1/6 figs dreamlist

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Teen Force -
1:6 Elektra
1:6 Moleculad
1:6 Kid Comet
Hey, I'd rather HBs Teen Force before the FaveRoniverse Teen-Vespa knockoffs :lol


Though a figure of Jimmy Cooper the actual "Mod" inspiration could be interesting.

1:6 Space Ghost - from the 1966 cartoon.
Add Birdmaaaan! The Galaxy Trio, and Mightor!
Would love some of Hanna Barbera's World of Super Adventure Heroes represented in 1:6




Herculoids beasts would make it impossible at 1:6, I think the Toynami figures were the best scale for this brand, they were such a simple yet bizarre concept:
Part mythology, part heroic epic, sword and sorcery fantasy, part giant kaiju monsters, prehistoric lost world, part sci-fi space opera, all wrapped in a family drama.
Probably the greatest genre mash in cartoon history.

All designed by Alex Toth no less.
In the end it's so much its own thing, DC/WB whoever owns the license now, are so clueless they probably don't even know how to approach it, though what is so offbeat about it, is exactly what makes it so great!
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Hey, I'd rather them before the FaveRoniverse Teen-Vespa knockoffs :lol


Though a figure of Jimmy Cooper the actual "Mod" inspiration could be interesting.


Add Birdmaaaan! The Galaxy Trio, and Mightor!
Would love some of Hanna Barbera's World of Super Adventure Heroes represented in 1:6


I watched all those shows when they were new on tv between 1966 to 1981.
They were great shows - far better than most cartoons produced nowadays!
I watched all those shows when they were new on tv between 1966 to 1981.
They were great shows - far better than most cartoons produced nowadays!
Plus (though was not part of the same "World of Super Adventure" cartoon block) HB's Jonny Quest!
Maybe done in a compatible retro 1:6 Joe style-

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A 1:6 Prince Planet
and a 1:6 8TH Man

I know there are already figures of these two available somewhere, but they don't look right to me.
I would want them to look as they did in their respective cartoon shows.


1:6 Illyana Rasputin
1:6 Cannonball
1:6 Danielle Moonstar

1:6 Karate Kid ( Legion Of Super Heroes - how he looked around 1967 or so.)

1:6 Harry Potter
1:6 Hermione Granger
1:6 Ron Weasley -( All three from Deathly Hallows part 2 and I would prefer if they actually looked
like the actors they are based on.)

1:6 Goliath (Avengers - His purple and yellow outfit from around 1967 - and he should be at least
16 inches tall.)

Teen Force -
1:6 Elektra
1:6 Moleculad
1:6 Kid Comet

1:6 Firestar - ( in the outfit she wore in Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.)

1:6 Space Ghost - from the 1966 cartoon.

Finally, 1:6 figures of The Beatles the way they looked around 1965.
Some of these are nice ideas:
Legion of Superheroes—I'd personally prefer something based on the Dave C*ckrum/Mike Grell Run. While I don't necessarily see this as being practical, between the what SooSoo is doing with superhero proportioned figures (I don't know if they are using special bodies), 3D printing, and tailors like GeeWhiz, a small run line of custom could happen.
Space Ghost—It could be cool to see a line based on Hanna Barbara characters like SG, Jonny Quest and Herculoids, but with more of a semi-realistic take sort of like how HT has approached the Bad Batch. Otherwise, to me at least, they'd just look like large toys. That sort of thing is always a fine line with fans though.
Beatles—I'm waiting for Blitzway, SooSoo or someone to do an Icons of Music line that would include the Beatles (60s, Sgt Pepper, 70s), Elvis (50s, 60s, 70s), Bowie (Ziggy, Ashes to Ashes, Modern Love), Kiss (Destroyer, Love Gun)
Some of these are nice ideas:
Legion of Superheroes—I'd personally prefer something based on the Dave C*ckrum/Mike Grell Run. While I don't necessarily see this as being practical, between the what SooSoo is doing with superhero proportioned figures (I don't know if they are using special bodies), 3D printing, and tailors like GeeWhiz, a small run line of custom could happen.
Space Ghost—It could be cool to see a line based on Hanna Barbara characters like SG, Jonny Quest and Herculoids, but with more of a semi-realistic take sort of like how HT has approached the Bad Batch. Otherwise, to me at least, they'd just look like large toys. That sort of thing is always a fine line with fans though.
Beatles—I'm waiting for Blitzway, SooSoo or someone to do an Icons of Music line that would include the Beatles (60s, Sgt Pepper, 70s), Elvis (50s, 60s, 70s), Bowie (Ziggy, Ashes to Ashes, Modern Love), Kiss (Destroyer, Love Gun)
Yes - a 1:6 Jonny Quest as he looked in the 1964 cartoon would be great!
60s; Past and Future:
Raquel Tejada Welch (Loana from One Million Years B.C) and Jane Fonda as (Barbarella).


