Things I Hate

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Inflation is definitely something I am hating a lot right now. Just the weekly grocery shop has become so expensive that I think it doubled over the past couple years, while at the same time quality of products dropped massively and quantity per pack shrank
inflation happens because everyone wants a pay rise. keep that in mind. a $1 dollar increment on your salary will snowball into $10 as that $1 gets passed onto the next layer and they have to add in their own $1 increment plus some cushion.
The fools think it’s because they don’t have enough revenue when it’s because they spend too much of what doesn’t exist. The revenue they think they can extract has already been spent multiple times over.

Hyperinflation in Germany in 1923 had the Deutschmark trading 4.23 trillion to one USD. Britain and America floated them loans to get back in their feet. There’s no one to lend now. Everyone is broke after the Covid lockdowns and stimulus orgy.

There’s literally one chance to save it and it won’t happen. They need to stop all spending, eliminate all commercial restrictions, abolish the central banks, and get their currencies back on gold. Don’t hold your breath (maybe buy ammo).
war solve money problems.
inflation happens because everyone wants a pay rise. keep that in mind. a $1 dollar increment on your salary will snowball into $10 as that $1 gets passed onto the next layer and they have to add in their own $1 increment plus some cushion.
Then why is it pay rises are based on inflation and not visa versa? And when pay rises do happen, they very often dont keep up with inflation.
Then why is it pay rises are based on inflation and not visa versa? And when pay rises do happen, they very often dont keep up with inflation.
chicken and egg question. pay rise is part of inflation, reason for pay rise is to cope with inflation. like snake trying to eat its own tail.
chicken and egg question. pay rise is part of inflation, reason for pay rise is to cope with inflation. like snake trying to eat its own tail.
It’s not chicken or egg. There’s no bird. Like bitcoin, fiat currency is an irredeemable credit pyramid, with the taxpayer as the buyer who gets caught holding the crypto when it tanks.
Yes, inflation isn't caused by pay rises, it is the result of it. Money printer go brrrrr is the cause of inflation in the simplest terms.
Add decades of artificially low interest rates and the picture comes into much starker relief. If your income didn’t rise as quickly as you accumulated debt, your lenders would increase your rate. 2020 saw inordinately high borrowing to back its spending while gutting income with lockdowns and all of the subsequent catastrophes. In the past they just printed it and kept rates low. Didn’t work this time because the economy was incapable of surmounting the damage like it did in the past. And still, they just keep spending…
doesnt matter what you guys write. current economy system will not stand pass 2025.

itd be slavery all over again mad max style.
comeback GIF
I hate microwave meals that say "remove film" only for the plastic film to be be glued on so securely that it refuses to be removed and is made of such poor quality plastic that it rips to many shreds while you struggle, so you have to then carefully pull each strip up to the point it is connected to the rim of the tray where it then tears again instead of peeling off.

After about 5 mins of careful surgery to remove the glued down remants with a scalpel you finally get it off and load it into the oven only to find that upon cooking you had missed a tiny strip of the film which had come unstuck during cooking and found its way into the food.

Happens way too often.
"My figure just shipped [Post a screenshot of the tracking]"

"My card was just charged"

"Sideshow just shipped my figure"

"My figure arrived but I won't unbox till the weekend"

This trend started on the FB groups, but I hate it when collectors post updates of their credit card being charged, figure being shipped or the postman taking a dump while you wait for the figure to arrive-- those kinds of posts adds NOTHING to a conversation, they're just status updates that I have to scroll down. I never saw this back in the early Sideshow Freak days (2008-2012) but I've seen it a lot on Reddit, FB and sadly, this forum a lot.

I understand that collectors are excited, but do you really need to post that your figure is in the mail? Why not wait till the damn thing arrives and post some pics instead of wasting everyone's time?
"My figure just shipped [Post a screenshot of the tracking]"

"My card was just charged"

"Sideshow just shipped my figure"

"My figure arrived but I won't unbox till the weekend"

This trend started on the FB groups, but I hate it when collectors post updates of their credit card being charged, figure being shipped or the postman taking a dump while you wait for the figure to arrive-- those kinds of posts adds NOTHING to a conversation, they're just status updates that I have to scroll down. I never saw this back in the early Sideshow Freak days (2008-2012) but I've seen it a lot on Reddit, FB and sadly, this forum a lot.

I understand that collectors are excited, but do you really need to post that your figure is in the mail? Why not wait till the damn thing arrives and post some pics instead of wasting everyone's time?
The picture of the brown box.
Not sure where else to post this. I’ve heard of accounts of haunted antique dolls that are possessed by the spirits of the dead (or spooky things of a malevolent nature). But, what are the chances that 1/6 dollies could be haunted? 🤔
Not sure where else to post this. I’ve heard of accounts of haunted antique dolls that are possessed by the spirits of the dead (or spooky things of a malevolent nature). But, what are the chances that 1/6 dollies could be haunted? 🤔
nil. zero.

My mother was one of those people who believed that objects could have spirits/demons attached, so on occasions where we got such objects and she noticed spooky goings on she would throw/burn the items. I put it to the test by hiding the item and burning something else or digging the item from the trash and just hid the item, in the house. after a week or two or being haunting free I revealed that the items never left and it was all in her head. all the spooky goings on were just her either hearing the neighbors and assuming the sounds were in the house or just simply imagining things. Other times it was an unnoticed draft making things flap or knocking sounds caused by the central heating.

Basically in my experience (including dealing with people outside the family) all hauntings are actually just normal occurrences that people misidentify as being supernatural.
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