Avengers - The Infinity War a.k.a The Hot Toys Reckoning

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What are peoples thoughts on another Drax being released for IW or Vol 3 ? If they follow the Mantis/Drax relationship I'm thinking they'll do Mantis as well as Drax. Perhaps more for Vol 3 than IW ??

Not sure I'd bet money on a different upper body for Drax, but sure would be sweet !
The only figures I may get are Thanos' group. I feel I have a definitive look for each Avenger.
I wish RDJ's part in CW was smaller, but truthfully I would have always preferred a regular Captain America 3, not Captain America: Avengers 2.5. As much as I loved Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Ant Man in CW - I think we have similar faves, there!

We also have similar least faves - Iron Man and Spider-man would ultimately be near the bottom of my favorites list, overall. Hulk, too, for me, which seems kinda uncommon.

Iron Man + Spider-man focus overkill is something that would turn me off. Really, from that link, the only exciting part for me to read was that Cap + Bucky are still important. That Bucky himself is still important, because I fear them sidelining him, which would suck with a character with that potential and an actor with that talent.

I just can't imagine getting many figs from this line - I'm waiting on an Ant Man and Wasp from their movie. Black Panther I may get from his solo film. I'm getting the GOTG Vol. 2 figures, so a possible Nebula :pray: or Mantis would be it for me. The current Strange is so amazing. At least with blonde Widow and bearded Cap they look different. Bearded Cap, Bucky, and Scarlet Witch are possibilities, maybe.

Yeah, I hadn't given IM that much thought in CW (tho folks had mentioned it on this board) but for me doing some reading and a lot of re-watching MCU films and then with the PR wave starting in January - well, just seemed like a lot of IM and Spidey and then there's the Homecoming thing - I just started getting restless about it. Just hope the Russos stick to their original thoughts re IW:pray:. Totally agree re Bucky - and Cap and Falcon for that matter - because these are talented, talented actors. IMO Sebastian Stan especially - there's stuff I don't see unless I am flipping through frame by frame because of tight editing - but he is really, really good. Totally in the moment of whatever he's doing.

Don't think Anthony Mackie has been given the chance to show his full acting range yet (tho Falcon is a favorite of mine). I could see him being the one who delivers the bad news to Bucky tho (IF Cap falls - IF) and it would be gutwrenching IMO.

So an IM and Spidey focus for IW - IF that should happen (whether they are really popular worldwide) - yeah, that would turn me off too big time. 'Coz for me Cap's faith in Bucky, Bucky's long years of being a POW/assassin/fugitive, SW struggling with who she is, Nebula struggling with what was done to her, heck even Antman jumping into the fray and BW going underground - all of that for me is a lot more interesting than IM being IM and Spidey. Not into the Hulk either tho LOL am very thankful that Mark Ruffalo was cast. (Norton REALLY never did it for me; IMO Ruffalo much better).

I'm taking a liking to Mantis after re-watching GOTG 2 (I bought the film) and she's just - cool. I dunno - I like her! Argh, this will all be so HURTFUL:lol deciding who makes the shelf. I'm probably only ever gonna get the one DS tho that I will pick up tomorrow. I HOPE I can stop at the BP I already have. Just TRYING to limit the wallet damage, somehow. Heck, I couldn't even have gotten the CW Ironman if I hadn't thrown a bunch of points at him (gorgeous fig tho).
Given that Infinity War Part 1 & 2 is supposed to be Evans' final movies as Captain America, I can't see why they wouldn't avoid a Cap-Bucky-Falcon focus, especially Cap and Bucky. Also keep in mind that those are characters' relationships that the Russo Bros. helped forge throughout Winter Soldier and Civil War, I doubt they'd want to see that all completely pushed to the way-side.

Unless they manage to convince Evans to come back for a "Death of Captain America" movie (which would be EPIC), I think we'll likely see the "Passing of the Shield" with some pivotal moments between Cap and Bucky.
Given that Infinity War Part 1 & 2 is supposed to be Evans' final movies as Captain America, I can't see why they wouldn't avoid a Cap-Bucky-Falcon focus, especially Cap and Bucky. Also keep in mind that those are characters' relationships that the Russo Bros. helped forge throughout Winter Soldier and Civil War, I doubt they'd want to see that all completely pushed to the way-side.

Unless they manage to convince Evans to come back for a "Death of Captain America" movie (which would be EPIC), I think we'll likely see the "Passing of the Shield" with some pivotal moments between Cap and Bucky.

Really good points Bardoon - thanks for posting! Guess whatever leaked set pics I've seen felt like everyone BUT Team Cap but suppose that's the point. BP seems to be under a tight wrap too. Still hard to believe re the changing of the guard to come but it's been a ride, whatever happens. And my fav MCU directors are at the wheel too.:clap
Really good points Bardoon - thanks for posting! Guess whatever leaked set pics I've seen felt like everyone BUT Team Cap but suppose that's the point. BP seems to be under a tight wrap too. Still hard to believe re the changing of the guard to come but it's been a ride, whatever happens. And my fav MCU directors are at the wheel too.:clap

Yeah it seems to me like they're really keeping IW under wraps, like, Marvel's hired 10x the snipers they usually have. They're already on to filming Avengers 4/IW part 2, and I've barely seen any set pics from part 1. I mean I'm happy to keep it that way :lol but it's still pretty incredible. I wonder if any families have registered their papz family members as missing persons lately :lol
Yeah it seems to me like they're really keeping IW under wraps, like, Marvel's hired 10x the snipers they usually have. They're already on to filming Avengers 4/IW part 2, and I've barely seen any set pics from part 1. I mean I'm happy to keep it that way :lol but it's still pretty incredible. I wonder if any families have registered their papz family members as missing persons lately :lol

Well we've already been exposed to one set pic that is a huge spoiler regarding who doesn't die. Pretty bummed to have seen it.
Yeah it seems to me like they're really keeping IW under wraps, like, Marvel's hired 10x the snipers they usually have. They're already on to filming Avengers 4/IW part 2, and I've barely seen any set pics from part 1. I mean I'm happy to keep it that way but it's still pretty incredible. I wonder if any families have registered their papz family members as missing persons lately.

