Juggernault !!!!!!!!!!!

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Cold Slither
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
I dont think the beast maquette from X-3 looks really good, but that juggernault maquette at 26 inch tall looks awesome...!!!!If the character in the movie lives up to the expectations,I might have to buy this one....It is a BIG ,BIG statue...


Hey I had that one growing up, you pushed him down and his legs were spring loaded! :google

That will be a VERY large piece, it looks pretty cool.
An absolutely awesome piece... :horror

Cant imagine this one standing on my shelf...

More X-men Sideshow!!!
I like the comic version way more than I like this thing. Ok, so it looks better than the Beast maquette, but thats about it. Not that the sculpt is bad on this piece, but I really dont like the designing process of the X-Men movies.
What I don't understand is why X3 didn't use this design for Juggernaut, the movie version has a smaller helmet with no collar or shoulder armor. At least this maquette had simularities to the original design and looks more badass!!!
I had said the same about him looking like Ram-man in a different thread. Although this one does not look like the movie version............ helmet wise..........I think it would have been a better idea to do this in the movie. In all reality, they should not have redesigned his outfit from the comics........it is a classic look. His costume is one that has never really changes throughtout the years. I do not really see Vinnie Jones in there either.

I would say that they went with this helmet rather that the comic helmet, due to seeing the actors face. In Spider-Man they took Dafoe........ or Defoe........ and covered up his face with the Goblin mask. They probably did not want to do that with Vinnie, since a major part of him that makes him a crazy bada$$ is his facial expressions.

The piece does look great though.
Looks awesome. Sideshow was pretty up front in their descriptions saying this and beast were based on early designs. Wish I had the money and the space for this one.
There's not supposed to be a Vinnie Jones likeness I think. It was mentioned that these maquettes were designed to get the look of the character down.

And as for not changing the look of Juggernaut from the comics...how would that be possible without doing him completely CG like Hulk? I don't have any love for the character but I prefer him being played by an actor rather than a computer.
Yes in the comic he is huge compared to everyone else. But in metal form, so is Colossus. They could have taken a different actor that is huge & put the domed helmet on him. I am not trying to take anything away from Vinnie as I think he will do a pretty good job. I just wish they could have gotten a better helmet.
LOTRFan said:
Hey I had that one growing up, you pushed him down and his legs were spring loaded! :google

LOL, me too.

I like this piece better then Beast that's for sure. But, I'm still not even crazy about this one either.
I'll pass on this X3 line. The realistic movie likeness of these characters isnot my cup of tea. I prefer the comic book versions of Marvel characters.
Kookie said:
What I don't understand is why X3 didn't use this design for Juggernaut, the movie version has a smaller helmet with no collar or shoulder armor. At least this maquette had simularities to the original design and looks more badass!!!
Yep, this is sooo much better looking then the costume shown in the trailer. Just another reason to fear just how bad this movie might turn out to be. This statue does look great! I'd much rather have this guy in my house then that Beast maquette. :eek: