Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I can agree what Leia did does make some sense in regards to established Force rules. It does reason that somewhere along the line Luke taught her something. It just looked kind of stupid. And should have been tied in with some exposition somewhere.

But it doesn't matter anymore because the "force" has been replaced by Disney magic, hence why no one needs training, Yoda can shoot lightning from beyond the dead, and even little kids can use Jedi abilities like they're X-Men mutants. The force is just some magical plot device to be used when it's convenient for ANY character.
Yea, even Luke needed weeks of training to be able to move rocks on command.

As silly and stupid as it sounds, a movie following its own rules when it comes to the use of "magic" does matter in terms of being able to be immersed in the world. But I have no doubt you are right that Disney is trying to get "The Force" to be synonymous with "Disney Magic". Any child can use it so long as you believe! :slap
I can agree what Leia did does make some sense in regards to established Force rules. It does reason that somewhere along the line Luke taught her something. It just looked kind of stupid. And should have been tied in with some exposition somewhere.

That scene was one of my favorite of the whole movie!
That scene was one of my favorite of the whole movie!

Really? If so all the power to you for being able to enjoy it. But I couldn't take it seriously since all I could think was :


I do feel bad for Hamill. Sure, the critics are praising his performance, but I think he'd rather Luke be that optimistic kid he was 40 years ago. Fortunately JJ can bring him back as a force ghost.
No, watch again. This is what I meant about people not understanding what they saw.
The bridge wall was blown up and she was sucked into space. People can remain conscious for 15 seconds without oxygen and up to 2 minutes remain alive in space without a space suit. And who knows how much longer a Force user could last than a non Force user. And it’s not like she was hunky dory after, she had to be revived with whatever advanced medical tech they possess.

First of all, Leia has never shown any force abilities because she had no training....people needed training in the old movies. If she was trained by Luke, it was never mentioned or shown.

Second of all, what does telekinesis, telepathy, and enhanced agility have to do with surviving in space?

Dear god, I don't think I've ever been so depressed over what happened to Star Wars.

What's so sad is that ironically enough quality and money aren't opposing virtues. A statement that doesn't just apply to inaccesable art house films but can also apply to big franchise tentpole films. Look at The Dark Knight. Or even the OT. Quality films that made tons of cash. A movie can be enjoyable and make tons of money if the studio just gave a passionate director a leash long enough to do something great.

But yet after this disaster I'm still optimistic. If I did take anything from Episode 8, it is that the darker it gets the more brightly hope shines. I'm hoping as the First Order of Disney tightens its grip on the franchise, somewhere out there is the next great director that gets inspired to somehow, someday fix it.

That’s because they’ve drilled the word “hope” into your brain for the last couple movies.

While I can understand some of the venom being spewed at this movie, I think it shows just how difficult it is to make a Star Wars movie that will please fans, critics, and the worldwide audience, not to mention get approved by executives, be produced on time and within budget, deliver a compelling and memorable story, and most of all earn more than $1.5 billion at the boxoffice. Sure it's easy for us to armchair speculate on how we would make a "Great Star Wars" movie, but would that vision be able to meet the above criteria? For example, after being very skeptical going in, I loved Blade Runner 2049. It got made, scored well with critics, was mostly enjoyed by BR fans, but it was a box office bomb.
But to be fair, a lot of people didn't even know nor care about Blade Runner. It was all just this weird hard to grasp idea if you hadn't seen the original.

Its just a shame that all these criteria listed above are required, but the studios will settle for "Makes $1.5 Billion at box office", quality be damned. Which it would have done regardless.

When you make a Star Wars movie you are a caretaker of the franchise, and it is your duty to do it justice. I get the sense that Rian Johnson isn't a big fan of Star Wars. And to be in charge of something this big to culture without being a fan of what it is and what it stands for is like elected being Pope without being Catholic. Just so sad.
Just don’t blame Disney Wars because it was Lucas who turned Jedi’s into Supermen in the PT.

Not really. All the movies, except TFA and TLJ are consistent as far as the Jedi abilities. I'm not talking about comics that are no longer canon, or the EU that Disney got rid of, just the OT and PT movies. What did the Jedi in the PT do that was so different than Luke in the OT? The lightsaber fighting was more elaborate, but the Jedi in the PT had been training since they were kids and learned ancient techniques.

As far as their Jedi abilities, they used Telekinesis to move objects, telepathy, mind influence/ tricks, and enhanced sped and agility, all things that Luke used with some training in the OT. The OT and PT...even RO showed consistency as far as the Jedi abilities, but TLJ has Luke using Dr Strange tricks, Yoda's ghost controlling lightning, Leia flying, Kylo fooling Snoke, and Rey the nobody who can use Jedi mind tricks and telekinesis with no training...ok...oh, I forgot about broom boy. :lol
Maz wasn’t a sith as I had been praying for.

**** this movie!

Wait wait what’s this...I still have IX for this scenario to take place you say!

