EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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I kind of feel like we’ll be waiting a while for any TOS (including movies) versions of characters. Seems like we’ll continue to get stuff like Mirror versions of characters and secondary characters like Saavik and Kruge.
I do Wondered how well would TOS figures sell these days even though they should be the ones with highest demand ? When QMX releases them, they were sitting around for ages and I thought even the chair went to discount heavily . The only one that was hard to get was Sulu and Scotty but the big three sat around. Scotty and sulu was abruptly stopped in production though
I do Wondered how well would TOS figures sell these days even though they should be the ones with highest demand ? When QMX releases them, they were sitting around for ages and I thought even the chair went to discount heavily . The only one that was hard to get was Sulu and Scotty but the big three sat around. Scotty and sulu was abruptly stopped in production though

You make a good point. I think most collectors are around my age, 43, give or take 5-10 years and I feel like most of us grew up watching the movies with the OG crew and at the same time being introduced to TNG because it was all happening in the 80's to mid-90's when we were kids/teens. I've never actually sat and watched TOS all the way through, just a few episodes here and there so I have no personal connection to figures based on TOS. I'm more excited about figures based on the OG crew but from the movies and the TNG crew.

When reading in the groups on FB as well, it seems like there's more excitement for the same whereas the main hype for TOS comes from NT.
I feel like TNG is going to be the big seller at this point. I think VOY, DS9, ENT have fans but a smaller base. TOS I would think is still popular but as time passes that may dwindle more and more.
I kind of feel like we’ll be waiting a while for any TOS (including movies) versions of characters. Seems like we’ll continue to get stuff like Mirror versions of characters and secondary characters like Saavik and Kruge.
I hate to say, but I'd actually be more excited for those mirror and secondary characters (Kor, Andrea, Ruk, Vina, etc) than the main crew. Just because they'd be more unique and interesting to display.
I hate to say, but I'd actually be more excited for those mirror and secondary characters (Kor, Andrea, Ruk, Vina, etc) than the main crew. Just because they'd be more unique and interesting to display.
Well and also while they’re a bit dated and imperfect I do have the trio from QMX. As much as I want the rest of the crew those are the ones I want most.

I wouldn’t mind finishing the Mirror crew myself. At least with Kirk and Uhura.
You make a good point. I think most collectors are around my age, 43, give or take 5-10 years and I feel like most of us grew up watching the movies with the OG crew and at the same time being introduced to TNG because it was all happening in the 80's to mid-90's when we were kids/teens.
Definitely my case too. Trek is one of my favourite things in life, but I don't have a single TOS figure on my shopping list. It's Movie Maroons or nothing for Kirk & crew, and after Saavik I only want TUC Kirk, Spock and Scotty. SNW will rep the TOS era in my collection instead.
You make a good point. I think most collectors are around my age, 43, give or take 5-10 years and I feel like most of us grew up watching the movies with the OG crew and at the same time being introduced to TNG because it was all happening in the 80's to mid-90's when we were kids/teens. I've never actually sat and watched TOS all the way through, just a few episodes here and there so I have no personal connection to figures based on TOS. I'm more excited about figures based on the OG crew but from the movies and the TNG crew.

When reading in the groups on FB as well, it seems like there's more excitement for the same whereas the main hype for TOS comes from NT.

I'm 42, and am nearly finished with my (first-ever) complete TOS viewing. I've seen all the films multiple times, that's how I got into Star Trek, but I never watched the original series. Until this year, I could count the number of episodes I'd seen on one hand.
But I've developed a great fondness for it as I've watched them all. An I'll be very happy to have them in my collection, when they come out.
I do wonder how much farther TOS can go. Star Trek is way past it's prime, back when it had toys in toy stores and stuff... The Star Trek collectible market still hasn't recovered since that huge crash (what, 90s? early 00s?). Old people are dying off. Fewer and fewer young people pick it up, especially TOS.
I'm a huge Trek fan but I can't really watch TOS. It's too slow and many of it's episodes are just kind of dumb or ridiculously outdated at this point. I appreciate it's history. Some of the movies are really good and timeless. But geez, when my parents and all the old people are dead (I'm getting old myself) there's just a few quirky young people left. :p

It doesn't have the staying power of Star Wars and stuff. I'm fairly sure in 30 years time whatever new Reboot happens will overshadow TOS to most living people's eyes.

