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Demi G0D Overseer
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Here you go guys. Now you guys have a place to measure your PC awesomeness and hopefully stay out of the console threads. You're welcome. :duff
Here you go guys. Now you guys have a place to measure your PC awesomeness and hopefully stay out of the console threads. You're welcome. :duff

Since I play on console and PC, is it ok if I talk about how awesome both are in whatever thread I'm in? Yes? Sweet. I guess you can close this condescending thread then.
Console games have exclusives, why PC game?? Too much work.

Sure, any game can have its own thread. I get the impression this thread was a not so subtle way of saying "shut up about your PC's in other threads". If thats not the case, the tone sure implied it.

Isn't PC gaming awesome!

Oh..I just now realize what you were saying there. In that case, while I do game on a PC and consoles, I can understand how intimidating PCs can look. I have a friend who helps me with technical things, so I'm lucky. I do understand that side of it though. I just think theres a misconception about cost that seems to have gotten into everyones minds.
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I just saw that Portal 2 is on sale at Steam for $5. I'm dling now. It was one of my favorite games of 11'. Grab it if you haven't yet!
Console games have exclusives, why PC game?? Too much work.

Are you saying PCs do not have exclusives? Diablo, Starcraft, WoW, Torchlight, Arma, Amnesia(easily the best horror game you will ever play) Company of heroes, Total War series, Guild Wars 2, shall I go on? https://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/18/50-pc-exclusive-games-in-2013

And PC gaming really isnt as hard as people make it out to be. Oh and the game prices compared to consoles are ridiculous. PC gaming is really the best way to go. That being said I play on consoles as well, because I do enjoy Halo, GoW, Final Fantasy, MvC, etc.
PC or console gaming?

Pssh! PC and console gaming are dying.

Smart phones and tablets are where it's at! :lecture
I want to upgrade from my old rig this year(i7 930, ATi 5850)... just trying to figure out what CPU/GPU would be best... I hope Intels Haswell is good.
PC or console gaming?

Pssh! PC and console gaming are dying.

Smart phones and tablets are where it's at! :lecture

Not sure if you're serious or not. I hope not. I had fun with mobile gaming, but touch screen just doesnt' cut it for me. Too limited.
Nah I was just being ironic.

Both have merits... people have just the wrong idea about what a gaming PC costs these days. I'm pretty damn sure most of us can afford one easy if we spent some time with research.
You can easily build a mid-range PC, for the cost of a new console, if not less, and can run better than any current gen console. Until now, I still don't get this whole PC VS console nonsense. I play on both. PC for FPS-es/most shooters, and games that I know look much (and I mean MUCH MUCH) better on the PC. I play on consoles for their exclusives, and 3rd person games, it's also a more relaxing experience than playing on PC (big screen, couch).
I game on PC, 360, PS3, whatever. I'm not going to lock myself to one device.

PC mostly for FPS, exclusives, and good console ports (PC-friendly games :p). Consoles for exclusives and whatever else.
Far Cry 3 is $34.99 on Amazon right now (PC download). It's $29.99 if you have the Editor's Choice coupon from last December.

PC Master Race :yess:

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