Barry Bonds indicted on perjury, obstruction charges

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The Mike

In the Pixels
Feb 3, 2006
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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Barry Bonds, baseball's home run king, was indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice Thursday and could face prison instead of the Hall of Fame for telling a federal grand jury he did not knowingly use performance-enhancing drugs.

The indictment, culminating a four-year investigation into steroid use by elite athletes, charged Bonds with four counts of perjury and one of obstruction of justice. If convicted, he could be sentenced to a maximum of 30 years in prison.

Shortly after the indictment was handed up, Bonds' personal trainer, Greg Anderson, was ordered released after spending most of the past year in prison for refusing to testify against his longtime friend.

"During the criminal investigation, evidence was obtained including positive tests for the presence of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances for Bonds and other athletes," the indictment said.

In August, when the 43-year-old Bonds passed Hank Aaron to become baseball's career home run leader, he flatly rejected any suggestion that this milestone was stained by steroids.


"This record is not tainted at all. At all. Period," Bonds said.

Bonds finished the year with 762 homers, seven more than Aaron, and is currently a free agent. In 2001, he set the season record with 73 home runs.

Late in the season, the San Francisco Giants told the seven-time National League MVP they didn't want him back next year.

Bonds could not immediately be reached for comment. One of his attorneys, John Burris, didn't know of the indictment before being alerted by The Associated Press and said he would call Bonds to notify him.

"I'm surprised," Burris said, "but there's been an effort to get Barry for a long time. I'm curious what evidence they have now they didn't have before."

Bonds' defense attorney, Mike Rains, declined comment because he hadn't seen a copy of the indictment.

"However, it goes without saying that we look forward to rebutting these unsupported charges in court," Rains said. "We will no doubt have more specific comments in the very near future once we have had the opportunity to actually see this indictment that took so long to generate."

Bonds is scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court in San Francisco on Dec. 7.

Bonds has never been identified by Major League Baseball as testing positive for steroids.

AP - Nov 15, 6:10 pm EST
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"I have yet to see the details of this indictment and while everyone in America is considered innocent until proven guilty, I take this indictment very seriously and will follow its progress closely," commissioner Bud Selig said.

Union head Donald Fehr said he was "saddened" to learn of Bonds' indictment.

"However, we must remember, as the U.S. Attorney stated in his press release today, that an indictment contains only allegations, and in this country every defendant, including Barry Bonds, is entitled to the presumption of innocence unless and until such time as he is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."

The White House weighed in, too.

"The president is very disappointed to hear this," Bush spokesman Tony Fratto said. "As this case is now in the criminal justice system, we will refrain from any further specific comments about it. But clearly this is a sad day for baseball."

Bush, who once owned the Texas Rangers, called Bonds to congratulate him in August when the Giants' outfielder broke the home run mark. "You've always been a great hitter and you broke a great record," Bush said at the time.

Former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, who is investigating drug use in baseball, declined comment. So did Hall of Fame vice president Jeff Idelson.

Bonds was charged in the indictment with lying when he said he didn't knowingly take steroids given to him by Anderson. Bonds is also charged with lying that Anderson never injected him with steroids.

"Greg wouldn't do that," Bonds testified in December 2003 when asked if Anderson ever gave him any drugs that needed to be injected. "He knows I'm against that stuff."

Anderson's attorney, Mark Geragos, said the trainer didn't cooperate with the grand jury that indicted Bonds.

"This indictment came out of left field," Geragos said. "Frankly I'm aghast. It looks like the government misled me and Greg as well, saying this case couldn't go forward without him."

Prosecutors promised Bonds they wouldn't charge him with any drug-related counts if he testified truthfully. But according to the indictment, Bonds repeatedly denied taking any steroids or performance-enhancing drugs despite evidence to the contrary.

AP - Nov 15, 5:55 pm EST
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For instance, investigators seized a so-called "doping calendar" labeled "BB" during a raid of Anderson's house.

"He could know other BBs," Bonds replied when shown the calendar during his testimony.

Asked directly if Anderson supplied him with steroids, Bonds answered: "Not that I know of." Bonds even denied taking steroids when he was shown documents revealing a positive steroids test for a player named Barry B.

Bonds said at the end of the 2003 season, Anderson rubbed some cream on his arm that the trainer said would help him recover. Anderson also gave him something he called "flax seed oil," Bonds said.

Bonds then testified that prior to the 2003 season, he never took anything supplied by Anderson -- which the indictment alleges was a lie because the doping calendars seized from Anderson's house were dated 2001.

Bonds became the highest-profile figure caught up in the government investigation, launched in 2002, with the raid of the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative (BALCO) -- the Burlingame-based supplements lab that was the center of a steroids distribution ring.