The market is probably smaller than it's ever been because of death and the economic reality of the world too. I'd hate to be EXO right now. It's a TOUGH market. And I'm not sure TOS would be their biggest seller. Though maybe I'm wrong because with the crazy level of wealth inequality between old and young people the old people might just keep spending until they die! And old people really love TOS. ;)

I appreciate TOS but it's just barely watchable. The history behind it is facinating. I've watched it all. There's no denying the cultural influence it has had or the positive movement of some issues forward. But man is it OLD!

I would not be surprised if TNG did better though. But also not surprised if it didn't.
I find TOS about the only watchable Trek show for me these days. I grew up watching it along with TNG, DS9 and Voyager. I gave up on Enterprise during its original run. Never liked any of the new Trek shows from recent years. These days I have watched TOS over and over again along with the 6 movies. I watch the odd TNG episode but find it very boring now and no longer really care much about the crew, DS9 even less so and Voyager even less. I think I would find it impossible to do a TNG, DS9 or Voyager re-watch, just the odd episodes from time to time. However I can go through TOS time and time again, the crew work so well together, I love the 60s feel to the show, the Kirk, Spock and Bones dynamic works so very well. I even got my late partner into the show, we tried TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise, the only one she liked was TOS.

I should just add that I think 90s Trek is way better than most modern television though find it far less interesting than 60s Trek. I should add I generally really enjoy Sci-fi from the 60s, 70s and 80s. I like the use of real models etc and am not such a fan of CGI.

For 1/6 Trek figures for me it will be TOS, The Cage, Movie Maroons. Wish we could get TOS Klingons and Romulans.
Most true diehard TOS fans are all now in theirs 60-70s I would not be surprised if the TOS and possibly even TWOK not selling as well as he thinks. I’m certain they will all sell but will it outdo TNG? Think TNG is where the sweet spot is
The TOS movies are looking pretty dated now as well unfortunately, and I can only barely remember a time when I thought they seemed cool and futuristic.

But that said I still have a huge affection for those TOS characters (particularly the big three) and many of the original episodes still hold up really well I think. Plus it's just fun to immerse yourself in that 60s style and aesthetic now and then, with the hugely over the top music score and gorgeous women in skimpy outfits. 😁
Most true diehard TOS fans are all now in theirs 60-70s I would not be surprised if the TOS and possibly even TWOK not selling as well as he thinks. I’m certain they will all sell but will it outdo TNG? Think TNG is where the sweet spot is
I can only speak for myself, but I am not 45 yet, and while I very much want Kirk, Spock, and McCoy from TWOK, I have no interest in TNG. I also have no interest in TOS, although depending on how good their Bones and Scotty figures are, that may change.
I'm limiting myself to TOS on these, but at this point, would only get an Uhura and Klingon (preferable Kang). Was originally excited for TWOK, but I think starting with Saavik was a mistake. I might not be willing to wait for Kirk, Spock, and McCoy... and Khan.
I gave up on Enterprise during its original run.

Perhaps you gave up too soon before it got good?

Why not give it another try? You may see it with different eyes now.
Seems it has found a lot of new appreciation these days from people who originally dismissed it, saying it's way better than they remember.

Wasn't there a diagram of it being the most watched Star Trek show currently on Netflix?
At this point I want to finish TNG for sure. That’s my focus. I want to say I’m in on TOS but I could probably pass in favor of just going for the movie versions.

I probably went further with VOY than I should have. I got caught up in wanting to support EXO and that was largely what was releasing early on. DS9 I’m happy to have Sisko and Quark but didn’t really need Kira.