Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

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The review embargo must have been today, since a whole mess of reviews are starting to pout out, and I couldn't be happier with what I'm seeing. Loads of 9/10 reviews with the occasional 8/10 as well. I can't say I've seen any 10/10, but 8's and 9's are plenty good for me. Most of the reviews are saying it's a blast and a half playing through it, with a good story, graphics, and voice acting. It really seems like all that talk about it being 20 hours long was actually true, since one reviewer actually complained about the game being too long. I'm always happier if I get more bang for my buck, but some people disagree.

Here's a list of a good chunck of the reviews so far.

games™ - 8/10
360 Magazine - 4/5
X360 Magazine - 9/10
Play Magazine - 85/100 - 9.2/10
gamesradar - 9/10
EuroGamer - 8/10
Edge - 8/10
PSM3 - 94/100
OPMUK - 9/10
VideoGamer - 9/10
Meristation - 9/10
Awesome. Any word on the system of choice?

I've read a good deal of the reviews, and none have a direct comparison between the two versions. I think each reviewer played one version and gave a review from that, since the reviews sometime specify which one they played. From what I've read, it sounds like both versions play beautifully, hovering around 30 to 40 fps at just about all times. While one version may ending being "better," it really sounds like no one will be dissapointeed with either version. So, I think it's a safe bet to just go with your system of choice, but in the end, don't quote me on that.

EDIT: No demo for the US today, but as of the last few hours, it's being rumored that it's coming tomorrow. Phooey...
I'm (temporarily) passing on Dead Rising 2 for Castlevania. Both games are out a week apart. Hope my choice isn't a wrong one.
Just watched the Gametrailers review - this looks like a solid game. Although I kind of wish the "old" style Castlevania would make a return as well.

Not sure why the past 3D Castlevania games were held with such contempt. At the time of release back then, I thought those were still decent games.
I'm glad things are sounding good. Can't wait to play it.

Just watched the Gametrailers review - this looks like a solid game. Although I kind of wish the "old" style Castlevania would make a return as well.

Not sure why the past 3D Castlevania games were held with such contempt. At the time of release back then, I thought those were still decent games.

I liked Lament of Innocence and felt it was a good conversion to from the 2D style of gameplay to 3D.

I also wish the old style and the Metroidvania style would have some nice 3D side scrolling games.
I was watching the Gamespot UK review, and it was one of the few reviews to actually mention a comparison between the PS3 and 360 versions. It said the framerate for the PS3 version was very constant, while the 360 version had some problems here and there with the framerate.
I may just be defending the game for the sake of defending it, but I found a real problem with the IGN review. Here's a few choice quotes that somoene else posted.

-"Forget everything you know about Castlevania."

-"None of the common gameplay elements you'd expect from the series are to be found here"

-"Lords of Shadow and it's drop dead gorgeous at times, but Castlevania fans might be left in the dark."

-"Metroidvania this is not"

-"Items to find are scarce -- much less than in a typical Castlevania."

-"I recommend Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, but not to Castlevania fans."

-"In the end, I'd rather play a more traditional 2D Castlevania game, but there is no denying that this is a beautiful and enjoyable change of pace."

In the end, it sounds like the reviewer was just so damn jaded that he didn't get exactly what he wanted that he seemed to forget what a reboot can and usually do; try different things.
Created an EU PSN account and downloaded the demo yesterday. It's phenomenal. I've always been a stickler for keeping the established "trademarks" in Castlevania games, but this is a friggin' reboot done right. It's the Castlevania game I never knew I wanted, and now I'm totally psyched for it.

The reviews _____ing about it "not being Castlevania" are generally from people who will never be happy with anything but Symphony of the Night regurgitated. They've tried translating the formula to 3D and it failed, for the most part. The only way to do it is to start fresh and reboot it, which they've done beautifully based on my demo impressions.

Scored my Gamestop t-shirt today, too. It's awesome.

EDIT: also, I would put money on the fact that most, if not all, of the people whining about it "not being Castlevania" aren't familiar with the series before SOTN. Compare it to Castlevania - Super Castlevania IV and it's basically 3D versions of those worlds. Before Dracula X came around and injected the Anime stylings into the series, the games were very stylistically similar to Lords of Shadow.
It doesn't look very good.

Personally, I'd much rather trust the list of reviews I posted on the last page than all these bigger industry review sites. They may be smaller sites, but that doesn't mean they're opinions and deductions aren't nearly as good or as well written. A lot of people are loving it. For you to say it doesn't look good based on a few select reviews isn't seeing the broad spectrum of reviews. And besides, if reviews are so important to you, metacritic has it listed as 13 posative reviews and 0 negative. "Doesn't look good" indeed.