Should these threads be merged? - Post your top 5 1/6 Figures that you want made
And shouldn't they both be in the actual 1/6 Action Figures forum? - General Collectibles - Action Figures


Sinbad, Jason & Argonauts, Perseus from Titans, all around Ray Harryhausen line would be fantastic.

An all around Ray Harryhausen Epic Hero line would be fantastic; Sinbad, Jason (& Argonauts), Perseus from Titans, and plenty of beasts and creatures to go with.

70s Musketeers would be great!
Fantastic cast:
Michael York - d'Artagnan
Oliver Reed - Athos
Frank Finlay - Porthos
Richard Chamberlain - Aramis
Raquel Welch - Constance Bonacieux
Faye Dunaway - Milady de Winter
Charlton Heston - Cardinal Richelieu
Christopher Lee - the Count De Rochefort


Though I'll admit for a modern take, I also enjoyed the BBC production and cast + Peter Capaldi as Cardinal Richelieu
If they'd released figures at the time I might have jumped at them


1/6 figs dreamlist:
Shouldn't these threads be merged? - Post your top 5 1/6 Figures that you want made
And both be moved to1/6 Action Figures forum? - General Collectibles - Action Figures
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Wow so many Pie in the sky hopes here.....that will never be made in 1000 years....many I have never even heard of before.....

At least my one hope is a possibility with more mythical figures coming to light....kinda surprised we dont have a good one yet.


With all the off brand companies serving the 1:6 Market like Flashpoint, Mars, Present Toys or Soosoo... where can we share dream figure requests on behalf of a collector's market that would gobble them up?

My List:

John McClane
Hans Gruber

NY McClane

Zane's Phantom

Baldwin Shadow

Elliot Ness
Jimmy Malone

Flash Gordon

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There's a couple of these threads already -
- https://www.collectorfreaks.com/threads/1-6-figs-dreamlist.246513/
- https://www.collectorfreaks.com/threads/post-your-top-5-1-6-figures-that-you-want-made.14100/
- https://www.collectorfreaks.com/threads/it-would-be-great-if.244448/
- https://www.collectorfreaks.com/threads/your-odd-1-6-figure-wants.39302/
Yet oddly none of them are in the "Action Figure" forum where they belong, so I guess I will add to this one since it's in the actual right place-

B&W classics:
1920s -Fairbanks - Zorro - D'artagnan - Robin Hood - Thief of Baghdad - The Black Pirate (this guy is the origianl Action hero line all onto himself)
1920 - Dr. Caligari ( Conrad Veidt as Cesare the somnambulist
1921 - Charlie Chaplin (missed the one out there)
1922 - Nosferatu (Max Schreck. actually done!
1927- Metropolis - Maria Robot and Rotwang
1928 - The Man Who Laughs - Conrad Veidt

- B&W Marx Brothers ...

Sam Spade / Rick Blaine

Scarface 1932 version (Paul Muni)

1952-High Noon - Gary Cooper(Marshal Will Kane

Would add Yojimbo but he's on the way.

TV B&W classics:
-Lone Ranger (Clayton Moore) and Tonto ( Jay Silverheels)

-Disney's (Guy Armando Catalano) Zorro


Batman 66 continued:
Mars appears to be on it - https://www.collectorfreaks.com/threads/next-mars-toys-batman-figure.248449/

James West and Artemus Gordon

Green Hornet & Kato

Wakanda forev...Wonder Woman (Lynda Cordova Carter) Surprised she hasn't been done

Kwai Chang Caine

Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman continued:
Supermad is on it - https://www.collectorfreaks.com/threads/supermadtoys-1-6-bionic-man.180514/

A Harryhausen Heroes and Creatures line -
Sinbad, Jason & Argonauts, Perseus from Titans....



