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The head needs repainting?are we talking about the same figure or do you not like it because it says enterbay on the box and not hot toys.

Why are you attempting to throw jabs out like a child? when members throw comments out about others being hot toys pole squatters it just comes off as a bit ignorant without even knowing certain members stances on things, I for one have had a lot better things to say about enterbay than hot toys lately to say the least.

But yes many parts of this need tweaking if even to get it to where they had it in the prototype pictures which got a lot more right.


Wookster I've always been a lot more ____ (which I assume we are talking about the same thing, another word for picky) than you which is why most of my reviews would be a lot less generous than yours. Nevertheless I respect your assessment on many things if even I don't agree on parts.

That being said I stand by the glasses being on of the few things that are truly horrible, as far as what other companies have been able to provide with proportion and sculpt of plastic one sixth scale glasses, hot toys, DID, soldier story hell even sideshow, I'd say the oversized thickness of the arm and how goofy it looks on him is a bit inexcusable on enterbay's part.
Wookster I've always been a lot more ____ (which I assume we are talking about the same thing, another word for picky) than you which is why most of my reviews would be a lot less generous than yours. Nevertheless I respect your assessment on many things if even I don't agree on parts.

That being said I stand by the glasses being on of the few things that are truly horrible, as far as what other companies have been able to provide with proportion and sculpt of plastic one sixth scale glasses, hot toys, DID, soldier story hell even sideshow, I'd say the oversized thickness of the arm and how goofy it looks on him is a bit inexcusable on enterbay's part.
It's all cool with me, and I do like seeing just how accurate some folks can make their figures look. But I try to remain realistic in my expectations of what can be achieved for the prices we are willing to pay, well, at a mass produced level anyway.

It's funny bud, I've actually been looking for a lazy eye on Reno whenever he's in screen and most of the time he totally seems to have one. Looks like they got it right maybe?
Yeah, he deffinetly has a wandering right eye, it tends to drift in towards his nose... but when you have a Gallic nose that is that impressive it's hardly surprising, it probably has its own event horizon!

Cool. Need your insight on this one as I recently got this figure.
Well, it's just my opinion, but thanks. Hope it will be up before too long, but we are entering the Christmas silly season!

Cant wait to see the review Jeff. I think it will be the dealbreaker for me.

Well between you me and the gatepost I can say its on the whole a very positive review.
I got 3 with my set.Also,for those who are on the fence with this one,IMO this figure is PERFECT even if you don't have any mod skills.You won't get a better representation of Leon unless you get it custom made or if Hot Toys picks up the license(doubt it).The hat would be the only part of this set that sux everything else is doable.I think so anyway!^_^
Also,for those who are on the fence with this one,IMO this figure is PERFECT even if you don't have any mod skills.You won't get a better representation of Leon unless you get it custom made or if Hot Toys picks up the license(doubt it).The hat would be the only part of this set that sux everything else is doable.I think so anyway!^_^

:goodpost: :exactly: :lecture

Even w/o having these mods done..Love this figure! :yess:
It helps but honestly not enough. Tragic is the right word, sculpt paint everything. Thems need replacin' and quick!!!

True, but a repaint does makes them look 50% better IMO. The paint job is probably worse than the sculpt if you ask me. The sculpt is just a case of it being the wrong style of shoe, whereas the paint makes it look cheap as if a kid painted them. But of course, if youre going for accuracy(as I am, and I know you are) then they need to be replaced or resculpted. I'll be doing one of those when I get round to it.
Ray & TFG,you guyz are right about the shoes!They aren't accurate and if you're looking for 100%accuracy then these MUST go.I personally am content with the shoes after the repaint but only because i'll be damned if i spend anymore money on a figure that cost as much as he did.HEy Ray can i ask you what would be the right color for the pants and socks?THANX!^_^
Ray & TFG,you guyz are right about the shoes!They aren't accurate and if you're looking for 100%accuracy then these MUST go.I personally am content with the shoes after the repaint but only because i'll be damned if i spend anymore money on a figure that cost as much as he did.HEy Ray can i ask you what would be the right color for the pants and socks?THANX!^_^

Hey bud well the pants should be a dark gray. I got mine that way by bleaching them a bit, worked out OK.

As for the socks he wore both white and light gray. Enterbay gave him dark gray socks. But when i tried to bleach my dark gray socks lighter gray they turned yellow :panic:

So i ended up buying new pure white socks for him and was much happier. they cost about a dollar on toyanxiety.com
Here are some PICS. of his shoes which i'm not done with but figured i let you see and let me know what you all think.THANX!:wink1:

Hi hi! Those shoes are amazing? Where did you get those? Thanks!

He just repainted them. I think with a repaint like CeeemOr did, it makes the shoes look sooooo much better. Im planning to do a tiny bit of re sculpting AND a repaint for mine. I will try to add real laces too but not sure yet.
THANX TFG for responding to the question for me bro!Yeah guyz these are the ENterbay shoes with just a paint wash(1 part Brown(FLAT) & 2 parts water + a tint of red(Flat) use your own dicretion on the red).The wash brings out the shoes highlights so i really didn't have to do much.The laces i painted in Raw Umber(Flat) and the lacing holes i outlined in Silver(the ones that can be seen anyway).Hope this helps out some!^_^
No problem bro! You really did a fantastic job on his shoes. I thought they were different shoes when I 1st seen them.
Thanks for the recipe too. I'll use that for sure when I get rounf to modding this guy again. One quick question though - Which type of silver paint did you use for the lace holes, and what did you use to apply it?