Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures

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Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Ah man..I didn’t even notice that..nice spotting . I wish you can get the wand to attach to the chain but I think they didn’t do that :slap

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear BW enabled you to do that from what I Am Toys said. However, I imagine it would be an easy mod to acheive though. Either way, looking at screen shots, it seems the guys have at least the longer carabiner attachment on the right side of their belts as opposed to the left, so those would need to be moved to the other side if you're a stickler about that kind of screen accuracy.


It looks like Winston doesn't even have any of those carabiner attachments on his belt at all actually:


Also looks like none of them had their walkie talkies either at the end of the film during the Gozer bust.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Just finished watching Chris's review for the 5th time. I guess you could say I'm looking forward to these. And fantastic job as always with showing off the figures. Since you're taking more pics anyway, can you mess around to see if there's any way to make Venkman look like he actually has a neck, like in the prototypes? I remember when these were first revealed last summer, especially in the pics/vids from SDCC, that a number of people were pointing out that maybe the necks on the figures looked too long, but then now they look like they've completely disappeared on a couple of the guys. Also, are the belts loose enough to be futzed downward any to get that shlubby, saggy handyman look they all had?

Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

In looking over the Toyark pics again (there's tons of GB fig pics on the site) I found this pic below that shows just how good the Ray headsculpt is...

Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Yeah, Venkman really looks stunning/detail paint-wise, but I can't help but be slightly disappointed that it wasn't one of those "bullseye" sculpts in terms of likeness. Not as disappointed after I Am Toys' video, but still a slight miss for me (he also doesn't seem to have much of Murray's trademark pockmarks/scars.)

Everyone is judging the set as a whole, whereas I was only ever getting Venkman, so I'm super focused on just him (though I'm getting Ray now too) and the Murray headsculpt was my primary focus.

I think that custom Venkman sculpt with the slightly open mouth is maybe a somewhat better Murray likeness (from Spenser I think? still on e-bay) - I wonder how that would have looked with BW's amazing HT quality apps. Still happy enough with it because I'm doing the walkie-talkie slightly over Venkman's face and I think that'll nail it.

I Am Toys' amazing vid pushed me into getting Ray, which to me is the one total "bullseye" of the four - perfect likeness and the expression captures Ackroyd's persona perfectly. I'm doing the cigarette, goggles-on-top and holding trap look.

My thoughts exactly. When these where first released back in the summer of 2016 ( a life time ago ) it was either Ray or Peter for me. It honestly took me a few days to decide on which to pre order. They both looked fantastic. However now we are in the production cycle, Aykroyd has come out on top. I think its his expression which nails it. If you look at the pictures on Toyark, every shot just pop's! Then you have iamtoys with him on the 360 stand, goggles attached, trap in hand and its just like wow! That's it right there! 100% take my money!
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

There's a whole ton of things about this set that seem wonderful, so I think it's ok to make constructive criticism about things you feel haven't come out so well, as long as you do it respectfully.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I do wonder if Toyarks overly lit pictures take away a lot of the detail. He looks great in the 4k video's under more muted light. We are also comparing a picture which has a lot of shadowing vs one which doesn't. I still think Murray looks great in production though, not as good as the proto, but pretty dam close! just needs more neck lol
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Yeah its not so much the likeness to Murray which I think is pretty decent. Its more how different the final product looks in those pics compared with the picture of the proto. Maybe more futzing is needed to expose the neck more :dunno

I wonder what happens to the proto figs. Some lucky person got them.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Maybe they keep them at their office/showroom. I'm trying to ignore the prototype figures and go on the merits of their production figures. Which is still high!
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Basically the same dropoff we saw with Durden. No big surprise there.

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Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Nearly all the pics of Venkman seem to be front-on, so I grabbed a couple of the Toyark pics and tried to turn down the brightness a touch (I'm no photoshop expert though:lol.)

Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

What's up with Wolf Predator? Was thinking about getting.

