Medicom Darth Maul

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Well, I just made a discovery that'll make a huge difference in the appearance of this figure.

For whatever reason, Medicom felt Maul should include the leg extenders. They're very easy to remove so I recommend it to everyone, but they add another half inch of leg he doesn't need, and in turn, this will but him in a good heigh match with Sideshow's Qui-Gon Jinn.

I'll be taking more pictures after I redo some of my customizing, but figured I'd share this with you as it's significant.
Really? He looked the right height to start but he's on a shelf by himself away from my other SW figs at the moment. I'll leave mine alone but it puzzles me that Medicom would feel the need to do this.
It is puzzling, but when I did my Qui-Gon duel shots the other night, I stood them side by side for a look, and Medi Maul is about the same height as SSC, which is shorter, but not much compared to Qui-Gon, take the extenders off and he'd be perfect height for Ray. I was looking at the body and it seemd so long and slender, I just took the boot off a minute to check it out and noticed the extender and I was like huh? He needs this? Off with it. It also will help his "skirt" touch lower to the floor as it should, it looked way to high before. I wonder if they tailored him to a body without extenders, would make sense.
That could be it. I mean usually Medicom's figures are shorter than SS figures which hurts mixing the two in for some, but this has to be a first where they made one TOO tall. At least for those that want it fixed can fix it easy.
Yup. He's still too skinny and slender, but this certainly makes that a little less painfully obvious.

One of my chief complaints when the first images started showing was that he looked too tall and slender, and in a way, i was totally right and they did it, but luckily it's not a permanent feature of the base body.

For those not familiar with the extenders, if you take off his boots, you'll notice a half inch long piece coming from his calve before the foot joint, if you pop the foot out of that and that out of the calve, just attach the foot peg into the calve.
Well, I just made a discovery that'll make a huge difference in the appearance of this figure.

For whatever reason, Medicom felt Maul should include the leg extenders. They're very easy to remove so I recommend it to everyone, but they add another half inch of leg he doesn't need, and in turn, this will but him in a good heigh match with Sideshow's Qui-Gon Jinn.

I'll be taking more pictures after I redo some of my customizing, but figured I'd share this with you as it's significant.

Thanks MF i'm gonna have to try this later.
where are these Qui-gon vs maul shots?

Here they are:




grest shots!!!!!man keep those pics, coming in fellas!!my maul's dealyed till april..:monkey2..gotta go somewhere to feast my eyes on till this baby arrives!!:D
as awesome as the medi maul is i just bought a sideshow maul from a board member. i think the SS version looks good enough for me and it saved me about $100.
wow. After getting my hands on this figure, I think it has become one of my absolute favorites. Its REALLY nice. As great as my SS maul is, I definitely know which one is going to be on display.

Once I get my camera and figure in the same place at the same time, I will be pretty excited to take some photos!

Im very happy with this purchase. And to think I was really second guessing it from its announcement all the way until it was in my hands. I stand corrected. Thank god I completely forgot that I pre-ordered it and it showed up like a christmas present. Otherwise I wouldnt have bought it.

If you like Maul, and you have the cash to spare, you wont regret it.

Lets see more pictures!! And Maul Fan, how come Mulder hasnt gotten his ass kicked yet?
wow. After getting my hands on this figure, I think it has become one of my absolute favorites. Its REALLY nice. As great as my SS maul is, I definitely know which one is going to be on display.

Once I get my camera and figure in the same place at the same time, I will be pretty excited to take some photos!

Im very happy with this purchase. And to think I was really second guessing it from its announcement all the way until it was in my hands. I stand corrected. Thank god I completely forgot that I pre-ordered it and it showed up like a christmas present. Otherwise I wouldnt have bought it.

If you like Maul, and you have the cash to spare, you wont regret it.

Lets see more pictures!! And Maul Fan, how come Mulder hasnt gotten his ass kicked yet?

Glad you enjoy it!!:maul
MC posted this at RS!

I've got a review of this guy going up later this week, and I'm going to be very hard on him, probably too hard. But there are issues - 4 or 5 big ones - and at $150, that's way too many.

Now, if you swap some parts between the SS and Medicom, and go through the trouble to improve the look of the body with padding, you'll get the best Maul ever. But if you expect him to look like he does in MF's photos (the one's above) right out of the box, you're going to be sorely disappointed."

I agree on the padding and the belt.(but i don't know what else he could have a problems with,maybe the boots or saber thickness?)