Bonds has long been shadowed by allegations that he used performance-enhancing drugs. The son of former big league star Bobby Bonds, Barry broke into the majors with the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1986 as a lithe, base-stealing outfielder.

By the late 1990s, he'd bulked up to more than 240 pounds -- his head, in particular, becoming noticeably bigger. His physical growth was accompanied by a remarkable power surge.

Speculation of his impending indictment had mounted for more than a year.


I'm actually shocked at this. Not that he was indicted but that it happened now, they were going after him for so long with nothing I wonder what new evidence they have. Although it DOES effect the record Barry and now they you're not on my Giants I can call you a cheating schmuck.
the 2 hour sportscenter focused solely on it.

DO NOT mess with the feds....they will take you down.
He'll always be an ASS-TRICK *

Such a Shame, these Guy's Egos can't handle not cheating.

I'm sure his objective was to get clean for this season, break the record and then tell everyone to F off. Didn't Work.

I bet Hank and The Babe are relieved.
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Nineteen little lies. The government says that's how many Barry Bonds told during his grand-jury testimony four years ago, the one that prompted Thursday's indictment on four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice.

One big lie. That sums up the prime of baseball's home run king.

Even if the charges don't stick or Bonds escapes without jail time, the unsealing of the indictment revealed to the public the true breadth of Bonds' arrogance – and appears to have confirmed, once and for all, that he had tested positive for steroids.

"During the criminal investigation," the indictment read, "evidence was obtained including positive tests for the presence of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing substances for Bonds and other professional athletes."

Bonds indictment: Lies and consequences
The feds do not like being lied to.

no they don't. the federal prosecuters took their time but bonds is in deep doo doo. not only is he in danger of going to jail, but his chances of making the hall of fame and being considered as HR king are in serious jeopardy. he's being called the biggest cheater of the century. as a fan of baseball, i was cheering him on when he broke the single season record. i feel betrayed now that the steroid accusations are about to be proven. also selig can't ignore the facts and will have to address the issue instead of burying the topic.

imo, bonds is ignorant and is in the same category as michael vick. both thought they were bigger than the law. oh how the mighty have fallen.
This was a witch hunt...pretty obvious they were out to get Barry Bonds...but the bottom line is...he appears to have broken the law (similar to what happened to Martha Stewart). They are going to throw the book at him for perjury and obstruction...he will likely do some jail time...and when the exact nature of the lies and details about the steroid use are made public...he will be crucified by the media and the fans.

No need for an asterisk...his shame will go down more prevalently than the Gambler himself...Pete Rose!

Thank the maker :chew

Now baseball just needs to fix the recordbooks and all will be right agian.
Screw that.


Home Run King = Hank Aaron.

I don't even know about Hank Aaron. I read an article where he says everybody's attacking Bonds because he's black. That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my life. Ever since them, I think Aaron is an idiot as well. So long live RUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta wonder why this thing took so long to get this far. How long have they been investigating this??? seems like years. And this could not have come a few months ago to cause a suspension of Bonds? Thats hard to believe.

But now Bonds will have the most coveted record in sports and people will have to place thier hopes on ARod to someday break it.

This bum gets the record while one of the greatest hitters of all time - Joe Jackson - is forgotten, shamed and barred from Cooperstown. Thats ridiculous considering Jackson was cleared by a jury in court when accused of criminal activities.
Gotta wonder why this thing took so long to get this far. How long have they been investigating this??? seems like years. And this could not have come a few months ago to cause a suspension of Bonds? Thats hard to believe.

But now Bonds will have the most coveted record in sports and people will have to place thier hopes on ARod to someday break it.

This bum gets the record while one of the greatest hitters of all time - Joe Jackson - is forgotten, shamed and barred from Cooperstown. Thats ridiculous considering Jackson was cleared by a jury in court when accused of criminal activities.

Yea, I think it's sad nobody acknowledges joe jackson. I mean the hit like .400 in the world series and they banned him for cheating. HELLO, hitting .400 is not throwing games. watch Eight Men Out for the black sox story, one of my favorite movies.
Gotta wonder why this thing took so long to get this far. How long have they been investigating this??? seems like years. And this could not have come a few months ago to cause a suspension of Bonds? Thats hard to believe.

But now Bonds will have the most coveted record in sports and people will have to place thier hopes on ARod to someday break it.

This bum gets the record while one of the greatest hitters of all time - Joe Jackson - is forgotten, shamed and barred from Cooperstown. Thats ridiculous considering Jackson was cleared by a jury in court when accused of criminal activities.

rose betting on baseball seems very tame compared to some of today's athletes that have committed murder, assault, cocaine trafficking, dog fighting..the list goes on.

mlb waited to pass any kind of judgement but selig needs to step up once bonds gets convicted or he should be ousted as commissioner.
