Statue Alien: Big Chap Legendary Scale Bust

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Sorry but no. We are not talking about creature designs or what appeated in any movie, we are talking about what Sideshow are producing.
You saying... 'But rest assure that they're the same size' was in reference to me saying I hope it's not much bigger than the Warrior LSB.

You assuring everyone that the two busts are the same size was indeed your opinion.

So please don't call me out when I am quoting information we received from a Sideshow employee.

As I've already said I really hope it's no deeper than the Warrior or I will struggle to find it a home.
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i personally think the big chap lsb is bigger than warrior lsb.

Well according to the Sideshow rep here, the company is under the assumption that the Big Chap is a larger species of Alien... Which is their reason for making it larger. Truth of the matter is that the warriors are larger. But even that doesn't change the length of the domes. If they wanted to keep them true to 1:2 scale then the busts should both be 18" in length but we've been told that the Big Chap will be larger than the warrior.

Let's just hope for an awesome bust once released.

I'm not out to give you a hard time Xeno I'm just letting people know what Alex has told us, you obviously know a lot more than me about Aliens.
Who knows, Alex may be wrong :dunno
Let's just hope for an awesome bust once released.

I'm not out to give you a hard time Xeno I'm just letting people know what Alex has told us, you obviously know a lot more than me about Aliens.
Who knows, Alex may be wrong :dunno

It's cool bud. I'm a MASSIVE fan of the franchise and just wanted to point out that Sideshows assumption on the species sizes are incorrect. I'm definitely going to be picking this up because it's looking like its gonna be a winner!

I just wish Sideshow had their ducks in a bit more of a row sometimes before they execute a product.
Yes sir. It also looks like a winner all around. I just hope the paint on it will compare to the 1:1 Warrior's. I own that as well and the executed paint job on that piece is out of this world!! I understand that it was a different day and age when Sideshow made the 1:1 Warrior and it was at a time when quality of production was put before quantity of production... But I still hope they come through. Sideshow Collectibles really has the potential to do stellar work, which is why it's a shame when they drop the ball, weather it be on shabby paint apps or inverted arc reactors. They've just become SOOO sloppy over the years and it ain't getting any better.

Not anticipating a bad product here, I just hope they surprise us and when this line begins to ship we're saying, "Unreal, this has blown us away... Thanks Sideshow!!!", rather than, "Are you kidding me, they attached the head backwards and forgot to paint the teeth!" (Or something to that affect).
Truth of the matter is that the warriors are larger. But even that doesn't change the length of the domes. If they wanted to keep them true to 1:2 scale then the busts should both be 18" in length but we've been told that the Big Chap will be larger than the warrior.


I really think that is debatable, it is okay for James Cameron to say it, but in reality the Big Chap has far more presence while the warriors are more insect like. I'd love to see an actual comparison. Ultimately, they are both limited by the fact that they are just suits with actors in so they will of course be of about equal size, but the Big chap certainly has more girth etc and tends to make better use of his size where as the warriors crawl and crouch. I also really disagree with Mr Cameron that the Warrior looks more interesting thanks to the lack of a dome, the big chap imo looks a million times more menacing and well... Alien, that visible skull creeping out from behind his dome is one of the most iconic creature features ever, if not the most iconic. Maybe if they had left the warriors human features (eyes and nose) in some form it would have been a bit more interesting to look at but as it stands the big chap has the better look, he still has that warrior like skull with that sleek done covering it and making it all look more subtle and the facial features finishing the whole look off.

One thing is certain however, as long as SS treat the production of these with the love and respect they require, these two are going to look Amazeballs together!!! :rock2

I only wish they had used the warriors teeth on the big chap, can't complain at all otherwise, love these!!
I agree with Python on big chap having far more presence. The creature from Alien seemed far more imposing than the ones in Aliens and it seems collectible companies across the board go with that too. I would imagine the busts will be a similar length the dome may make Chap fractionally longer. It looks like they should be a similar height too. Big Chap has the taller head due to the dome because it doesn’t sit flush with the ridged skull but the Warrior head sat higher on the neck (Movie suits) making the creature taller. I imagine the real added size of the piece will probably come less from the head which may also have an added inch or two but from the base which has to hold the thing.



Looking at the photos of the two creatures you can see why people would take Big Chap as the larger of the two.
It's most likely because the original Alien was mostly an upright character where as Cameron turned them into more like bugs in most scenes.

It's not surprising really, Sideshows attention to detail is about as good as my dance moves after a bottle of Jacks. It's quite funny how hilariously wrong they get it sometimes, almost like it's a big joke.
Big Chap is taller than a warrior simply because Badejo is about a foot taller than the guys in the Warrior suits. Heads are about the same size though, going off my 1:1 busts...
Big Chap is taller than a warrior simply because Badejo is about a foot taller than the guys in the Warrior suits. Heads are about the same size though, going off my 1:1 busts...

By this logic then the Big Chap is taller than the Queen Alien because Badejo was taller than the two dudes who were in that suit too.

Ya see where I'm going with this?

Film facts clearly state that the Alien Warriors were taller than the Big Chap. It's just simply a fact people... Don't fight it.
By this logic then the Big Chap is taller than the Queen Alien because Badejo was taller than the two dudes who were in that suit too.

Ya see where I'm going with this?

Film facts clearly state that the Alien Warriors were taller than the Big Chap. It's just simply a fact people... Don't fight it.
The Queen prop, which if I remember correctly had to be lifted by a crane, was larger than Badejo in the Alien suit. So the Queen was always bigger.
Alien Queen is bigger than Alien Big Chap is bigger than Aliens Warriors are bigger than Ox Alien...

My two cents. ;)

Edit: In my world, there are no other Aliens, so that's it...
Alien Queen is bigger than Alien Big Chap is bigger than Aliens Warriors are bigger than Ox Alien...

My two cents. ;)

Edit: In my world, there are no other Aliens, so that's it...

I wouldn’t count the Ox Alien out he was a pretty large creature too :lol And hopefully the next Bust they do :pray:

Looking forward to the reveal and pre-order but I won't be ordering this week!
I like my 'collectibles' to be limited and the more pre-orders that are placed in the first few weeks the higher the ES will be.
Looking forward to the reveal and pre-order but I won't be ordering this week!
I like my 'collectibles' to be limited and the more pre-orders that are placed in the first few weeks the higher the ES will be.

I'm sure that's gonna work exactly as planned....

*sideshow* "we'll we only had 299 preorders placed this month, looks like the ES will be 700 for the EX.. if we only had one more preorder we could have made it a cool 1000"