Hot Toys Justice League Superman

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I prefer the darker blue myself. This colouring is similar to the MoS figure that a lot of people wished was a bit darker.

Looking for the black suited long haired Kal though from this film. Hopefully they make that figure because I'm sick of all the Batman variants and yet they just keep giving us the same, one sculpt Superman.

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So am I right in thinking this is just the BvS figure repainted with a new cape?
I really can't wait to see the full prototype of this figure, new sculpt and all. Superman is always going to be a bare bones figure with him never needing accessories. For that reason HT should include two sculpts. Batman gets all the different eye and mouth plates, Spiderman gets two sculpts now so Superman shouldn't be left with just a single sculpt.
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Took them 3 films to figure out who Superman is. Looks good. I hope Justice League is not a train wreck...
Took them 3 films to figure out who Superman is. Looks good. I hope Justice League is not a train wreck...

Comments like this amuse me... Superman's suit was lighter in BvS than it was in MoS... in JL it will be lighter again –*God forbid anyone actually gives WB/DC/Snyder credit that this wasn't intentional as the character's arc became lighter and he became a beacon of hope!
I actually got used to the darker blue for his "character" in this DCU, the brighter blue looks weird to me :lol

I might have to learn to like it. Or maybe skip this line, I'm happy with the BvS versions. Have to wait and see on Aquaman and Flash, Cyborg figure doesn't look appealing.
Comments like this amuse me... Superman's suit was lighter in BvS than it was in MoS... in JL it will be lighter again –*God forbid anyone actually gives WB/DC/Snyder credit that this wasn't intentional as the character's arc became lighter and he became a beacon of hope!

First, I am happy to bring you some joy ;-)

I have nothing against revisiting designs with super heroes. It's a big part of the appeal. But I think sometimes designs go too far and lose the basic idea/fundamentals. The idea of hope by Snyder was there from the first film. If I follow your idea, Supe's outfit should not have been lighter in BvS since he was an evil character (for Bruce Wayne, at least).

I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a requirement from licensees and toy companies asking for something more kids friendly. Many people didn't do as much money as they hoped they would with the franchise.
On all the promotional pics and on the official JL render his costume is not as light as this skyblue one. I'm not sure yet. every other toy company wish showed other Superman figures there , they are all darker. I think I prefer darker costume. Can't wait to see new sculpt. maybe I will be blown away. Still getting.
For the suit, I'd like a little more shine to it. In the pictures of the suit we've seen so far it's quite shiny like BvS. On this prototype it seems a little more dull. Still looking good though. Interested in seeing the actual headsculpt as well. Hopefully he does come with two for different expressions like the heat vision.
Light-up eyes is what I've been hoping for for a long time now. Might snag just the head sculpt if they make one but it'll probably go for a pretty penny. Yeah, I'm not sold on the brighter blue for this version of Superman just yet, trying hard to like it but the BvS suit is it for me.
First, I am happy to bring you some joy ;-)

I have nothing against revisiting designs with super heroes. It's a big part of the appeal. But I think sometimes designs go too far and lose the basic idea/fundamentals. The idea of hope by Snyder was there from the first film. If I follow your idea, Supe's outfit should not have been lighter in BvS since he was an evil character (for Bruce Wayne, at least).

I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a requirement from licensees and toy companies asking for something more kids friendly. Many people didn't do as much money as they hoped they would with the franchise.

Again - totally disagree... Firstly, he wasn't an evil character in BvS... just because somebody thought he was, doesn't make it so... so no, you haven't followed my idea at all!

As for losing the fundamentals... have you seen Superman's costume? His costume in the DCEU is basically the classic Superman costume minus the red undies – how his that straying far from the fundamentals... hell, in recent years he hasn't even wore his undies in comics!
This is definitely the exact same body as BvS Superman, just painted a lighter blue, of course it's a concept placeholder showing the colour they will have. I prefer the darker one myself, really excited to see the new face sculpt, however.

I feel like I'm going to have so many versions of the DC characters, they've completely slayed how great all these look and coming out with so many great pieces! Next year will be **** with money!
This is definitely the exact same body as BvS Superman, just painted a lighter blue, of course it's a concept placeholder showing the colour they will have. I prefer the darker one myself, really excited to see the new face sculpt, however.

I feel like I'm going to have so many versions of the DC characters, they've completely slayed how great all these look and coming out with so many great pieces! Next year will be **** with money!

The only issue I have with the DCEU Superman - and it's just a personal nit-pick, not an acutal problem - is Henry's hair when Supes, it just looks too harsh for me, and think if he had the curl - maybe not as prominent as Chris Reeve, but think it would make him look ten times better...

If the rumors are true and he is need sporting a new suit or least a new color then that is something to look forward to other wise it the same suit with a lighter color which frankly looks out of place compared to the rest of the muted colors of the team .

Based on the promotion material they have released the stuff on the soft drink and popcorn I did not notice this shade of blue on the suit am I mistaken ?

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