Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures

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Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

It is silly to think people not getting Winston is racist. I'm black. I didn't get him. I'm only getting Egon and Peter. It's purely a money issue for me and even then, he's not my favorite of the 4, that would be Egon which is why I bought him first. Every one of us probably has a similar version of this to tell. Even though we haven't had any be vocal about it. There's probably someone here who is buying all but Venkman or All but Stantz or all but Spengler. These things ARE expensive and that's if these are all you're collecting. Most of us, at this forum especially, are neck deep in preorders from other lines as well.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

It is silly to think people not getting Winston is racist. I'm black. I didn't get him. I'm only getting Egon and Peter. It's purely a money issue for me and even then, he's not my favorite of the 4, that would be Egon which is why I bought him first. Every one of us probably has a similar version of this to tell. Even though we haven't had any be vocal about it. There's probably someone here who is buying all but Venkman or All but Stantz or all but Spengler. These things ARE expensive and that's if these are all you're collecting. Most of us, at this forum especially, are neck deep in preorders from other lines as well.


Whenever this ridiculous allegation randomly periodically comes up in this thread, it's usually made by someone who got the 4-pack. For them to just randomly bring it up for utterly no reason at all, at that point it comes across more as them essentially looking for a reason to call others "racist" and where they're able to tell themselves and others "well I got the 4-pack, so at least I can say I'M not racist." That being the case, my question to them would be: did you get the 4-pack because you genuinely wanted all four characters, or did you just simply not want to look like a "racist" to the rest of the forum?

Simply get what you want or what you can afford. For some, that means the 4-pack. For others, the 3-pack. For some, such as yourself, only two. For others, only one. I'm certain for 99.9% of us here, we didn't make our purchases with the melanin content in the paint of the skin on the figures being of the utmost importance.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I would have bought a 5, 6 or 7 pack. I love Ghostbusters so i want everyone and everything but i can understand those that did not these are not cheap and even one figure is better than none.

Great post darthkush
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Initially when these were released for preorder I was not in position to order all four. If i could choose one, then it was to be WZ to pose w the HT Eric Draven. I waited as it honestly was not a priority. When SS put these up the other night I was so amped and applied my rewards. Scored all four and WZ will absolutely be near the crow.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I got the 3-pack to start out because I initially didn't want to sink $900 into them all at once, that's a lot of money. I figured with the 3-pack, I'll at least have an accurate semi-complete team. I have a HT TWS Steve Rogers figure that I'm planning to eventually sell though, so hopefully I can find Winston for as close to a price as what I sell Steve Rogers for and essentially trade that for Winston.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

When I was a kid, before seeing the movie, Winston was my favourite because I loved the turquoise blue suit he had in the cartoon. :lol

I remember being so happy to get these. :lol Nearly 30 years later I can't wait to get the Blitzway figures.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Did anyone actually seriously call someone out for not getting Winston?

I cannot find anything like all the "outrage" might just be based on WHAT If someone was called a racist......

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Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

So wait... Are racists allowed to purchase Winston?

I would be so confused if I was a racist completist.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

With the way the pejorative is being thrown around with reckless abandon for almost anything, I feel the term has been seriously watered down. A "racist" in my opinion is one of the worst and lowest things you could call someone.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I'm 100% a Ghostbusters supremacist!!!!

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Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

It is silly to think people not getting Winston is racist. I'm black. I didn't get him. I'm only getting Egon and Peter. It's purely a money issue for me and even then, he's not my favorite of the 4, that would be Egon which is why I bought him first. Every one of us probably has a similar version of this to tell. Even though we haven't had any be vocal about it. There's probably someone here who is buying all but Venkman or All but Stantz or all but Spengler. These things ARE expensive and that's if these are all you're collecting. Most of us, at this forum especially, are neck deep in preorders from other lines as well.

Let's be honest - if you don't get Winston you're a monster, but you're not a racist monster.