I think they did hire more security as well as do just plain threatening w. lawsuits after a certain leaked cell phone pic of a camera monitor went out. LOL registering family members:lol. It's not that I wanna be REALLY spoiled it's just - I dunno, with such a long wait guess I feel better seeing hints of the actors at work - like this is all REALLY happening. Like I know Chris Evans must be filming at some point but he was out of the U.S. for a while filming another movie.:monkey3:lol

Credit: HR Joe Photography https://www.facebook.com/hrjoephotography/

Well we've already been exposed to one set pic that is a huge spoiler regarding who doesn't die. Pretty bummed to have seen it.

???? Don't know who you mean but can guess - on the other hand, IMO just because the Russos SAY they wrapped one film and started the next to me doesn't mean they might not take footage from one filming session and use it in another movie. 'Coz they were gonna film both at the same time anyway. Or there won't be re-shoots of some scenes and so on. I believe nothing is set yet.

A lot can happen in an editing room. Not into killing off characters myself but with both the Russos and Kevin Feige issuing warnings guess something pretty dark is gonna happen. Tryin' to remember if I've ever heard of a director or producer or an actor, even, doing that before.

No official teasers or trailers have been unveiled, although some footage was released at D23 last month.

Still, those who weren’t there shouldn’t feel like they’ve missed out too much - as Brolin [Thanos] reaffirmed that the difference between that footage and the finished product is “not even close”.
A lot can happen in an editing room.

Yeah that's the thing. My directing lecturer told us to keep this in mind from day one of film making: You always end up with a minimum of three versions of the same film. The film you write/that's in the script, the film you create on camera (variety of acting interpretations, improv, etc), and the film you edit. Some shots you loved a take of maybe was at the wrong angle, so you cut it. A scene doesn't work the way you'd hoped, so it changes or gets cut. Something you weren't sure about turns out to work perfectly, so it stays, etc etc. No film is exactly the same from script to screen, everything changes.
Yeah that's the thing. My directing lecturer told us to keep this in mind from day one of film making: You always end up with a minimum of three versions of the same film. The film you write/that's in the script, the film you create on camera (variety of acting interpretations, improv, etc), and the film you edit. Some shots you loved a take of maybe was at the wrong angle, so you cut it. A scene doesn't work the way you'd hoped, so it changes or gets cut. Something you weren't sure about turns out to work perfectly, so it stays, etc etc. No film is exactly the same from script to screen, everything changes.

Thank you for posting that - interesting! It's only been the last few years I started really looking at film re color and editing tho I don't know anything:lol. Probably re learning some Photoshop you start looking at the world differently.

Editing skills is one of the reasons I'm so happy the Russos are doing IW. IMO what they do just seems so EFFECTIVE. For me a good example is the angle and shot of that burning police car the Winter Soldier has just indifferently lit up, and it rolls and crashes, and then the shot switches to him calmly reloading. Or the angle of the sun during the CW helicopter escape sequence. Love the Russos' style.

But it's also one of the reasons I'm an MCU fan, that Marvel/Disney seems to pick great directors and let them do their thing - been rewatching Antman and it's just so good:clap. It probably will be the IW Antman that I pick up, finally.

And I was thinkin' since I just got Dr. Strange in - wonder if Mordo will be back and will join DS? Or would he still say that somehow DS triggered Thanos etc. by violating the natural law?

I gotta think Wong would help. I would love a Wong but if HT didn't even do the DS Ancient One don't know if they'd do an IW Wong.
I'm surprised no one is talking about Ant-Man's new suit.

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I'll talk about it.

It looks "eh". I didn't mind his newer suit in Civil War but I kind of prefer the "cobbled-together" look of his suit from the first movie. But I suppose he does have big daddy Michael Doug...I mean Hank Pym backing him and the Wasp up so they can afford the newer, "more stream-line" suits.
I just had a thought. Stop me if this has been thrown around anywhere else. What if the 4th Avengers film is called....Avengers: Dissassembled ?

It fits Marvel's M.O. of only loosely adapting stories("Civil War") or even just using their titles("Age of Ultron") and it would go with what they seem to be trying to do. You can "end" most of these characters stories, deaths could happen and be retconned or rebooted and you can even have Wanda go nuts if you so choose. Hawkeye could go out in a blaze of glory like the comics lol. I think it's a good hunch. Marvel has hinted that the actual title will instantly be recognizable to fans too.
I just had a thought. Stop me if this has been thrown around anywhere else. What if the 4th Avengers film is called....Avengers: Dissassembled ?

It fits Marvel's M.O. of only loosely adapting stories("Civil War") or even just using their titles("Age of Ultron") and it would go with what they seem to be trying to do. You can "end" most of these characters stories, deaths could happen and be retconned or rebooted and you can even have Wanda go nuts if you so choose. Hawkeye could go out in a blaze of glory like the comics lol. I think it's a good hunch. Marvel has hinted that the actual title will instantly be recognizable to fans too.

I think it will just be called "The New Avengers" to setup the new Avengers and lightly let go of the old ones.
I can see them killing off Hawkeye's family so they can give Hawkeye that emotional investment from the audience. I can see him being killed off in IW too in some sort of dramatic sacrifice or something. We already got a hint of that in AoU when he was going to take Ultron shot's so the kid can be saved.


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