It's a hot mess between materials used, and paint app. Before you buy, do yourself a favor and visit that thread. I am receiving mine today, so I remain hopeful that it's decent enough for me to want to keep it. But at $650...IDK....
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I'm glad that most people who ordered seem happy with how these turned out, but for me it was always all four or nothing, and given that I was never convinced by the Ernie Hudson Winston sculpt, I decided to wait and see, and I'm glad that I did.

For me, based on pouring over all the pics and video so far, it breaks down like this.

I think Blitzway knocked Ray out of the park. He's about as good as anyone could ever hope for, with a first class likeness, and an expression that perfectly befits his character.

Egon also has a very good likeness and sculpt, even if personally I've never been the biggest fan of the expression chosen for him. But that's one of those minor nitpicks that if I was happy with everyone else I could have easily lived with.

Venkman's sculpt has suffered during production, and for me too much of the Ghostbusters era likeness has sadly gone along with it. What we are left with is, sadly, a bit of a let down, really. At least in my view. Not awful, but definitely disappointing.

And lastly, Winston is a bit of a mess, to be honest. The sculpt that I was never a fan of looks even worse, now. His head does seem undersized, and the paint apps are rather poor. Too glossy is bad enough, but that strange red tinge really looks quite bad to me. It's a damn shame, because I was secretly hoping that Winston would be the surprise of the line and turn out far better than most (including I) was expecting, but sadly to my eyes he has turned out considerably worse than expected instead. Which as a big Winston fan is a bit heartbreaking, really.

On the upside, I think the suits, accessories and proton packs all turned out great, so those not put off by the Venkman and/or Winston heads will probably be quite happy. But as someone who was going to always be an all four or nothing guy, I'll just have to let these slide personally, because I'm all about the likeness, and so taken as a full set they just don't quite do it for me for the amount of money invested. Particularly when my two favourite characters are the two most flawed releases, one of which I find very flawed indeed. Ah well, such is life, I guess.

Again though, for those that are fully satisfied with these more power to you. Genuinely wish that I felt the same. :)
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

If Blitzway is somehow (I am a sure that they are not though) seeing this thread, on their next release its going to be Toyark saying "we would love to be able to post our review but Blitzway won't let us until I Am Toys has posted his..."
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I have not watched the video yet,.have not had an hour of free time. What size batteries are needed for the packs and how many of the batteries per pack are needed. I want to make sure I have the batteries on hand before I receive my 4 pack.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I have not watched the video yet,.have not had an hour of free time. What size batteries are needed for the packs and how many of the batteries per pack are needed. I want to make sure I have the batteries on hand before I receive my 4 pack.

It’s two batteries per proton pack. Size 2032

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Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I'm skimming the I Am Toys video now, and Slimer looks like a real shrimp. Generally, I'm not a big fan of how Slimer turned out, so I'm happy that I have the Rocco version already, which I love. And Egon's glasses are really bad. Anyone putting together an improved, custom version? The Winston shine doesn't seem as bad, though.

Though the video is very nice, there is some futzing that could be done to improve the group as a whole I think. Minor things like pulling the zipper down to expose more of the neck and black shirt of the figures, popping Egon's collar like it was in the Sedwewick Hotel, and pulling Venkman's suit down so that it doesn't ride so high on his ankles. I think futzing could make a world of difference on Winston, since it almost looks like he's got Brock Lesnar's traps in the pics we've seen so far.

Other improvements might be made through some water treatment to the clothes, so that they look a bit more natural on the figures. And the boots can be upgraded to leather boots with real laces.

On the whole, I was expecting to put my customs out to pasture with these. But now I'm not so sure these are upgrades. Excited to get them in hand so that I can do some minor tweaking.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

do they have fat suits underneath? seems like they do with how puffed up and out the jumpsuits seem to fit. the removal alone would let the suits sit looser and lower exposing the neck. at least on the skinnier dudes :) will have to play with these in hand. but i agree on all the good and bad everyone has brought up. overall i think they will look amazing.