A New Hope Han!!!!

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if that looks more like clint eastwood to you than harrison ford, then you need your eyes checked friend IMHO. are you telling me that is not an excellent ford sculpt? that the SS one is much closer? if so this would be the first post where I would have to say I can see your infamous SS superfandom coming through loud and clear. remember you're talking about a harrison ford sculpt here and not han solo for a second.

It does look more like Eastwood than Ford. I'm telling you that this sculpt is a horrible sculpt of Ford at anypoint in his life. The SS one looks like Ford as he played Han in ANH and its not even a close race. It doesn't even look like Ford as I've said already not to mention Ford PLAYED Han encase I'm wrong.

Why is it when I don't agree I need to get my eyes checked and my superfandom :)rolleyes:) are tossed at me. Funny how its "supposedly" always me that is the bad guy. :lol

I'll stick with this, which looks like Harrison Ford and Han Solo :)


:lecture :lecture
That would make a great Dirty Han figure.
Too Eastwood is right.

Harrison doesnt squint that much when he's mad or intense.
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Wow. two sides of a coin really. Trev's sculpt is a serene, calm han. Feng's is the oher end of the spectrum. VERY extreme. Too extreme for my taste. It IS harison, as much as Trev's is, but the expresion is a little too "dirty harry" for me. I'd personaly prefer something in the middle. like these

To me, it looks like it belongs in the Unleashed line that Hasbro makes (no that was not meant to be an insult)
If you had this Bespin Han with Andy Bergholtz's ESB Luke head, that'd be a cool lineup, they both have great faces with more extreme hair, they'd looks great together.
Thought i'd post this here. Gotta disagree with ford, i think Han IS interesting and i love those pants.

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="327" width="658"><tbody><tr><td background="https://www.kid4life.com/yoda2/layout/news-ml.jpg" height="202" width="28">
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Posted at ContactMusic.com:
Harrison Ford has vowed he will never reprise his role as HAN SOLO - the character which shot him to global superstardom in STAR WARS.
The 65-year-old actor is currently basking in the success of his latest movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - which has become a major box office hit 17 years after his first appearance as the intrepid archeologist. But although Ford is grateful for the career boost afforded to him by Star Wars when he was a struggling actor, he would never consider returning to the sc-fi franchise as the character is too dull.
He says, "Han Solo isn't interesting to me. It's a very narrow sort of utility in the story and it was great for my career and it was fun to play at the time but I wouldn't go back there again. Those pants! " There are characters that it seems to me are worth re-exploring given that the story advances your understanding of the character, deepens your relationship to that character and takes you into an area that's new and unexpected. " Some characters are decidedly one off kind of characters. Some characters don't outlive the movie."
Yeah, I heard about that quote (or a similar one...you know how it is when someone's promoting a movie) a couple of weeks ago and the hardcore SW nerds lost it...

The Hardcore Star Wars Nerds said:
"How DARE he? Han Solo RULES! Harrison Ford is an ungrateful yadda yadda yadda..."

Except here's the thing; I think he's right. By the end of "Return of the Jedi", Solo is as dull as an Ewok-hugging box of rocks.

Solo was interesting (and those pants really are pretty kick-ass) but by the end of Episode 6, the character's arc is complete and there's nothing meaty left for an actor to sink his teeth into.

Good for Ford. Tell it like it is.
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You know it was some stupid reporter or something with nothing else to ask except "since you came back for Indy are you gonna for Han." Not knowing SW is DONE!
This is a awesome and very clean sculpt!! Look at the eyes though, absolutely no life, he has a kind of "empty look". I am sure that is SS's input and not Trevor's. All this sculpt needs is a wee bit of expression, just a hint of "furrowing" to the brow line.

It's my understanding that for whatever reason, the expressionless quality you are talking about is what Lucasfilm directs SS to do. I would think a sculptor with that skill that Trevor has could easily make Han have any expression imaginable but sadly, that's not what he's been hired to do.
I know this is gonna sound like blasphemy but I agree with Ford. The Han Solo I love is from ANH and ESB. As you get into ROTJ Han Solo is more a means to an end to show off Luke as a Jedi and to continue a parallel on Endor which was more about Leia in reality anyway. With the reveal of Leia as Luke's sister (which IMHO it would have been more of a twist to have Han be Luke's brother especially considering how much nonsense he thought the Force as to know that he was the offspring of the chosen one?), anything past ROTJ he is sort of Mr. Leia at that point. While I know that the EU has done a lot with the various characters, you know that Lucas would rewrite that whole thing had he continued even now and I don't think he left much room for Han to actually go without starting something severely pushed.
I am a little surprised about the lack of imagination that goes into a staement like: "Han Solo is not interesting any more".