(joke joke joke joke. I totally relate to having to pick and choose between a million great upcoming figures, and I can hardly ever get every release in a single line, as much as I would love to. If someone's gonna go, it's gonna be Winston, because he's only in half the movie and he has the fewest lines. He's probably also the most likely to remain available for a while in case folks want to complete the set later. The others will probably be sold out immediately. But I kid because Winston's cool :p )
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

The whole Winston thing has always been an touche subject for me growing up because here was a black character who just happened to be black and wasn't sidelined for his race but simply because he wasn't Eddie Murphy and even THEN was popular enough anyway and become more prominent in the sequel AND was(arguably) a bigger character on the animated version than Ray Stantz(that's an opinion but for me, while I love Ray in the films, animated Ray became a goofass after the first 20 episodes or so. He was just so...happy). I get why people like him. I like him. But I completely get why some others don't care for him. But the racism thing with him has always been silly.

When I was a child, I never thought about it in the slightest. My parents bought me Ray, Peter, and Winston all at once and Egon I got for Christmas(simply because the store was out of Egon that day). It wasn't until I had a birthday(I think my 7th or 8th) and my uncle bought me an Ghostbuster and it was some kind of slimebusting Winston figure and I felt slightly disappointed. One because it was a Ghostbuster variant that I didn't care about at that point(I was starting to move onto Batman, Bucky O' Hare, and still into Ninja Turtles) but also because I felt he gave it to me because, "Hey, my nephew is black, Winston is an black figure. Win, win.". These aren't Barbies, folks.(and I'd argue that the girl toy departments have MUCH bigger issues with race then the boys but that's an whole other topic).

Summing up, getting or not getting Winston means NOTHING.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I'm looking forward to receiving my ethnically diverse team. New York needs them all.

But are we nearly there yet?

Is the synchronised universal release date still a thing? That Asia has to sit on these until they've tramped over to America?

There's quite a large crossover potential for this team. Wish I had a HT Hellboy as they'd make a fine addition to the BPRD.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I got the 4 pack because that's how I remember my Ghostbusters. It's an incomplete team without all 4. Getting the Ecto-1 too.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

"Hey, my nephew is black, Winston is a black figure. Win, win."

Your entire post was excellent, however, this line stuck out to me the most and makes a great point.

When it comes to fictitious characters, I've always felt like creating a character of a particular race simply so that way people of that same race can relate to him or her, is one of the worst reasons you can create a character if your whole idea is to be more "diverse" and improve race relations. That's basically putting skin color at the forefront and essentially saying, "if this character first and foremost doesn't look like me, then I can't relate to nor like him or her at all." To me, you should be able to relate to and like a character based on his or her qualities, attributes, flaws and their trials and tribulations. Not their skin color, gender, etc.

It's similar to the whole "safe space" thing. If your goal is to create a more diverse society where people can freely and openly exchange opinions and ideas and learn about one another, I don't see how designating a special area for people who when confronted with a conflicting opinion or start to feel uncomfortable because they are around people that aren't like them, have this special area that they can retreat to where they're surrounded by people who are just like them, helps promote a more diverse society to encourage people to interact with people who have differing backgrounds, beliefs, opinions, etc.

I'm looking forward to receiving my ethnically diverse team. New York needs them all.

But are we nearly there yet?

Is the synchronised universal release date still a thing? That Asia has to sit on these until they've tramped over to America?

There's quite a large crossover potential for this team. Wish I had a HT Hellboy as they'd make a fine addition to the BPRD.

I've pretty much given up on getting excited about a potential release date for these, and just operate under the premise that they'll release when they release. :lol
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I've pretty much given up on getting excited about a potential release date for these, and just operate under the premise that they'll release when they release. :lol

I actually don't mind waiting because I've had so much stuff turn up recently I could do with a break. I'd rather figures were spaced out because it's more fun that way.

Though I hadn't realised we'd been waiting as long as we have. Looking back at my list I paid for these in full 28th August 2016.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I kinda want Ripley to release soon so i can snag a HS and make dana
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I actually don't mind waiting because I've had so much stuff turn up recently I could do with a break. I'd rather figures were spaced out because it's more fun that way.

Though I hadn't realised we'd been waiting as long as we have. Looking back at my list I paid for these in full 28th August 2016.

I did the same thing.

I PO'd from BBTS and just recently checked the status on these when I went into my account to change some information. Saw that I had PO'd them August 26th of 2016. For some reason I was thinking it was the end of September that I PO'd these.

Can't believe it's already been a year.