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Concerned with that Sci Fi comment, Battle Force 2000??? WTF

I'm guessing the "sci-fi" element means we'll see figures such as . . .

AIRTIGHT (chemical, biological, radiological)
FLASH (laser rifle)
SCI-FI (laser rifle)
The one per quarter isn't a bad idea. Fact is most folks collect more than just GI Joe. They're making a smart business decision if this is the case.
I would love to get more than 1 LOTR maquette per quarter but its better if they stay the pace they're at. It allows me to get other items from them so they're getting even more money from me.
AIRTIGHT (chemical, biological, radiological)
FLASH (laser rifle)
SCI-FI (laser rifle)

Flash and Tele-Viper would be cool. Don't want Dial-Tone or Mainframe, but Breaker would rule.
I think it's highly naive to develop an opinion that the females will kill this line. It'd be entirely different if we were all still prepubescent boys who thought girls had cooties. We're all grown up adults now, realize the importance of the female characters as well as the crucial roles they play on the G.I. Joe team. If done right, they'll sell just the same as the guys do. Besides, back in the day I didn't have a problem with owning them either because they were strong characters in the comics which were my foundation for RAH.

FYI, with Sideshow having Star Wars and now DC, the female Pro has more than just the Joe line to fly by on. :wink1:
The Babysitters were released before the Prometheus was introduced. The first Dead to use that was the Harbinger. Only the Butcher and Punk came after that. I also don't recall any trouble with sales, other than maybe the Tactical Containment Unit guy, but that was because he was green.

If Scarlett and Baroness are good figures, they'll sell fine. Willow was a thousand years ago.
I want more than 4 a year, but the past 5-6 releases have hit hard and many have come out this past year?

They are cheaper than statues, but still an added expense.
Babysitter helped kill that line because of the endless repaints and the ____ tactical zombe turd green paint.

I don't know of any Joe fan that would not want a Scarlett or Baroness figure. That body will also be used in the Star Wars and upcoming DC lines.

Even if we only get about 20 more figures, I would say SS gave us a hell of a line.
To compensate for the slow down they'll bump the prices of every figure to $200. That way they get the same amount of money by doing less work.
I can handle 4 per year, but only if they are 4 new and unique figures. Don't put Arctic Cobra Sniper and Mountain Cobra Officer (and so on-thus making up their environment specific characters) in the place of new characters.
And when all is said and done, Scarlett, Lady Jaye nor the Baroness will kill the line. It's not marketed to Hissyfits, or 12-year-old boys who'd pass on a "girlie figure," but to the more "adult" collectors who understand they're high-end collectibles and have an appreciation for the license and the characters in it. You might not want them until last, but I'd say in this case, you're likely in the minority. Additionally, as I've already mentioned, the female Pro is also necessary for the other 1/6 lines like Star Wars and DC so the use won't be limited and the price will be comparable to the male Pro.

A point toward this. Snake Eyes looked absurd on the pro. We bought and swapped. And yet, despite being based on the early, lame, QC-ridden pro, he's fetching a healthy profit on the secondary market.
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I see both points. Everything in moderation.

SSC needs to release a female character soon, IMO, but when they do I don't want them to all of a sudden as I think Meat Hook implies, go "clone" with them and go 4 or 6 releases straight because SSC is trying to maximize the margin on the female body.

Though on the other hand...Zartan or whoever the first muscle body would have been can be considered a "rubber duck", yet at some point they did need to take the leap of faith that the body would be suitable and release him.

They can't live in fear that the female pro will be an instant disaster.

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