I loved TLJ definately a step up in quality from TFA! :hi5:

Thank God someone else I agree with, lol. :hi5:

I could go into so much detail about so many things I loved about this movie but it would be such a waste in this thread, lol. Things I've wanted to see SW date to show us since before the PT. Great stuff! Great movie!

No evil Maz unfortunately but also no gay Luke, ghost of Hayden, "grey" silliness, etc
, so I'll take it. At least she was demoted to just a hologram this time around. :D
going again in a few hours, we’ll see if it holds at a 9/10 for me.

maybe i just drank too much of the star wars juice, maybe i really liked it. I guess i’ll see after view #2.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (TBA)

I don't believe you. I honestly don't.

Yes you do. I loved RO and BR 2049 so you know factually that I have great taste in movies. ;) Once you get over the fact that TLJ didn't feature a menage a trois between Kylo, Rey, and Snoke you'll see the light too. :D

Yeah blade runner not being a blockbuster is not surprising, the original also wasn't one. And this is from someone who likes blade runner, but I've not seen the sequel because my fiance would hate it and we have to do EVERYTHING together....ahh true love.

While I can understand some of the venom being spewed at this movie, I think it shows just how difficult it is to make a Star Wars movie that will please fans, critics, and the worldwide audience, not to mention get approved by executives, be produced on time and within budget, deliver a compelling and memorable story, and most of all earn more than $1.5 billion at the boxoffice. Sure it's easy for us to armchair speculate on how we would make a "Great Star Wars" movie, but would that vision be able to meet the above criteria? For example, after being very skeptical going in, I loved Blade Runner 2049. It got made, scored well with critics, was mostly enjoyed by BR fans, but it was a box office bomb. The stakes and expectations are 10X higher for a Star Wars movie.
That said, I'd probably give TLJ a 7/10. There were a lot of decisions I didn't agree with, and overall I felt the story went off the track that Abrams had set up with TFA. I find it strange that while each director should be given the latitude to bring their own signature to an episode, the broad beats of the story aren't spelled out for the overall trilogy. Instead if I understand it correctly, TFA ended where it ended and Rian had carte blanche to take the story where ever he decided. To me that doesn't seem smart 3-part storytelling, and a recipe for ticking off fans. You get a set up for Snoke that leads nowhere. A mystery about Rey's parentage that is resolved by a throwaway line (especially when compared to "No... I am your father"); a budding romance between Rey and Finn that may now be Rey and Kylo, Finn and Rose, Finn and Poe or Poe and Rey; a legendary, one-time wide-eyed jedi master and hero of the rebellion, who devolved into a cranky hermit content to sit on the sidelines and let the galaxy burn, including his sister; Knights of Ren who were nowhere to be found (unless they were Snoke's bodyguards). I wonder what JJ actually thinks of where Johnson took the story. For all the flack TFA gets about playing it safe and remaking ANH, it was much more of a crowd pleaser than TLJ. Maybe TLJ should have tried more to "ape" ESB. People might have complained about it being formulaic, but at least it's a winning formula. I didn't hate TLJ, but it threw in a lot of unexpected twists, had little to no payoff, and only nominally advanced the story IMO. But I for one am glad that Abrams is coming back to the director's chair for SW IX. I'd rather see the story get back on the track it was on, and give the trilogy an uplifting, positive and satisfying resolution.

My sentiments precisely
Thank God someone else I agree with, lol. :hi5:

I could go into so much detail about so many things I loved about this movie but it would be such a waste in this thread, lol. Things I've wanted to see SW date to show us since before the PT. Great stuff! Great movie!

No evil Maz unfortunately but also no gay Luke, ghost of Hayden, "grey" silliness, etc
, so I'll take it. At least she was demoted to just a hologram this time around. :D

This thread needs balance.
You alone can bring light into this darkness

Thank God someone else I agree with, lol. :hi5:

I could go into so much detail about so many things I loved about this movie but it would be such a waste in this thread...

Dude, there's no way in HELL you loved:

-Broom Kid
-Astral Luke/Waste of Luke
-Space Leia
-Pointless Rey Origin
-Hilarious Snoke death/Waste of character .
-Awful Political commentary via awful Casino Planet sequence
-Purple Hair
-Random interracial kiss/speech about Love is good and war is bad
-Insane Force Ghost [Puppet] Yoda
-Pointless Achto First Jedi Temple/Force Tree/Journal of The Whills elements
-Comedy Man Hux
-bull**** ass stuttering DJ/Wasted BDT
-Lackluster Score
-More wasted Phasma

No way in HELL. You have good taste, Khev. You loved BR2049.
Thank God someone else I agree with, lol. :hi5:

I could go into so much detail about so many things I loved about this movie but it would be such a waste in this thread, lol. Things I've wanted to see SW date to show us since before the PT. Great stuff! Great movie!

No evil Maz unfortunately but also no gay Luke, ghost of Hayden, "grey" silliness, etc
, so I'll take it. At least she was demoted to just a hologram this time around. :D

Speaking of hologram when R2 whipped out Leia from 77 I had a lump in my throat.
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