It is up to the writers to MAKE the character interesting. And ANY character can be brought back from dull. IF the right writer puts the character in the right situation.

The character was out if his element on Endor. And yes, the character sucked in that environment. But I find it impossible to believe that a really good writer couldn't find a place for Han Solo in a possible 7th Star Wars movie.

Personally, I think a great part could be written for the character in a leadership role for the Republic. Maybe as a commander on a battle ship or something like that.

And after everything is said and done...if it ever came to it (which I doubt will ever happen)...use someone else. Harrison Ford is not Han Solo. He is just a mannequin that filled the costume for the movie.
Thought i'd post this here. Gotta disagree with ford, i think Han IS interesting and i love those pants.

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="327" width="658"><tbody><tr><td background="https://www.kid4life.com/yoda2/layout/news-ml.jpg" height="202" width="28">
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Posted at ContactMusic.com:
Harrison Ford has vowed he will never reprise his role as HAN SOLO - the character which shot him to global superstardom in STAR WARS.
The 65-year-old actor is currently basking in the success of his latest movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - which has become a major box office hit 17 years after his first appearance as the intrepid archeologist. But although Ford is grateful for the career boost afforded to him by Star Wars when he was a struggling actor, he would never consider returning to the sc-fi franchise as the character is too dull.
He says, "Han Solo isn't interesting to me. It's a very narrow sort of utility in the story and it was great for my career and it was fun to play at the time but I wouldn't go back there again. Those pants! " There are characters that it seems to me are worth re-exploring given that the story advances your understanding of the character, deepens your relationship to that character and takes you into an area that's new and unexpected. " Some characters are decidedly one off kind of characters. Some characters don't outlive the movie."

Yikes, the author of that article should spend a little more time fact-checking next time. Raiders was made 27 years ago, not 17.
Harrison Ford is not Han Solo. He is just a mannequin that filled the costume for the movie.

This is an interesting comment. For me and I know for many others Harrison Ford IS Han Solo. I can't see anyone filling those shoes....maybe its because we haven't had the interchangable feel in this character like Batman, Superman or Bond but I just can't picture in a continuation piece keeping continuity anyone able to pull off Ford's portrayal. The only way I think replacement would work is in a reboot and I don't think LFL is heading that way at all.
This is an interesting comment. For me and I know for many others Harrison Ford IS Han Solo. I can't see anyone filling those shoes....maybe its because we haven't had the interchangable feel in this character like Batman, Superman or Bond but I just can't picture in a continuation piece keeping continuity anyone able to pull off Ford's portrayal. The only way I think replacement would work is in a reboot and I don't think LFL is heading that way at all.

I have always had a different opinion of actors' relationship to characters than most people. I know my opinion is not the popular one. But I see the actors as irritations more than anything. They drive the cost of the figure up to put their likenesses on them so I say...don't use their likenesses. And there are constantly issues like this one with Ford who don't want to do the character any more. I don't like the thought of being held hostage by that. There are more than one actor that could possibly do ANY character in a movie, and do it well. Some may fit the idea that some people have of the character better than other actors...and some actors may even CREATE the interpretation of the character for some people. But the TRUE characters to me are how I see them in my head. Every other representation...actors, drawings, sculptures on statues or action figures, are just other interpretations of the character...to me.

I see them as an interpretation of the character. Like a cartoon version, comic book version, or painting of the character done in the artists style.

I have always wondered why some people are able to accept the comic book interpretation not looking like Hariison Ford, but the action figures have to.

My opinion makes it so that I see autographs on a carded action figure as damage to the card, and not an enhancement.
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I don't think it matters if Ford thinks Han is done. The Star Wars story he was a part of it done, finished.

At least untill Lucas dies and really money hungry people take over. . .
I am a little surprised about the lack of imagination that goes into a staement like: "Han Solo is not interesting any more".

It is up to the writers to MAKE the character interesting. And ANY character can be brought back from dull. IF the right writer puts the character in the right situation.

The character was out if his element on Endor. And yes, the character sucked in that environment. But I find it impossible to believe that a really good writer couldn't find a place for Han Solo in a possible 7th Star Wars movie.


My thoughts exactly.