Lee, Kelly, Saxon

Alain Delon as Zorro

John Phillip Law as Diabolik

Kabir Bedi as Sandokan

Alejandro Jodorowsky as El Topo
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Pulp era, classic Comicstrip & Movie Serials line:

Zorro (pulp/movie serial version; full mask, black powder flintlock pistols (retractible sword))
Tarzan (E.R.B
John Carter of Mars (E.R.B
David Innes (explorer look) (E.R.B

The Shadow (Street & Smith versions
Doc Savage (S&S
The Avenger (S&S
The Spider (pulp fright mask version)
The Black Bat
The Bat (Johnston McCulley's version

Conan (R.E.H pulps
Bêlit the Pirate Queen (R.E.H
Kull (R.E.H
Red Sonya of Rogatino (R.E.H (yes with a "y" 1529 Siege of Vienna setting, not the Marvel version)
Solomon Kane (R.E.H
The Hawk Diego de Guzman ((R.E.H (Road of Azrael
El Borak (R.E.H (Francis Xavier Gordon

Flash Gordon (King Features (Alex Raymond (comics version
The Phantom (pre Sunday comics gray) (King Features (Lee Falk
Mandrake (King Features (Lee Falk (comics
Secret Agent X-9 (King Features (Dashiell Hammett/ Alex Raymond

Miss. Fury (golden age comic book
Dick Tracy (comic strip version ...etc


90s versions were actually somewhat faithful, 1:6 figures would be great.

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Just a small handful of ideas:

Illang the Wolf Brigade main guy in full armor

Mass Effect: Liara, Samara, cerberus troopers, Garrus, Tali, loki mech etc etc

Crysis: Nanosuit 1.0, Korean Nanosuit, CELL Nanosuit, CELL trooper

Doom: classic Doomguy, Imp, Samuel Hayden, Darklord in his mech, Doom 3 marine, Revenant, Summoner etc

Marvel: Hammer drones, team suit War Machine, Ultron drone, remaining house party protocol suits

Star Wars: Aala Secura, Old Republic troopers, Imperial super commandos, republic commandos, Gen 1 TK's, McQuarrie TK, armored Saecee Tinn, captain Fordo, Scuba trooper, Durge, Imperial navy commando, Triton Squad trooper, Oola, admiral Piett, Cinta Kaz, Deedra Meero, Syril Karn, JFO Purge trooper, phase 0 darktrooper, old republic Sith trooper, etc etc

District 9 prawns and Wickus, Quorra from Tron Legacy, ODST's, classic Master Chief and Cortana from Halo, Duke Nukem, Serious Sam and many many many more
Monkey, Sandy, Pigsy, Horse ans Tripitaka from NHK Monkey 1980 TV series.

Sonny Chiba in The Streetfighter

Pullo & Vorenus from Rome

Arthur and Lancelot from Excalibur in full armour.

A Sindbad of some description from any of the Harryhausen era classics, even Sindbad or Arabian Adventures. Doesn't even need a great likeness, but must have a flying carpet base.

THE WHOLE team from Battle of the Planets/Gatchaman. Not just Ken, Jun and bloody Joe...

All in for an Errol Flynn Robin Hood too

Happy to say a lot of my wishlist that I never thought I'd ever get over the last five years, like Batman 66/Watchmen/Pink Panther/Taxi Driver/Das Boot have already been made a reality or in the process of being a reality.
Would love those Monkey figures! When I was a kid I painted a Kirk 3 3/4” figure to look like Monkey, made his staff out of a q-tip and his cloud out of cotton wool. Good times.
Other figs would be Jake and Elwood Blues, Maxwell Smart, Agent 99 and Chief, Alex Rogan and Grigg from The Last Starfighter (oh, and Catherine Mary Stewart for reasons),
Flynn and Tron, OG Battlestar Galactica Cylon, Apollo & Starbuck, Lynda Carter Wonder Woman….so many.
A good 1/6 Big Chap would be amazing too.
Sideshow have their 30th birthday extravaganza this week. It would be cool to see them announce new versions of Snake Plissken and Ash from Evil Dead 2 given their license announcements a couple of months ago.

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