looking, but theres too many things a little off on it to be putting down that kind of cash for it. I've belonged to the Indy Gear board for a while and have nitpicked many of the real Indy costume items to get my Indy outfit as close as possible. Most of which are made by the same people who made the movie outfits. The likeness seems to be off for some reason just not sure what. But that fedora is horrible, it has a horrible taper to the crown and the crown hight should be much higher. The jacket seems to be a chocolate brown color from the pictures and should be darker, but that could be the flash I guess. Don't know, but if I'm gonna put down that kind of cash it better be flawless.
Why are we writting off Indy already based on a prototype? haven't we learned anything from the Jack Sparrow prototype??? :rolleyes:
Mediocre? CM Nailed the likeness on Indy and Arnie. Let's see you do better. I agree with Aragorn and Jack is dead on.
bcm77 said:
CM seem to be another company that aren't great with human likenesses. Arnie and Indy are both mediocre and Aragorn is awful,though Jack Sparrow looks amazing. I still like their Alien and the Terminator endoskeletons best.

I mostly agree, though Arnold is almost perfect!!!
streetjudge79 said:
Let's see you do better.

I don't want to get into this argument, but when people say that it makes them look stupid. One doesn't have to have the ability to sculpt to critique somebody elses sculpting!
Yep...much better. But the shade of white in the eyes is still very very bright...
xenoviper said:
Jack sparrow looks stupid.. looks as if he gained a bit of weight...(Most obvious problem is the cheeks) likeness is off just like their previous release of Arnie T-850.

They scanned Depp's head for this piece, so any "fat" on the figure is what he actually looks like. This is the most amazing likeness I've ever seen- bar none.

I didn't like the 1st Pirates much at all (still haven't seen the 2nd), but I'm seriously considering the Sparrow piece because of how amazing it is.

Indy will be mine with 100% certainty as long as they darken his eyes some. I'd also like to get one of the Terminator pieces (either T-800 or T-850). Sideshow PF's just aren't as appealing to me after looking at these. If CM ever does a Fett, a Vader, etc., my SS PF's are history.
Why oh Why does jack look so good i love the POTC films and love jacks character i need to start saving now!

Indy is ok but their is just something not right that i cant put my finger on!
would love to get indy. any idea on price, $1200?

these are amazing but you have to remember for the price of one you could have approx. 4 SS PF's.